The Wild Bunch Film Festival ()


08 Dec 2023
Call for entries

17 Mar 2024
Early deadline

17 Jun 2024
Standard deadline

04 Sep 2024
Late deadline

04 Sep 2024
Festival closed

08 Sep 2024
Notification date

23 Oct 2024
27 Oct 2024


PO Box 1434,  73045, Harrah, Oklahoma, United States

Festival description
Westerns Film
Short film festival >3'
Feature film festival 180'<
Script / Pitch projects

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2020
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >3'
 Feature Films  180'<
 Any language
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Photo of The Wild Bunch Film Festival
Photo of The Wild Bunch Film Festival

Photo of The Wild Bunch Film Festival
Photo of The Wild Bunch Film Festival


Festival start: 23 October 2024      Festival end: 27 October 2024

It's the 9th Annual Int'l Wild Bunch Film Festival, founded in 2015 by festival directors Rock & Brenda Whitehead.

The Wild Bunch Film Festival (TWBFF) is a compelling contest. Over the past years it has managed to become a 'must attend' event by indie filmmakers and writers for the Western Genre, Western sub-genres and Western Lifestyle. It's considered the BIGGEST Film Festival of it's kind in the southwest and possibly in the USA. It has now expanded into a five day event that has gained international attention from all over the world.

Don't miss this one!! All details at

The Wild Bunch Film Festival is a public event that everyone can attend! Submissions are sent it from filmmakers, screenwriters, authors, designers, artists, photographers, musicians and others, to inspire and encourage them to continue bold artistic visions in the western genre, western sub-genre's. And now there are a few categories such as screenplays and manuscripts for "all genre" as well!

Western sub-genre's of film, screenplays and novel manuscripts can include Classical Westerns, Acid Westerns, Charro, Cabrito or Chili Westerns, Comedy Westerns, Contemporary or Modern Day Westerns, Electric Westerns, Euro-Westerns, Fantasy Westerns, Florida Westerns, Horror Westerns, Curry Westerns and Indo Westerns, Martial arts Westerns or Wuxia Westerns, Meat pie Westerns, Northwesterns, Ostern westerns, Revisionist Westerns, Science fiction Westerns, Space Westerns, Spaghetti Westerns, Weird Westerns, etc. More details on sub-genres at

Details and tickets sold on the official website as we get closer! Tickets also sold at the door, on the days of events if available. We anticipate a sellout!

For more details visit and sign up for our newsletter at to stay informed!

Cash Prizes: 1,000$

TWBFF 2024 Awards
Best Short
Best Feature
Best Actor (Feature).
Best Actress (Feature).
Best Supporting Actor (Feature).
Best Supporting Actress (Feature).
Best Actor (Short).
Best Actress (Short).
Best Supporting Actor (Short).
Best Supporting Actress (Short).
Best Director (Feature).
Best Director (Short).
Best Cinematography (Feature).
Best Cinematography (Short).
Best Casting Director (Short)
Best Casting Director (Feature)
Best Cast Ensemble (Short & Feature)
Best Produced Film (Short & Feature))
Best Foreign Film (all combined)
Best Movie Poster Contest (FREE for selected films & screenplay finalist).
Best Original Score (all combined)
Best Documentary.
Best Animation.
Best Comedy.
Best Web Series.
Best Trailer/Teaser
Best TV Show
Best Western Youtube
Best Western Vodcast
Best Western Gunfight Reenactments
Screenplay Awards - Westerns & All Genre - Awards (Short)
Screenplay Awards - Western & All Genre (Feature)
TV script Long Form Award
TV Script Short Form Award
Best Female Filmmaker Award
Best Western/Country/Film Music Video
Best Western Movie Location/Ad/Tributes
Best Western Lyrics
Best Songwriting Music
Best Western/Cowboy Poetry
Best Western Photography
Best Western Comic Art, Drawings, etc.
Best Western Costume/Wardrobe Designer
Best Western Painting
The Jerry Vance Award for - Best Stunt
The Charlie LeSueur Award
The Robert Shelton Award
Best Western Novel Manuscript (Published)
Best Western Novel Manuscript (Unpublished)
Best Novel Manuscript - all genre (Published)
Best Novel Manuscript - all genre (Unpublished)

SUBMITTERS, IF ONE OF YOUR SUBMISSIONS ARE SELECTED, YOU'LL RECEIVE TWO FREE VIP PASSES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY SCREENINGS, which also includes the Award Show at the beautiful Galaxy Theatres in Tucson! If more passes, tickets, etc., are needed they can be purchased from our website at


This festival is for the Western and western sub-genres, but other categories such as screenplays, manuscripts & TV Pilots also accept "all genre".
If you have questions, contact us at

Project Length Information:
Feature - 45 to 180 minutes.
Short 3 to 30 minutes.
Web Series - 3 to 20 minutes.
Animated - 3 to 90 minutes.
Documentary - 3 to 120 minutes.
Western/Country/Film Music Video - under 5 minutes.
Trailer/Teaser - 1-5 minutes.
Western Movie Locations/Ads/Tributes - 1- 10 minutes.
Western Gunfight Reenactments 1-15 minutes
Western TV Show - 15 - 60 minutes.
Youtube Western Short - 3 to 30 minutes
Youtube Western Feature - 45 to 180 minutes
Western Vodcast - 3-90 minutes
Screenplay (Short) 50 pages & under.
Screenplay (Feature) 51 pages & over.
Screenplay (All Genre Short) 50 pages & under.
Screenplay (All Genre Feature) 51 pages & over.
Short Form TV Pilot (pilot episode under 20 mins duration). TV pilot of any western or western sub-genre.
Long Form TV Pilot (pilot of over 20 mins in duration). TV Pilot of any western or western sub-genre.
Western Novel Manuscript (Published & Unpublished): Minimum of 8,000 words or roughly 18 pages single spaced or 30 paged doubled spaced, and not exceed close to 120,000 words or roughly 267 pages single spaced, or 439 pages double spaced.
Western Novel Manuscript (All Genre - Published & Unpublished): Minimum of 8,000 words or roughly 18 pages single spaced or 30 paged doubled spaced, and not exceed close to 120,000 words or roughly 267 pages single spaced, or 439 pages double spaced.
Western Lyrics - Under 3 pages (PDF).
Western Songwriting Music - Under 5 Min (MP3)
Western Poetry - Any length from single stanza to 5 pages is accepted as long as it is NOT a compilation of Several works. (PDF)
Western Photography - Stills must be unique/original work that tell a story. Either a single photo or multiple photos in the same series (up to 6 photo maximum per submission) (JPG or PNG)

Our Selections / Awards Procedure / Festival Director / Producers make official selections for TWBFF by vote. Official Selections of films and screenplays are then screened/graded by 5 different judges anonymously, and given an overall grade for various categories (with the exception of the “Directors Choice Award”). All judges points are then added together to give it a grade.

If your work is selected, you must fulfill the following requirements by the date(s) designated by the The Wild Bunch Film Festival: You also must be prepared to supply at least three electronic images (publicity stills) either in jpeg or PDF format, 300dpi, for publication purposes. Press kits would be helpful, but not required.

Films that have previously aired on US television prior to the Festival are eligible.

STUDENT FILMS CATEGORIES: School ID's is required that matches the date your film was created. Copies of Student ID's must be emailed to

PLEASE NOTE: The 'Ads/Tributes', 'Western trailer/teaser', 'Web Series', 'Western Youtube" films, Western TV show and "Vodcast' are the ONLY categories that can be streamed to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc., for FREE viewing to the public prior to TWBFF. ALL OTHER FILM CATEGORIES CANNOT be streamed on ANY media to the public until after TWBFF has completed. If you do so, you risk your film being disqualified.

Entrant will allow usage of clips from the film for promotional use on television, radio, in print and at live Festival events. All entries must be in English, contain English subtitles or be dubbed in English.

Works in Progress: While entrants are permitted to submit films that are not fully complete (i.e.,without final color correction and sound mixing), please note that the festival committee will accept the version submitted. Completed work or replacement copies MUST be uploaded no later than Sep 1st, 2024.

The Wild Bunch Film Festival and BrenRock Productions LLC is not responsible for incorrect wording in publications or on awards if the entry information is incorrect or illegible.

Entry fees are not refundable. Fees cover registration, notification that your entry has been received and notification of results. These fees must be paid during the entry process.

By entering the The Wild Bunch Film Festival competition, all entrants agree to hold harmless The Wild Bunch Film Festival, BrenRock Productions LLC, the Staff and Volunteers from all losses, damages, rights, claims, and actions of any kind arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from participation with the event.

By submitting your work you are automatically stating that you accept full responsibility for obtaining any and all clearances necessary to exhibit your film at The Wild Bunch Film Festival, and warrants you have the rights necessary to exhibit your submission; and indemnify and hold harmless The Wild Bunch Film Festival, its parent company BrenRock Productions LLC, affiliates, event venue, subsidiaries and any of the respective officers, employees, and representatives against any claim arising from exhibition of your submission at The Wild Bunch Film Festival.

Each Lyric entry submission must be original works, under 3 pages and must be in a PDF format.
Think Western - Cowboy/Cowgirl - Country & Western - Old West.
Selections will get two Filmmaker Passes to attend all of TWBFF screenings during the film festival. Is there a PRIZE for winners? Yes. Winners will get Trophies or Awards.

Think Western - Cowboy/Cowgirl - Country & Western - Old West
Each music entry submission must have a song title, and the name of artist(s) or band attached. Sound quality can be studio, live, or demos.
Format: .mp3 file is preferred, but we also accept .wav. PLEASE do not submit music videos, as there is a different category already listed for that. Each song entry must be no longer than 5 minutes. Selections will get two Filmmaker Passes to attend all of TWBFF screenings during the film festival. Is there a PRIZE for winners? Yes. Winners will get Trophies or Awards.

Think Western - Cowboy/Cowgirl - Country & Western - Old West
Poems, Poetry, Short Prose - PDF Format Please. Any length from single stanza to 5 pages is accepted as long as it is NOT a compilation of Several works. Selections will get two Filmmaker Passes to attend all of TWBFF screenings during the film festival. Is there a PRIZE for winners? Yes. Winners will get Trophies or Awards.

Photography stills must be unique/original work that tell a story. Either a single photo or multiple photos in the same series (up to 6 photo maximum per submission). JPG or PNG format please. Think Western, Cowboy/Cowgirl, Country, Old West, Horses, Ranch, Scenic, Rodeo, Cattle Drive, Indian, Nature, Western Beauty, etc. We want to see your story as you tell it through your camera lens. Submitter must have rights/releases to submit the work. Selections will get two Filmmaker Passes to attend all of TWBFF screenings during the film festival. Is there a PRIZE for winners? Yes. Winners will get Trophies or Awards.

Western Themed Costume/Wardrobe Designer: (JPEG or PDF FORMAT) Up to 5 pieces maximum per submission. Your submission will be evaluated on multiple dimensions, your design(s) is judged together for its western theme design, originality & realization technics. Designers have an innate ability accurately depict the characters or a time period needed. Submission(s) can be from magazine print ads, TV shows, films, theatre etc. Use 3600 x 3600 pixels or 1800 x 1800 pixels. Also explain the technical aspects, details, commercial presentation or other helpful notes about the design(s) in the overview, specifications or cover letter area on Festhome during submitting. EXAMPLES: High-Resolution clear action shots of work being worn by a model. Maybe shots with different poses or western settings, where a model wears or uses the design work. Maybe still shots from a western short or feature film, western promo ad layout, or western themed advertisement of the products, etc.

Western Themed Costume/Wardrobe Designers: (VIDEO FORMAT) Only 1 video per submission. Video can be no more than 3 minutes maximum (or less), with four different wardrobe/designer looks. Your submission is judged for its western theme design, originality & realization technics. Video submission(s) could be for work on magazine print ads, TV shows, films, theatre etc. Also explain the technical aspects, details, commercial presentation or other helpful notes about the design(s), in the overview, specifications or cover letter area on Festhome during submitting. EXAMPLES: High-Resolution clear video action shots of work being worn by a model. Maybe a video with different poses or western settings, where a model wears or uses the design work. Maybe footage from a western short or feature film, western promo ad layout, or western themed advertisement of the products, etc.

WESTERN PAINTING REGULAR SIZE: Painting must be unique/original work that tell a story. It can be a copy of the original artwork. Either a single piece or multiple pieces (up to 6 pieces maximum per submission). Think Western, Cowboy/Cowgirl, Country, Old West, Horses, Ranch, Scenic, Rodeo, Cattle Drive, Indian, Nature, Western Beauty, etc. We want to see your story as you tell it through your painting. Submitter must have rights/releases to submit the work. Specify Title, Year, Size and Technique in the Cover Letter. Maximum size per piece(s) accepted: 30 x 50 cm (11.8" x 19.6") N.B.: Send the best high quality photograph(s) of artwork as a JPG or PNG format please. (Minimum Size: 1500 x 2100 pixel, 300 PPI).

WESTERN PAINTING LARGE SIZE: Painting must be unique/original work that tell a story. It can be a copy of the original artwork. Either a single piece or multiple pieces (up to 6 pieces maximum per submission). Think Western, Cowboy/Cowgirl, Country, Old West, Horses, Ranch, Scenic, Rodeo, Cattle Drive, Indian, Nature, Western Beauty, etc. We want to see your story as you tell it through your painting. Submitter must have rights/releases to submit the work. Specify Title, Year, Size and Technique in the Cover Letter. No limit on maximum size per piece(s). Send the best high quality photograph(s) of artwork as a JPG or PNG format please.(Minimum Size: 1500 x 2100 pixel, 300 PPI).


What are the judges looking for? They'll be judging screenplays based on:

The idea behind the story. What the movie is about. The “hook.”

Standard spec screenplay or teleplay format (12 pt. Courier font, correct margins, etc.), as well as spelling, punctuation, grammar, and usage.

The framework of the script. Effective use of three-act (most common), odyssey, linear, or non-linear story progression.

The actions, events, conflicts, and turning points that propel the story forward. How the story unfolds (points for originality/unpredictability).

The timing of the action, unfolding of plot elements, and character development.

Personalities that are distinctive, compelling, multi-layered, and unpredictable. A protagonist and antagonist with clear and active goals.

Voices that are natural, succinct, and unique to each character. Use of language that effectively reveals character and moves the story forward.

The underlying message of the story as revealed through plot, dialogue, and visual elements.

Overall quality of the writing. Tone that is appropriate to the material and narrative that is distinct, cinematic, and effectively conveys the mood or “feel” of the movie.

Audience appeal and box-office potential.

If selected, do finalists get a VIP Pass? Yes. They'll get two FREE VIP PASSES allowing access to the Film Festival.

Is there a PRIZE for winners? Yes. Screenplay winners will get Trophies or Awards at the big award show at the beautiful Galaxy Theatres in Tucson!

Format: All entries must be written in English and submitted as a PDF file less than 5 MB, size 12 Courier font, standard industry format. Title of script only on title page: no author name. Pages should be numbered. MovieMagic Screenwriter, Final Draft, or Celtx are suggested software programs.

Our Selections / Awards Procedure / Festival Director / Producers make official selections for TWBFF by vote. Official Selections of films and screenplays are then screened/graded by 5 different judges anonymously, and given an overall grade for various categories (with the exception of the “Directors Choice Award”). All judges points are then added together to give it a grade.

Original: All entries must be original works by the applicant.

Co-authors: If a screenplay has more than one author, it is up to the authors to decide who will be the primary contact e-mail.

English: All entries must be submitted in English.

Pages: (approximate numbers) Short Scripts: 50 pages or less. Feature Scripts: 51 pages or more.

Disqualifications: Submissions ARE NOT disqualified for minor formatting errors (title page, software or length.)

Rules For TV Pilots -
Short Form TV Pilot (pilot episode under 20 mins duration). TV pilot of any genre is allowed.

Long Form TV Pilot (pilot of over 20 mins in duration). TV Pilot of any genre is allowed..

TV Pilot Entries must also include a Series Vision Sheet which is to be sent to with the project title and tracking number in the email subject line. The Series Vision sheet would be a 1-5 page doc that gives an overview of the show including how many episodes not produced, have been produced, or that are in production, potential character arcs, and a synopsis of future episodes to give us a general idea of what the show would become.


Submissions are accepted in PDF only. Several short stories in one novel is not permitted and will be disqualified. Material must be submitted by the Author or their representative.

Corrected pages of the entered material are not allowed. Proof read carefully before submission. All ownership and rights to the material submitted to this contest remains with the original rights holders unless and until the rights holder settles negotiations of any proposed deal for partnership or transfer of rights.

The material submitted must not be encumbered by any obligation to, or option held by, a third party prior to entering the competition.
Material must include Title, Logline (one to three sentence description of the book), and Synopsis Outline.

The western novel finalists and winner(s) in various western & western sub-genre categories as well as "All genre" will be chosen based on the following criteria: originality, perceived entertainment value, plot, characters, goal, conflict, theme & setting.

All entries must be original works by the entrant, in English.

Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party characters or another person’s universe, without written permission, will result in disqualification.

Work submitted can be published or unpublished (see both categories when submitting and choose the one that falls under your work). Please let us know if your novel is published or unpublished when you are filling in your bio, details, etc., on Festhome, as there will be awards for the winners of both published and unpublished work.

Applicants may submit multiple applications, however, each application must be complete with entry fee. Each submission must be uploaded separately.

Any novels written before January 1st, 2015 will not be accepted. Your novel must be a close to minimum of 8,000 words or roughly 18 pages single spaced or 30 paged doubled spaced, and not exceed close to 120,000 words or roughly 267 pages single spaced, or 439 pages double spaced. We prefer that you use a twelve point Times New Roman in black type only. Courier and Arial fonts is also acceptable.

If selected as a finalists, does the person that submitted the novel manuscript get film festival passes? Yes, the finalist would get two TWBFF passes allowing access to all film festival screenings for 2024, including the award show. Only two FREE passes are allowed per finalists/submitter.

Is there a PRIZE for novel manuscript winners? Yes. Winners will be presented trophies or awards at the Award Show at the beautiful Galaxy Theatres in Tucson!


The submitter agrees to indemnify TWBFF against any and all claims, expenses, losses, or liabilities that may be asserted against TWBFF in connection with the Material or any use thereof, including, without limitation those arising from any breach of the warranties and promises given by the submitter.

The submitter releases and discharges TWBFF from any and all claims and demands and will not assert, maintain or assist any party in asserting or maintaining any claims or demands against TWBFF in connection with the Materials, including, any and all claims for libel, rights of publicity, theft or misappropriation of ideas or trade secrets, or infringement of copyright and other intellectual property rights.

The submitter agrees to warrant that he/she is the sole owner and author of the described material or has the official representation of the co-author, and has the full right and authorization to submit the material to TWBFF.

The submitter has retained a copy of the Material and agrees that TWBFF shall not be obligated to return the Material to the submitter. The submitter releases TWBFF from all liability if the Material is lost, misplaced, stolen or destroyed.

The submitter acknowledges that TWBFF is under no obligation to use the Material in any manner and further represents and warrants that the Material is original, that the submitter has the right and authority to submit the Material to TWBFF on the foregoing terms and conditions, each and all of which shall be binding on the submitter, his/her agents, heirs, successors, licensees and assigns.

All entries are non-refundable.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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