Nessuna tassa
Data limite d'iscrizione
17 apr 20
Submit as many films as you'd like!
10 apr 2020
Inizio delle iscrizioni
17 apr 2020
Festival chiuso
20 apr 2020
Data della notifica
10 apr 2020
24 apr 2020
Inizio del Festival: 10 aprile 2020 Festival si chiude: 24 aprile 2020
All lengths/genres welcomed! We strive to highlight independent film in all its forms.
Titles include:
Best Film
Best Direction
Best Cinematography
Best Sound
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Writing
Best Editing
as well as the highly esteemed:
Judge's Pick
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
Any genre, any age, any length, any place of origin! ALL FILMS ELIGIBLE.
All content must be either original material by the filmmaker and their collaborators, royalty-free content, or material used with permission of the original artist. It is the responsibility of the submitter to verify the ownership status of the work submitted. The festival is granted the right to publicize and screen submitted works in all forms, including a public online playlist. The festival is not obligated to name an award winner if no material is deemed worthy of the title.
Nessuna tassa
Data limite d'iscrizione
17 apr 20
Submit as many films as you'd like!