Festival start: 01 October 2018
Festival end: 07 October 2018
The Sandalia Sustainability Film Festival has an important role in raising people's awareness of sustainability issues through cinematographic works, offering an opportunity to exchange ideas with people from all over the world, thus promoting values, spreading knowledge and techniques. , with the aim of inducing virtuous behavior, for a sustainable present and future. We assume that the first step for the awakening of consciences is to be able to access the right information, meaning the information purified by political, economic and speculative interests, the one that also reveals the truths that are often hidden.
We think that the audio-visual medium is a very effective means to inform with emotion, to suggest new possible existential models, to envisage new solutions to problems, to connect people from all over the planet, in order to safeguard Mother Earth and for a present and a future that is dignified and happily livable for everyone.
The Festival takes place in Sardinia, and in this edition it will take place, always in itinerant form, between the end of July and the beginning of October, also involving the Schools. In the various stages will be screened all the films in competition and even some out of competition, and will propose workshops, meetings with directors, seminars, conferences, shows, markets, related to the cinema and sustainability.Art.2 THEMES
All sustainability issues are allowed, at the discretion of the proposer; it will then be the pre-selection commission to assess whether the subject of the proposed film is themed, and to assess the presence of a minimum of technical-artistic requisites to be admitted to the Competition.
The film can be a denunciation, thus showing situations that do not respect the principles of sustainability, or the enhancement of sustainable practices. Both types of films are important and allowed, as the first step towards a more sustainable world is to understand in depth all the aspects resulting from what human beings do, as individuals and as groups, and in many cases this means showing unsustainable situations, and even situations that, although they seem sustainable, are not, giving all the information necessary to make them understand why they are not.
The following list shows as an example some of the areas on which the subject of the proposed film may relate: some areas concern unsustainable practices, others are virtuous models of sustainability, and still others are generic areas in which both unsustainable and practical practices can be implemented sustainable. As already mentioned, we believe that showing unsustainable choices and actions - highlighting why they are not - is one of the steps to get to put into practice, and to demand that sustainable choices and actions be put into practice.
Use of the territory and resources
Indiscriminate exploitation of resources
Environmental consequences of oil extraction
Military servitude
Wild urbanizations
Collection and reuse of rainwater
Pollution (air, water, earth)
Waste management and consequences on the territory
Waste reduction and recovery
Sustainable landscape design
Access to natural resources
Valorisation and preservation of natural resources
etc. etc.
Agriculture and nutrition
Industrial agriculture
Monocultures to produce fuels
The poisons used in agriculture
Additives and dyes in food
Healthy foods versus less healthy foods
Awareness of what you eat
Food waste
Food choices / eating disorders
Food at km 10.000 / food at km 0
Herbs, roots and edible spontaneous fruits
Natural agriculture
Biological agriculture
Biodynamic agriculture
Agriculture and rural culture
Food sovereignty
etc. etc.
Natural systems, ecology and health
Animal rights
Dyeing plants
Plants as fertilizers
Impact of petroleum derivatives on the environment
Effects of oil derivatives on human health
The alternatives to plastic derived from oil
etc. etc.
Earth warming
Climate changes
Resource regeneration
Renewable energy sources
Energy efficiency
Energy sovereignty
Self-production of energy
Bio-construction, ecological buildings and passive houses
Sustainable mobility
Speculative economic policies
Exploitation in the workplace
New models of societies based on equity, awareness, alternative and solidary economies
Valorization of individual differences
Resource production and distribution systems
Consumption and conscious choices
Active citizenship and participatory processes
Disurbanism and transition
Peace, nonviolence and human rights
Right to health for all
etc. etc.
Environmental Sustainability and Social Sustainability are often closely intertwined, we separately list some of their themes as an example.
However, the list is not exhaustive of all the issues concerning Sustainability.
Individuals or groups of people of any age and nationality can participate.
The author can use a pseudonym or an artistic name in the titles of the work, while in all the documents sent he will necessarily have to write the personal name, indicating in brackets the pseudonym or the name of the art used.
The works admitted to the Competition, without limits of duration, are:
documentary films
fiction film
animation film
experimental films
The submitted works may have been produced in any year, and may have already been presented in other competitions.
The works in non-Italian language must be subtitled in Italian or in English, and must be sent by e-mail, to ssff.iscrizioni@gmail.com, the list of dialogues in English or, preferably, the .srt file in English.
Cash Prizes: 8,000€
The following prizes will be awarded:
1° Award Best Film: 1500 European euro
2° Award Best Film: 1000 European euro
1° Award Best Sustainabilities: 1500 European euro
2° Award Best Sustainabilities: 1000 European euro
3° Award Best Sustainabilities: 500 European euro
Award Best Sardinian Film( of Sardinian director and set in Sardinia ):
1000 European euro ( The film can be of any type among those listed in Article 3 )
Award Best Animation Film: 500 European euro
Award Best Short Film ( of duration up to 5 minutes): 500 European euro
Award Best Film of the School: 500 European euro
Other Awards (not in money):
Award Best Film on the theme of natural agriculture and agro-ecology and/or biodiversity' and/or food sovereignty: Sardinian handicraft product
Award Best Film on the theme of use of territory and/or civic uses and/or participated territorial planning: Sardinian handicraft product
Award Best Film on the topic of regeneration of resources and/or self-production: Sardinian handicraft product
Award Best Film on the theme of ecological constructions: Sardinian handicraft product
Award Best Film on the theme of new models of society founded on equity awareness,
alternative economies and solidali, promotion of the natural health and respect of the
environment: Sardinian handicraft product
The Official Jury and the Artistic Direction can also give Special Mentions to other works of particular value.
*The Awards will be assigned to the best overall film in directing, photography, screenplay, subject matter and “Best Sustainability” ( as outlined in the five criteria written in Art.4 )
The list of films that pass in competition will be published in tranches, as the preselection proceeds, on the site www.sandaliafilmfestival.com and the authors will be sent an e-mail notification.
The authors of the winning films will be contacted by e-mail by September 7th.
The Award Ceremony will be held on 6-7 October 2018.
Awards will be credited on a later date.
Individuals or groups of any age and nationality may participate.
Participation requires a fee of 10 european euro.
Authors may utilize pseudonyms or nicknames in the film credits but must provide his or her real birth name along with the pseudonym in parenthesis on all application materials.
The works admitted to the Competition are:
Documentary films
Fiction films
Animation films
Docu-fiction films
Mockumentary films
Sperimental films
Works of any duration are allowed.
The entered works may have been produced in any year, and they may have been already presented in other competitions.
Sandalia Sustainability Film Festival
Short and Feature Films >1' 60'<
Standard Fee10€ -8% 9.2€
Submissions deadline
30 Jul 18
Save up
Il Sandalia Sustainability Film Festival ha un ruolo di rilievo nel sensibilizzare le persone sulle
tematiche della sostenibilità attraverso le opere cinematografiche, offrendo un'opportunità di
confronto con idee di persone provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, promuovendo in questo modo
valori, diffondendo saperi e tecniche, con l’obiettivo di indurre comportamenti virtuosi, per un
presente ed un futuro sostenibili.
In questa edizione è previsto un maggior numero di Premi al fine di stimolare maggiormente la
produzione audiovisiva sulle tematiche della Sostenibilità e portare così la popolazione ad acquisire
sempre maggiore consapevolezza e a poter scegliere nuovi stili di vita sostenibili, propagando
l’onda del cambiamento virtuoso attualmente in atto. Per far ciò è stata avviata una campagna di
crowdfunding, in base all’esito della quale sarà possibile aggiungere alcuni dei nuovi Premi -
auspicabilmente tutti – descritti più avanti.
Il “cuore” del Festival sono il Comune di Abbasanta e il Comune di Norbello, due paesi limitrofi in cui
nell’arco di due settimane, tra fine Settembre ed inizio Ottobre, verranno proiettati tutti i film in
concorso, e si proporranno masterclass di cinema, laboratori, seminari, conferenze, spettacoli,
mostre, mercatini, il tutto sui vari ambiti della sostenibilità.Il Festival prevede poi un proseguo di “visioni itineranti” in tutta l’isola, in particolar modo nelle
Scuole - come è stato fatto nell’edizione 2016 grazie ad un finanziamento della Regione Sardegna -
attraverso collaborazioni già attivate con associazioni locali e nuove collaborazioni, al fine di creare
una rete sempre più attiva per la promozione della Sostenibilità.
Partiamo dal presupposto che il primo passo per il risveglio delle coscienze sia quello di poter
accedere alla giusta informazione, intendendo con ciò l’informazione depurata da interessi politici,
economici e speculativi, quella che rivela anche le verità che spesso vengono occultate.
Vogliamo che tutti possano vivere una vita dignitosa, in salute, con giusta abbondanza di risorse e
felicità, in quanto ciò è un diritto di tutti, umani e non umani. Non possiamo continuare a subire
soprusi, ingiustizie, sfruttamenti, discriminazioni, manipolazioni, inganni!
Pensiamo che il mezzo audio-visivo - che sia un documentario, un’opera di fiction, di animazione, una
docu-fiction, un mockumentary o un qualsiasi altro genere - sia un mezzo molto efficace per
informare con emozione, per suggerire nuovi possibili modelli esistenziali, per prospettare nuove
soluzioni ai problemi, per mettere in connessione persone provenienti da ogni parte del pianeta, al
fine di salvaguardare Madre Terra e per un presente ed un futuro dignitosamente e felicemente
vivibili per tutti.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.