REFF React Short Film Fest ()


03 Nov 2019
Call for entries

31 Jan 2020
Early deadline

31 Mar 2020
Standard deadline

31 May 2020
Late deadline

30 Sep 2020
Festival closed

30 Sep 2020
Notification date

08 Oct 2020
10 Oct 2020


Corso Mazzini,  88100, Catanzaro , Catanzaro, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 21'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 21'<
 Any language
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Photo of REFF React Short Film Fest
Photo of REFF React Short Film Fest
Photo of REFF React Short Film Fest
Photo of REFF React Short Film Fest


Festival start: 08 October 2020      Festival end: 10 October 2020

React Film Fest was born from the need to create a showcase and a platform for all types of Shorts: narrative and artistic short films, commercials, video clips, pilot for web series, documentaries and short animation shorts.
The festival mission is, as its name goes, to create a great cinema and audiovisual feast; the artistic direction of the festival intends to give space and reward the art, creativity and the beauty not only with a statuette but with employment contracts, stages, workshops and distribution of the directors and of the works rewarded.
We want to promote knowledge and diffusion of international cinema in all its forms of art, entertainment and industry, in a spirit of freedom and dialog. This idea was born from the precise consideration that today, in Italy, there are not festivals that create opportunities for viral diffusion of young and talented directors who should be rewarded by the public - first of all - and thanks to the audience reactions to reach the necessary production opportunities and financing channels. The goal is to create a movement that change the rules of cinematographic game where it is too often difficult to find a place and we are convinced that the cinema festivals are still the best place to explore the independent work and makes it note. YouTube and Vimeo are so overcrowded that good short films are in underwater position. The priority of the REACT Film Fest is to show the best of the best. We provide to filmmakers the opportunity to share their short films with an enthusiastic and reactive audience which want to see new films, new faces and new arts.
REACT Film Fest wants to celebrate the Italian and international cinema and with an international competition reserved for audiovisual works that represent new aesthetic and expressive trends of the worldwide cinema, with particular regard to the beginnings, emerging and not yet established authors, minor and less known cinematography, but also works which compete with the genres and the current production with innovation intent and creative originality. The kermesse allows directors to submit their works to be judged by professionals and challenge with other talented directors. The discovery of new generations of filmmakers and the realization of their dreams are the main pillars of the REACT Film Fest.

Cash Prizes: 1,000$

REFF Awards:

- Best Short

- Best Animated Short

REFF Extra:

- Best Actor
the winner will work in a new film that will be produced from the REFF in 2020.

- Best Actress
the winner will work in a new film that will be produced from the REFF in 2020.
- Best Photography
the winner will work in a new film that will be produced from the REFF in 2020.

REFF Special GOI Award
prize money (1.000 €) will be given to one of the director who has won one of the main category to bear the costs for a new short film production in 2021.
The prize will be decided by the unquestionable jury.

Art. 1 Organization
REACT Short Film Fest is organized by Carpa Production srl, film production company based in Catanzaro, and Gesto e Parola, a cultural association based in Catanzaro, too. It will hold in the archaeological site of the Parco della Biodiversità Mediterranea in Catanzaro between June and July of each year.
REACT Short Film Fest accepts the following genres: narrative shorts, animation shorts, pilot for web series, drone video, phone movie and music videos with a maximum duration of 20 minutes and the obligation of English subtitles, penalty the exclusion from the competition.
The short film submission is done through the accredited platforms FilmFreeway.

Art. 2 Selection
After the selection, the director/producer/user will be notified through the accredited web platforms and will have the right to compete to prizes and to use the official logo of the Festival for advertising and promotional purposes.
When films will come out in any form (screening rooms, web, streaming, pay tv etc) producers and distributors of films in competition undertake to put a sign with the mention of the received award and the logo of the REACT film fest.
The director/producer/user is required to select the correct category of his work through the web platforms to avoid the disqualification. Further categories are accessible only after the registration for a main category. The works included in more than one category can win multiple awards.

2.1 Conditions of admission to the selection
Works already submitted in and out of competition with other international events are accepted, included those broadcast on Internet.
React short film festival reserves the right to refuse registrations.
The movies that have already participated to previous REACT SHORT FILM FESTIVAL editions and that have already been excluded are not accepted.

2.2 allowed formats
the only allowed formats for screening are:
• .mp4

2.3 Tuition fees
For every submitted short film to the REACT Short Film Fest contest a separate payment is necessary, the registration fee is not reimbursable.
The submission and the payment must be done through FilmFreeway.

The submission deadlines of the short films are divided as it follows:
• January 31st 2020, "Early bird" deadline;
• March 31st 2020, "Regular deadline"
• May 31st 2020, "late deadline";
• July 31st 2020, "Extended deadline."

The different deadlines also have an increase in the price. Prices, moreover, change by the short duration. For further information, they are published on the SUBMISSION page on the official site web that explains the short films costs according the short duration and the specific deadline.

For further information about the submission and the payment, you can send an mail to

2.4 Materials to be sent for selection
To be admitted to the selection, within the expiration dates, is necessary:
• to subscribe online on the platforms;
• to pay the registration fee;
• to send an information sheet about the director and about the film with useful information on synopsis, director notes and production context of the opera at the following email address:;
• for all the works of different nationalities from the Italian one, it is required to register for the selection a version with English subtitles (including movies in original English version);

In case the director/producer/user was not in possession of a FilmFreeway profile, it is possible to apply sending an email to the address with subscription document, proof of the registration fee payment and the file of the short film.
It urges the sending of informative material about the submitted work only in electronic format at the address:
The receipt of the subscription implies the legal acceptance of this regulation in all its parts and the invitation on the part of all recipients, the acceptance that is considered as definitive and irrevocable.

2.5 Program
The invitation of the work must remain absolutely confidential until the announcement of the winning five works from the REACT Film Fest within 15 Jun 2020, penalty the exclusion from the selection. The general program and the timetables of the screenings are the exclusive responsibility of the Artistic Direction.

2.6 Catalogue
All the necessary material for the REACT Film Fest catalogue (synopsis, artistic and technical cast, biography and complete filmography of the Director, photos of the director and actors, b/w or color scenes of the film, short remarks of Director about the film) shall be sent as soon as possible and in any case not later than 15 June 2020 via ordinary mail or via e-mail to this address: and it has to have the indication "Catalogue Material ".

2.7 Promotional press material
The owners of the invited works must send, within 15 June 2020, the promotional materials (press book, film and the director digital images, material video, audio clip, etc) for the distribution to the press and the potential buyers, in the quantities that will be indicated after the invitation. Shipping charges will be borne by the sender.

Art. 3 Work’s rights
Presenting its work, the director/producer/user notes to grant the rights of the work to react Film Fest (including trailer / teaser / posters / sequences etc.) for promotional purposes.
For this purpose, REACT Film Fest promotes the works in competition by loading the trailers / teasers / posters / sequences on the website and on its social media. The person or the company that presents the work ensures that he/it is authorized to engage it for screening and accepts the present regulation in all its parts.

Art. 4 Forbidding
Are expressly forbidden:
• extremist or propaganda contents of religious or politics organizations;
• works against the law

Art. 5 Awards
REFF awards are represented by the works/sculpture of the artist …. and from the encounter among the winners, the world of distribution and cinema production through work contracts and collaborations.
The works must have been selected in at least one category in order to benefit from the additional prizes. The partners offer the production of a new short film project of the winners; the best of each category will be included in work in progress productions; the distribution of winning short films and that are in production in the festival. The prize money will exclusively be finalized to the production of new works of the winning directors. The production activities of the new project are based in Calabria. The funds for the new productions are provided by Calabrian public body and/or from Calabria Film Commission, according to the cases. Therefore, as it prescribes the law, the new short films will have to be shot, in order to be valid, in Calabria and the 70% of the technical and artistic cast must be composed of Calabrian people.

5.1 Main categories:
• Best Narrative Short
• Best Animation Short
5.2 Additional awards
• Best Actor
• Best Actress
• Best Photography

5.3 Special award
• GOI award

Art. 6 Juries and Awards
The Director of the REACT FILM FEST, regarding the selection of the proposed works and to the identification of the set of five works for each category, will be assisted by a staff of experts as well as by a group of international correspondents and consultants. They will be responsible for geographical areas and will be disclosed in May 2020.
Each section will report its own decision.
Juries will operate according to its own rules; where appropriate, the Director of the Festival will be able to assist their jobs, supporting them with regard to regulations and practices.
The juries will be composed of at least 5 personalities from the world of cinema and culture of different countries, except who has collaborated in the creation of the submitted works or who may have an interest in their distribution.
It is excluded the possibility of conferring of ex aequo.
In addition, the same work may receive only one of the main awards provided by regulation. However, in special cases and heard the opinion of the Director of the festival, the Jury may derogate from this rule.
The Juries of the festival can remove the work from the competition at any time behind justified and manifest reason.

Art. 7 Responsibility
The director/producer/user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless React Film Fest, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages and expenses (including legal fees and court costs) which may arise in the event of any dispute regarding copyright, trademarks, credits, advertising, screening.
In any event, the Court of Catanzaro will have the jurisdiction over any disputes.

Art. 8 Travel and Accommodation Expenses
Travel expenses shall be paid by the director/producer/user, while the room and board expenses for one person of one finalist team shall be paid by the Festival. For any accompanying person that will be able to use a discount on the list price of the affiliated hotels and restaurants.

Art. 9 Exploitation of Works
The works are and will be used by the organization of the Festival exclusively for cultural purposes, without any intention of making a profit. The best sequences can be programmed by means of communication for the React Film Fest promotional purposes, before, during and after the Festival, also in collaboration with public institutions, media, schools, etc.
The Organization reserves the right to use the names of participants of the festival inside its own promotional activities. In order to further promotion, the submitted works will be screened during International Festival for the same purposes. The use excludes any commercial purpose. They will not be diffused to other uses without the express authorization of who owns the rights.
Who presents the work declares that it is the owner of the same and authorizes:
• maximum diffusion of the work (that is not subjected to any law or other allowances), providing his work to the bodies who request it.
• The vision of the videos by delegates, accredited journalists and observers, scholars invited by the organization of the Festival.
• The deposit in the archive of the organization of the Festival, of the submitted copies, intended exclusively for study, documentation and institutional activities.
The director/producer/User declares to be in compliance with the rules which concern the cine-television rights: participants will be directly responsible for any claims or claims for damages for having presented the work at the festival.

Art. 10 Acceptance
The sending of the opera includes the compliance with this Regulation. It is the responsibility of producers, distributors or other subjects that present the film guarantee to be legitimately entitled to submit the film to React Film Fest.
The Director of the REACT Film Fest has the right to settle all cases not provided by this Regulation and to derogate from the regulation itself in particular and well-motivated cases.
For any dispute about the interpretation of individual articles of the Regulation is authentic the original Italian text and is under the jurisdiction of the Court of Catanzaro.

ART. 11 Historical Archive of Contemporary Arts
Authors and producers of films presented to React Film Fest are invited to make a gift of a copy of the work that will be deposited at the Historical Archive of Contemporary Arts of REACT Film Fest and destined solely for study and documentation purposes, excluding any commercial use in order to protect the interests of authors and producers. In addition, the authors and producers of all awarded films must deposit a copy of the work at least on high definition digital media, with the official logo, the indication of the relative section and of the won prizes to React Film Fest.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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