Reels On Wheels - International Shorts On The Road Film Festival ()

Fechas Límite

09 may 2023

29 jun 2023
Festival Cerrado

21 ago 2023
Fecha de notificación

16 sep 2023
23 sep 2023


Berliner Allee 56,  30175, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Alemania

Descripción del festival
Festival de cortometrajes
Festival de largometrajes

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 Cualquier género
 Cualquier tema
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Ubicación física
 Fecha de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de rodaje: Cualquiera
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Cualquiera
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Cualquier idioma
Inglés Alemán
Compartir en Redes Sociales

Photo of Reels On Wheels - International Shorts On The Road Film Festival
Photo of Reels On Wheels - International Shorts On The Road Film Festival
Photo of Reels On Wheels - International Shorts On The Road Film Festival
Photo of Reels On Wheels - International Shorts On The Road Film Festival

Español ML

Inicio Festival: 16 septiembre 2023      Fin Festival: 23 septiembre 2023

Welcome to REELS ON WHEELS! From September 16th until September 23rd REELS ON WHEELS will be held at KINO IM KÜNSTLERHAUS in Hannover/Germany. During this week we will present a varied overview of contemporary cinema. The festival is an unconventional take on the actual cinema and film scene in Germany and an innovative way of re-thinking film screenings in the 21st century.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our next festival edition.

Wiebke Thomsen and Johannes Thomsen
(The festival crew)


REELS ON WHEELS is an international short film festival and an ambitious tribute to cinema's first walking attempts, when movies were shown at traditional fairs, in bars and other places where people came together.

REELS ON WHEELS is an unconventional and independent take on Germany's cinema culture in the 21st century and a passionate attempt to re-connect people to cinema as one of the most power- and wonderful art forms we have.

REELS ON WHEELS is organized and run by only two people: Wiebke Thomsen and Johannes Thomsen, cinema artists, decorated movie theater operators and film nerds from Hanover (Germany).

REELS ON WHEELS is an open, independent an social inclusive film festival for filmmakers worldwide. Every participant in the festival will be treated equally, with fairness, respect and open hearts. The festival speaks up against racism and discrimination of any kind. The festival team is committed to running an environmentally conscious festival.

If you are a filmmaker, please visit our "SUBMIT" page. There you will find every detail about the submission process at REELS ON WHEELS.

1. The Fuzzbinder (200€)

The Fuzzbinder is an award only for German short and mid-length films with a total length of not more than 60 minutes. This category features all kinds of films as long as they present a cinematic picture. The Fuzzbinder is endowed with 200€ for the winning film.

2. The Felleenee (200€)

The Felleenee is an award only for European short and mid-length films (except German films) with a total length of not more than 60 minutes. This category features all kinds of films as long as they present a cinematic picture. The Felleenee is endowed with 200€ for the winning film.

3. The Linsh (200€)

The Linsh is an award for short and mid-length films from all over the world (except European films) with a total length of not more than 60 minutes. This category features all kinds of films as long as they present a cinematic picture. The Linsh is endowed with 200€ for the winning film.

4. The Reel (200€)

The Reel is an award for contemporary films from all over the world. We accept films of all kinds and lengths as long as they present a cinematic picture and an innovative concept. The Reel is endowed with 200€ for the winning film.

Submit your film to Reels On Wheels: On this page you will find all the neccessary details on how to submit your film as well as our terms and conditions.

Before you submit your film to our festival, please read the following terms and conditions, which are mandatory parts of the submission process. Please keep in mind that you agree to these terms and conditions when you submit your film.


You can submit your film in one of our four submission categories:

1. The Fuzzbinder: Short and Mid-length films (max. 60 minutes) from Germany
2. The Felleenee: Short and Mid-length films (max. 60 minutes) from Europe except Germany
3. The Linsh: Short and Mid-length films (max. 60 minutes) from all over the world except Europe
4. The Reel: all kinds of innovative films (without limitation of playing time) from all over the world

- There is no submission fee.

- REELS ON WHEELS is a film festival for live audiences in real venues. Submitted films will not be shown online.

- Your film must be in German or English language or have at least English subtitles

- By submitting the film to one of our four categories, you allow REELS ON WHEELS - if the film has officially been selected by our team - to publicly show the film as part of the festival.

- By submitting the film to one of our four categories, you agree, that REELS ON WHEELS will not pay any screening fee or any other fee to show your film as part of the festival.

- REELS ON WHEELS guarantees, that the screening file or copy will not be given to any third party. It will not be re-distributed in any way or used in any other context than the festival screenings and selection process.

- REELS ON WHEELS guarantees, that the screening file or copy will be sent back or deleted immediately after the last screening.

- If your film is selected in one of the four categories, you are qualifying for one of our four audience awards endowed with 200 Euro each.

- The four awards will be given to the films with the highest audience rating in each category.



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