Stop Virus Film Festival ()


20 Mär 2020
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

30 Jun 2020
Festival geschlossen

06 Jul 2020

23 Mär 2020
01 Dez 2020


-,  -, Online, -, United Kingdom

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival 3'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Online Festival
 März 2020
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  3'<
 Jede Sprache
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Stop Virus Film Festival
Photo of Stop Virus Film Festival
Photo of Stop Virus Film Festival
Photo of Stop Virus Film Festival

German ML

Festival Start: 23 März 2020      Festival Ende: 01 Dezember 2020

The aim of the festival is to promote the culture and creativity of independent filmmakers, giving them the possibility to contribute socially with what they know how to do, cinema, and deliver it free of charge to the people. Festhome, as a company, is no stranger to the current situation, and would like to help within its possibilities by making a donation to the virus research for each film made.

There are no winners nor selected films, but just filmmakers wishing to contribute.

Stop Virus film festival was born with the idea of giving the opportunity to filmmakers who are quarantined or confined to be able to make short films of up to 3 minutes long filmed with any equipment (mobile devices, tablets, gopro, professional cameras, (p.) in order to contribute to society through short films as cultural tools to fight the discouragement and boredom of millions of people held in their homes by the pandemic of covid-19.

Any filmmaker who is quarantined or confined, of any nationality, may participate.

Theme: fiction, documentary, animation, experimental short films made during periods of quarantine or confinement, of any subject and genre.

Submitted short films cannot be longer than 3 minutes. All short films must be submitted with a public YouTube link as selected video.

The language of the festival is Spanish. Short films spoken or subtitled in english, French, Spanish and Italian are supported.

All shorts submitted will be included on the Indiehome TV platform for free viewing by the audience.



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