Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Short films, of any genre, under 30 minutes, from all around the world, except Romania.
12 feb 2020
Inizio delle iscrizioni
25 mar 2020
Scadenza iniziale
06 mag 2020
Scadenza standard
08 lug 2020
Scadenza finale
09 set 2020
Festival chiuso
08 gen 2021
Data della notifica
09 gen 2021
10 gen 2021
Questo festival non è attualmente aperto per iscrizioni.
Inizio del Festival: 09 gennaio 2021 Festival si chiude: 10 gennaio 2021
Premi in contanti: 3,000€
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Short films, of any genre, under 30 minutes, from all around the world, except Romania.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Short films of any genre, under 30 minutes, produced in Romania or all around the world but having Romanian as the single (or main) dialogue language.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Animation films, under 20 minutes, from all around the world.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Documentary films, under 20 minutes, from all around the world.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Experimental films, under 20 minutes, from all around the world.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Music videos, under 20 minutes, from all around the world.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Short films of any genre, under 20 minutes, created all around the world, with a theme or story related to human rights, environment & ecology, activism, citizenship and community mobilization, local development, the rights of minorities, migration, global justice, etc.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Feature films over 60 minutes, of any genre, from all around the world.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Short films of any genre, under 30 minutes, with no dialogue or spoken words, from all around the world.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Short films of any genre, having the length of under or exactly 1 minute.
Data limite d'iscrizione
09 set 20
Short films of any genre, under 20 minutes, created all around the world, with a theme or story related to mental health.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.