Rueda. Festival Internacional de Cinema Ciclista de Barcelona (0)

Rueda, International Cycling Film Festival of Barcelona


09 May 2016
Call for entries

30 Jun 2016
Festival closed

15 Jul 2016
Notification date

06 Oct 2016
09 Oct 2016


C/Sant Pere Mes Alt 68, 1º-2ª,  08003, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Festival description
Bycicle or cycling and cyclists stories.
Short film festival 30'<
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Feature Films 
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Festival start: 06 October 2016      Festival end: 09 October 2016

We invite you to participate in the second edition of RUEDA International Cyclist Film Festival of Barcelona that will be held on October 6-7-8-9th 2016.

The festival includes a competitive section and a non-competitive section.

Films screened in competition are eligible for one or more jury prizes:

Rueda Best Feature Film
Rueda Best Short Film
People’s Choice Award

All awards come with a cash prize. All genres are welcome if and when the bycicle or cycling and cyclists are part of the story.

Call for submissions will remain open until june 30th 2016.
Camera, bicycle…we are rolling!

Cash Prizes: 2,000€

Through an open call, filmmakers can compete for three prizes in cash:

· Rueda Award for Best Feature Film €1000
· Rueda Award for Best Short Film €500
· Audience Award €500

The first two will be selected by a jury formed by well-known professionals
from the film, culture and sports industries.

The third one will be selected by the audience who will be able to vote after each session.

Call for entries 2016

We invite you to participate at the second edition of RUEDA International Cyclist Film
Festival of Barcelona that will be held on October 6-7-8-9 2016.

The festival includes a competitive section and a no -competitive section. The works in
the competitive section will compete for three cash prizes:

Rueda Best Film, Rueda Best Short and the Audience Prize.

All genres are welcome if and when they have the cyclists’ world or a cycle as protagonist.


RUEDA will select works that fulfil the following requests:

Genre and techniques:

All kind of films will be accepted (documentary, fiction, animation...) providing bicycle appears on the foreground or as a main protagonist.

Production date:
from January 1st 2015

Submission date:
June 30st 2016

No restrictions on minimum or maximum.

consider short the films that
has a running time of 30 minutes or less.

In production:
in case the film is still in production it is possible sending a work in progress
version. The creator will have to send a list of the missing items and ensure to
submit the complete film on the agreed date, clearly the most finished is better so we
will be able to decide whether or not include it in the festival.

There is no maximum number of jobs per author to participate in Rueda.

Although all work submitted must be accompanied by their respective registration.


1. The Selection Committee of Rueda, Festival International de Cinema Ciclista de Barcelona will assess all national and international films to select titles that make up the Competitive Section.

2. The Rueda Award for Best Film and the
Rueda Award for Best Short Film
will be awarded by a jury composed of at least three people with clear recognition and experience in the world of cinema or cycling*.

They will be in charge of watching movies (long and short) and evaluate all the Rueda’s Selection Committee selected to participate in the competitive section of the festival. People that are directly connected to any film in the
competition cannot be a member of these juries.

The Audience Award will be for the most voted film by everyone attending physical
sessions of the Rueda Festival.

Honorable Mention
will be awarded to one of the selected works and will be granted by the Rueda Selection Committee.

3. The jury

* will communicate by email to the contact address provided on the registration
form and will not be subject to appeal.

Prizes will be awarded only to contestant films of the competitive section, not of the
showing section.

Prizes will be in cash and shall be:
RUEDA Award for Best Film: € 1000
RUEDA Award for Best Short film: €500
Audience Award: €500

Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of the present rules in all its respects.

The Rueda organization regulates the not provided cases.

* The Jury’s profiles will be published one month before the festival on the website
of the Festival. The decisions of the judges are final and may not be justified.

Film cannot compete if
• It has already been broadcasted on television in Spain
• It has been uploaded publicly on the internet.
A special care will be given that the
• competing works are a novelty.

Registration is free and can be accomplished by completing the online registration form
where you must add a private link to Vimeo to view the full movie. You will receive an
email confirming your film has been registered. Once the film has been viewed the author
will be informed if his work has been selected or not to participate in the festival.


If your film has been selected you will have to send us a copy of a full HD for the

Formats that are accepted are these:
Mov. file in is best quality format for the screening.

DCP and Blue Ray only if these are available with Spanish subtitle. Codec: H.264 codec or similar.


If the movie has dialogues you will have to add to the documents the text file .srt in the
registration form.

If the Spanish subtitles are available, we ask you to send directly a copy with the subtitle

If the film doesn’t have Spanish subtitles, you will have to send a .srt file with the complete
text transcript (in the language to be decided)

The .srt file timecode should match with the duration of the film for the screening.

How to send you file
Depending on your file weight you can send a copy via :
• Vimeo post in correct format set to be a downloadable file
* File transfer service such as Dropbox
* File hosted on your server that we can download
You can also send a pen drive, a hard drive by regular mail to this address:
Selected films mailed from abroad should carry marked on the outside of the package:

Shipping costs are the charge of the participants.

The organization reserves the right of exclusivity of the official selected
titles list, and to decide the order and date of exhibition of each work and in
wich section. The Festival agrees not to project each title more than three times
(without considering possible previous passes for press).

Once signed the participation agreement and the exhibition permission, the selected
works may not be withdraw from the
Festival up till the Festival closure date; along with the obligation to provide the
Festival with all materials needed for an optimal projection with anticipation. The
Festival could refuse participation to any film that does not gather technical requirements for a good quality display.

Will not be accepted any analogue format without previous scanning.

Any form partially completed, or sent by
other means than post (requested) will NOT be

Will not be accepted as valid any viewing
outside of Vimeo.

Digital medium sent to the festival
will not be returned.

Any problems with the viewing
of the material will be reported to the contact
person shown on the registration form.

The sending of any type of video material joined together with its corresponding
entry form will grant the organization of the festival the right to use all or part of the work content for any edition or promotional video of the Rueda, Festival International de Cinema Ciclista de Barcelona.



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