Trash Basté ()



31 Jan 2024
Call for entries

29 Feb 2024
Early deadline

01 Jul 2024
Standard deadline

01 Aug 2024
Late deadline

01 Sep 2024
Festival closed

15 Sep 2024
Notification date

28 Sep 2024
28 Sep 2024


Paseo Fabra y Puig, 274-276,  08031, BARCELONA, BARCELONA, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 15'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  15'<
 Any language
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Photo of Trash Basté
Photo of Trash Basté
Photo of Trash Basté
Photo of Trash Basté


Festival start: 28 September 2024      Festival end: 28 September 2024

The Trash Basté festival was born in 2021, thanks to our passion for the Trash and Gore genres. In its first edition we screened a sample of short films trash, gore, terror... and low budget. Due to the great reception of the public, we decided to make a second edition in 2022 transforming it into a festival, where we include a market with terrifying products and a final party concert with horror-punk and extreme metal bands, without forgetting a bar service at popular prices. In the third edition, apart from the usual exhibition, as a novelty we had a section with short films in competition that is here to stay.

Since our beginnings, we have been enemies of censorship and we like to project the most bizarre and bloody shorts we can find. So don't be shy, we're looking for you to send us those crappy shorts with blood made with your friends, without a budget and with grace, with a lot of blood and dismemberments... We like offensive shorts. It's all good for us if it's dark, bloody, terrifying, fantastic or trash.


1-. Shorts are accepted from all over the world

2-. You can participate individually or collectively. Any number of short films per participant is accepted.

3-. The staff will have permission to project any of the works received during the festival. No work will be published on our website, or on our social networks, nor will it be shared with third parties.

4-. Selected works may not cancel their participation under any circumstances.

5-. Registrations will be made through one of the Festival's associated platforms: FESTHOME.

6-. Short films must be registered from January 31th to September 1st at the latest.

7-. All jobs must be in Spanish or Catalan or have subtitles in one of the two languages.

8-. An internal committee of the Festival will evaluate the productions that meet the minimum requirements and decide which of them can be part of the Official Section of the Festival. We reserve the right to select a short film for the exhibition.

9-. The same committee will decide the short winners of the two categories.

10-. All jobs must have a maximum duration of 15 minutes including credits. We accept jobs produced in any year.

11-. The classic elements of the B and Z series (such as martial arts, horror, garbage, science fiction and/or any other element associated with B and Z movies) will be especially appreciated.

12-. All the selected short films will be announced on social networks and communicated to their creators by email

13-. The committee's decisions are unappealable.

14-. The committee may declare any prize null and void if it considers it.

15-. The prize will be given during the Festival only to the director of the work or, alternatively, to another person previously authorized by him/her. In the event that the winners do not show up, the shipping costs will be borne by them.


1-. Participation in this contest implies full acceptance of these rules.

2-. Joining the contest gives the Festival the right to promote the pieces, using only partial reproduction in its broadcast (in no case will the pieces be fully exhibited on any social network: Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube, etc...).

3-. Works that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted or returned.

4-. The Festival reserves the right to modify the terms, notifying the participants in advance, and the right to cancel the competition in case of low participation.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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