The objective of SECINDI with this Short Film Competition, included in the Inclusive Film and Diversity Festival, is to encourage and reward the best national and international short films to give visibility to films whose theme is linked in some way with functional diversity and inclusion to make them accessible to all people.
현금 수상: 1,500€
1st Prize Best Short Film. € 1,000 + trophy.
2nd Prize for Best Short Film. € 500 + trophy.
Press Award. Trophy.
Audience Award. Trophy.
Best Direction Award.
Best Screenplay Award.
Best Actress Award.
Best Actor Award.
Bases for participation in the 6th Edition of the SECINDI Short Film Contest
The objective of SECINDI with this short film competition, included in the Inclusive Film and Diversity Festival, is to encourage and reward national and international filmmakers to give visibility to films whose theme is linked to diversity and inclusion and to promote the representativeness of functional diversity in the cinema, in addition to making them accessible to all people.
The 6th edition of SECiNDI, Week of Inclusive Cinema and Diversity, is scheduled to be held from October 02 to 07, 2023 in the city of Mérida, where the selected finalist short films can be seen in the different sections.
Two Sections are established:
Films shot in any format, silent or with incorporated sound, of any nationality, produced after January 1, 2021, that have not been awarded in previous editions of this contest, may be submitted to the Contest.
The theme of the films must be linked in some way with diversity in all its areas, with functional diversity as a priority.
Registration for all participants is done by ON LINE procedure through the Platforms:
There is only one category. Each registered work will be eligible for one of the prizes.
The registration period begins on March 07, 2023 and the registration deadline is August 07, 2023.
Only entries that arrive on time will be accepted and incomplete applications will not be considered.
1. Films whose production date is prior to 01/01/2021 will not be accepted.
2. Similarly, works that have been awarded in previous editions of the Festival will not be accepted.
3. The genre of the production will be fiction, documentary and animation.
4. The maximum duration of the short film will be 30 minutes.
5. The theme will have to be linked in some way to inclusion, diversity, with priority given to functional diversity. All works of a promotional, advertising or corporate nature will be excluded.
6. The films that register for their selection, must be presented in the following way:
•The language of the dialogues, or locution, may be in the original version.
•They must have subtitles in Spanish (Castilian), mandatory. (Recommended Closed captions).
7. Each author may submit up to a maximum of 2 works.
8. The files for viewing and selection, if they are downloaded, will have the following characteristics.
•MOV file format, or MP4 / Codec: H264, AAC.
9. All works that do not meet the established requirements will be discarded. The Festival management reserves the right to program, as an exception, films that do not meet these requirements.
10. The participant ensures that the film presented is original and is not subject to contracts, assignments or licenses to third parties of copyright or intellectual property or other rights, except those of the author. SECiNDI assumes that the owners of the short films presented hold all the rights of exhibition and promotion of the works and material they represent, and declines any responsibility regarding the violation of this rule. The transfer of exhibition rights will be exclusively for the projections included in the section (or sections) in which the work accepts to register on the days of the festival.
11. The organization may reject works that do not offer technical guarantees. It also reserves the right to exclude from the Contest works whose content promotes hatred or discrimination.
The jury will be made up of film professionals and personalities from the world of culture and disability. This reserves the right to declare the prize void and its decision is final.
In the official competition section, there will be two prizes with financial endowment and a trophy. In others there will be an Audience Award with a trophy; the winning film will be the one that obtains the best score in the votes of the public attending the Official Section and a prize that will be awarded by representatives of the press. Also added award for best direction, award for best script, award for best female performance and award for best male performance.
There is only one category. Each registered work will be eligible for the following prizes:
First Prize for Best Short Film. €1,000 and Trophy.
Second Prize for Best Short Film. €500 and Trophy.
Audience Award. Trophy.
Press Award. Trophy.
Best Direction. Trophy.
Best screenplay. Trophy.
Best Female Actress. Trophy.
Best Male Actor. Trophy.
The award must be accepted by the beneficiary, thus accepting the conditions of the call, and will be delivered in Merida during the Festival Closing Gala, if it can be done in person.
SECiNDI reserves the right to incorporate new prizes and to replace the prizes with others of equal or greater value whenever there is a justified cause. In any case, such decision will always be duly communicated. The prizes are not interchangeable for any other prize at the request of the winners.
All prizes are subject to withholdings determined by current law.
The authors of the winning works or any representative thereof, except those residing outside of Spain, are recommended to be present at the awards Gala, in person or virtually.
The organization will select the films that will participate in the Official Competition Section and in the Special Out-of-Competition Section.
Those selected in the Official Competition Section will receive a NOMINATION to opt for one of the prizes, except for the Audience Award, which may go to any of the short films selected in the Official Competition Section. The nomination will be communicated in the week prior to the beginning of the Festival so that they can attend the day of the awards Gala.
SECiNDI has no obligation to disclose the reasons for their selection to the participants about the films presented.
The Festival will inform the applicants of the selected films before September 1, 2023, who will receive the notification by email.
The selected films will appear in the Festival Catalog and will be exhibited in public sessions within the dates of the Festival. The screening dates will be announced through the Festival Program.
The copies in their projection format of the winning Short Films will remain the property of the Festival, which will only use them for non-profit purposes.
The selected works will have to be in their projection format before September 5.
The works selected for the contest will be announced on the Festival's website. Previous confirmation will be sent by email to each selected.
Since the Festival promotes inclusion, all the selected works that are screened during the Festival will have subtitles for people with hearing disabilities and audio description for people with visual disabilities.
The films sent for screening must be presented as follows:
•The language of the dialogues, or locution, may be in the original version.
•They must have subtitles in Spanish (Castilian), mandatory. (Recommended Closed captions).
The subtitles can be embedded in the image, or send them in srt format.
The exhibition copy of the shorts that are selected must be uploaded to the FESTHOME link, or provide a download link in HD format with a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080 / MP4 HD file, Codec H264, AAC, with subtitles in Spanish (Castilian), before September 5, 2023.
In addition to the short film in digital format, the following must be sent:
•File with complete information about the short film that will be provided by the organization.
•Short film poster with maximum quality in jpg format.
•3 quality photographs of the short (minimum 800 x 600 pixels), in jpg format.
•1 photograph of the director or directors (minimum 800 x 600 pixels), in jpg format.
• Digitized copy of the DNI, passport, NIF or CIF of the director or directors, as well as of the person submitting the work to the competition, in jpg format.
•Press kit. (if you have it).
•The authors of the works selected for the competition may present their film before the screening and, if possible, will attend a subsequent discussion with the public. This can be done in person, or virtually, through streaming.
•The organization of the Festival will be responsible for one night's stay for a representative of each nominated short film, as well as living expenses.
•The producers of the selected short films authorize the use of a fragment of the works up to a maximum of three minutes, for possible dissemination in any media.
•The Organization may exhibit the selected short films during the Festival in the places and times it deems appropriate.
• The selected works that participate in the contest, may be projected by the organization, in other centers and rooms with an educational and non-commercial nature, and reserve the right to publish and reproduce them by other means, making mention of the author in such case. of the works.
•Any additional information or clarification will be provided by phone or e-mail addressed to the Festival Headquarters.
•All participants, by virtue of being participants, fully accept these rules, as well as the resolution by the Organization of any problem not included in them.
•The organization of the Festival reserves the right to resolve, as it deems most appropriate, any situation not foreseen in these rules.
•The selected short films will be screened publicly and free of charge in the different sessions, including the Closing Gala and awards Ceremony.
•The Closing Gala and awards Ceremony will take place in the projection room of the Stº Domingo Cultural Center of the CB Foundation in Mérida on Saturday, October 07, 2023.
For inquiries related to the bases and/or the registration process, you can visit the website, or write to:
SECiNDI Short films
단편영화 >2' 30'<
출품 마감일
07 8월 23
The objective of SECINDI with this short film contest, included in Extremadura's Inclusive Film and Disability Week, is to encourage and reward the best short films of national and international scope to give visibility to films made around disability and make them accessible to all the people