Unalome film festival (1)


16 Jul 2024
Call for entries

10 May 2025
Final deadline


15 May 2025
Notification date

13 Jun 2025
13 Jun 2025


via valeriana ,  25050, Edolo, Brescia, Italy

Festival description
Gender violence
Short film festival 10'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  10'<
 Any language
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Festival start: 13 June 2025      Festival end: 13 June 2025

Against gender violence!
Competition notice

Unalome associtaion, wich offers socio-educational and recreational services in Valcamonica, promotes the first edition of Unalome film festival, for italian and foreign film makers about “gender violence”. The meaning of this competition is to raise public awarness about the topic in all of its aspects, such as support for families and socialization in contemporary society.
We also want to create a school section for forth and fifth grade. We invite this last grade, in particular, to involve students in every phase of the creation of a short movie. We think debate among younger students is important to understand their point of view about gender violence.
Unalome film festival’s first edition plans two sections

Film makers section
School section

Cash Prizes: 600€


Best italian shot movie € 150 + plate

Best foreign short movie € 150 + plate

Best school short movie € 150 + plate

Best film script € 150 + plate

Public choice award plate


Italian adn foreign film makers of legal age, with works lasting a maximum of 10 minutes (including headlines and credits)


Works must be sent via one of the following options:

Wetransfer service (free up to 2gb) or filemail (free up to 5gb) to associazione.unalome@gmail.com, works must be sent in a folder containing the file in mp4 and a text file with the following elements: work title, author’s data (name, surname, mail adress and phone number) direction and a short synopsis.

Festhome online platform (www.festhome.com)

Registration method (not later than 11/5/25)

Registration costs €10, to be sent via wire transfer (IBAN IT82R0569654470000002404X66 – ASSOCIAZIONE UNALOME APS with reason for notice and work’s title!

Every competitor can present a maximum of one short movie, produced not earlier than 2018.


Evaluation commission will select finalist and awarded works.

Finalist workses authors will receive an e-mail or a call 10 days in advance of the evening. An appreciation video message will be asked to competitor who won’t be able to attend. Possible overnight stays are not our responsabily.

Award cerimonies will be held during competion night on 31/06/2025, info on the location will be released


Competitors will be responsible for file’s quality and integrity, for legitimate property of images and soundtracks, or for their use in accordance with the law.

Association declines any responsability about copyright control.

This settlement is considered accpted in full and uncoditionally after sending the completed partecipation form.

Any program changes will be announced via mail or via the aforementioned platforms.


Pursuant to the legislative decree 196/2003, the processing of personal data provided by competitors will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, protecting the privacy and rights of competitors. According to article 13, the processing is carried out as part of the insolvency procedure for purposes inherent to the management of the relationship itself. The data is also processed with the aid of IT tools and is stored in IT and paper archives. The provision of such data is mandatory for the purposes of evaluating the participation requirements, under penalty of exclusion from the competition. The data itself will not be communicated to third parties except to public bodies for their own institutional social security, insurance and health purposes.

Interested party enjoys the rights referred to in article 7 as regulated by the following articles 8 9 and 10, Among which is the right of access to data concerning him, some additional rights including the right to have erroneous data, incomplete or collected in terms that do not comply with the law, rectified, updated and completed, The right to object to their processing for legitimate reasons.


Evening’s host will publish full works or frame of them on any advertising materiale (even for future competions), quoting faithfully short movie’s title and author.

Every work will be archived at Unalome association to be viewed upon request.
Association will be able to change competition’s date and expiration

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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