Sevil Beynəlxalq Qadın Sənədli Film Festivalı ()

Sevil International Women`s Documentary Film Festival

Dates limites

15 févr. 2023
Appel à Inscriptions

16 avril 2023
Festival fermé

16 mai 2023
Date de notification

15 sept. 2023
22 sept. 2023


Hasan Seyidbayli 18,  AZ1000, Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan

Description du Festival
Directed or co-directed by women
Festival d court métrage >5' 40'<
Festival de long métrage >40' 120'<

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 A des frais d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 Date de production: Tout
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >5' 40'<
 Long-métrage  >40' 120'<
 Toutes langues
English German Russian Turkish
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Sevil Beynəlxalq Qadın Sənədli Film Festivalı
Photo of Sevil Beynəlxalq Qadın Sənədli Film Festivalı

Photo of Sevil Beynəlxalq Qadın Sənədli Film Festivalı
Photo of Sevil Beynəlxalq Qadın Sənədli Film Festivalı

French ML

Début du Festival: 15 septembre 2023      Fin du Festival: 22 septembre 2023

Sevil International Women's Documentary Film Festival is the independent documentary film festival in Azerbaijan, focusing on women's issues, operating since 2020.

The particular difference of the festival is the venue (place) and target audience of the project.

Unlike other big artistic projects, Sevil Film Festival intends to organize the festival outside of the capital.

Two main concerns such as lack of documentary film festival culture in the country, and increasing gender-based crimes and issues brought us to put them together under the Women's Film Festival Project, in 2020. This upcoming year we want to present this project at The Sevil Film Festival.

Our festival is named by the play of Jafar Jabbarli called Sevil which focused on the theme of the role of women, their oppression, struggle, and ultimately, victory over dated patriarchal tradition in 1928. After watching the play many women discarded their veils in Azerbaijan back in the time. Therefore, our name symbolically refuses the patriarchal traditions and encourages society to be open to different perspectives.

Sevil Film Festival will create an opportunity for local and international filmmakers to be a part of the regional events, where they raise awareness on the documentary film industry and the gender problems among the local population.

Exchange of experiences, cultural penetration in a unique way, and many other opportunities are anticipated from the program of the event.

The project includes regional development and raising activity.

Awards and Prizes


Best Full-Length Documentary
Best Short Documentary

Best Local Documentary

In addition, there is an “Audience Award”. This award is chosen by the audience via voting.

III Sevil IWDFF does not intend to establish cash prizes. The Organizing Committee and founders retain a right to change this decision during the festival. Furthermore, the Organizing Committee may provide the right to sponsors to establish their own awards. Winners are announced by the Jury or Organizing Committee at the Closing Ceremony.

Rules and terms

Films fit at least one of the following requirements are welcomed to participate in Sevilfest 2023:

- Independent films that are directed or co-directed by women identified filmmakers.

- The main character of the film is a woman

- The content of the film is about women and the issues that affect their lives.

- Film highlights any gender-related topic, including women’s success stories, femicides, domestic violence, abortion, gender equality, role of the women in society, etc.

We highly encourage LGBTQI, differently abled, and older women to submit.

Good luck to all, and thank you for sharing your work with us.

CERTIFICATION OF ENTRANT: I, the contact person for the film submitted with this application, agree to the following:

I have read, understood, and completed all eligibility requirements for which I would like this film to be considered.

* To the best of my knowledge, all of the statements in this application are true.

* The Sevil International Women Documentary Film Festival DOES NOT PAY SCREENING FEES. By submitting my film to this festival, I am giving consent to allow Sevil International Women Documentary Film Festival to screen it in the territory of Azerbaijan if selected.

* If selected for the festival, I agree to pay for print shipping costs. The Women's Film Festival will pay for return shipping. (DVD/Blu-ray screeners will not be returned.)

* All final works must be completed and shipped 3 weeks before the screening date. This contract is binding and will be held responsible for the information in my submission.

* I agree to allow The Women's Film Festival to screen my film at post-festival events.

* The Sevil International Women Documentary Film Festival will only accept films which subject matter relates to women's issues.

Note: Authors of the selected films can participate voluntarily in the festival. Therefore, she/he can contact the embassy of the exact country in Baku for assistance to participate or additional information.

Please take into account that the festival is not intended to make a profit.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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