Waterfront Festival of International Films ()


15 Dec 2020
Call for entries

15 Jan 2021
Early deadline

01 Jun 2021
Standard deadline

15 Jun 2021
Late deadline

30 Jun 2021
Festival closed

15 Aug 2021
Notification date

23 Jul 2021
25 Jul 2021


T 72, Portofino Street,  412112, Lavasa, Maharashtra, India

Festival description
Short film festival >15' 30'<
Feature film festival >60' 120'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online Festival
 January 2020
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Required
 Director nationalities: Required
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >15' 30'<
 Feature Films  >60' 120'<
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Photo of Waterfront Festival of International Films
Photo of Waterfront Festival of International Films
Photo of Waterfront Festival of International Films
Photo of Waterfront Festival of International Films


Festival start: 23 July 2021      Festival end: 25 July 2021

About the Festival
Waterfront Festival of International Films Lavasa will strive for a world in which enlightenment, knowledge and tolerance prevail. We believe a film as a creative art form that has the power to bridge cultures and illuminate the universality of the human experience. Festival’s mission will be to cultivate and promote the creativity of films through cross-cultural awareness and demonstration.
The objectives of Waterfront Festival of International Films through its film festivals and indulgence are dedicated to nurturing and encouraging new film making talent, honoring the great masters of world cinema and providing audiences with a unique opportunity to engage in an appreciation, a conversation about the art of cinema as it is represented around the world especially the social issues embedded deeply into the lesser privileged societies.

The niche objective however will be to develop Independent film makers, recognize and celebrate their talent for the International Film Community as well as global cinema.

The festival gives awards in the following categories:

Festival Best International Film
Festival Best Indian Film
Best Feature Film
Best Documentary Film
Best Short Films
Best Short Documentary
Best Student Film
Best Animation Film
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Editor
Best Story writer
Best Cinematographer
Best music/ background score

In addition 5 films in each category shall be will be chosen for “Honourable Mention” award

Rules & Terms

Participation in the Waterfront Festival of International Films implies understanding and acceptance of all terms included in the rules of the festival.

Only one title per entry form

If selected, entrants agree and understand, that their film shall screen in either or both, our on-line festival event that utilizes our virtual theatre platform or live festival which may happen in the course of the festival and the traditional screening in a theatre. Entrants also understand that through the virtual theatre platform films cannot be copied, downloaded, or reproduced by any virtual theatre attendee, nor can the html code of any film be used in or on any other site, and that each and every film is completely secure and safe from theft due to the technology of the virtual theatre that is unique to our system and is unlike any other utilized by any on-line festival throughout the world. (In case we decide to have a Virtual Theatre)

All fees must be paid along with the submission
To ensure that your entry is properly processed, you must fill out the form completely and include proper payment.

Films submitted must be no more violent and have no more adult content as that which would be considered “obscene” or “pornographic” in the common or legal meaning of those words, and should not be based on violence, sex, aberration al behavior, drug abuse or any other element that most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by families and particularly their children.



The principal objective of the Waterfront Festival of International Films Lavasa ‚ is to promote and encourage an awareness, appreciation and understanding of the art of the world independent cinema and to inspire cultural exchange through films and other mediums of performing arts. The Festival also promotes contacts between industry professionals to assist in the development of the Indian and International motion picture industry.

The submissions open on ….15 December 2020
The submissions close on …..08 March 2021
The officially selected films shall be announced on …..25 March 2021
The Festival and the awards night shall be held on 09 April 2021 to 11 April 2021
• The submission deadline for selecting purposes is …..
Early Bird Dead Line... 15 January 2021
Final Dead Line......... 08March 2021
• The festival is not obliged to accept late entries.
• Specified materials of selected films have to be at the festival latest by 01 March 2021

3. Acceptable content
Waterfront Festival of International Films will accept:-
3.1 Feature Films
Films more than 60 minutes run time.
3.2 Documentaries
Documentaries more than 60 minutes run time.
3.3 Short Films
Non-feature length Films no more than 30 minutes but not less than 5 minutes of
Run time
3.4 Short Documentaries
Documentaries, no more than 30 minutes but not less than 5 minutes of run time
3.5 Student Films
Films and videos more than 15 minutes and less than 30 minutes run time. To qualify
in this category; the work must be created by a student attending an institution and
the participant must be able to submit proof of identity from the institution.
3.6 Animation Films
All types of animation with running time of less than 30 minutes and more than 15
minutes run time are welcome
Films accepted at the Festival may be produced anywhere in the world. Selected films
will be placed in the appropriate programmed by the Festival Organizing Committee.
The Festival Organizing Committee reserves the right to rule on cases not foreseen by
these regulations, but in accordance with International Regulations. Participation in
the Waterfront Festival of International Films, Lavasa implies acceptance of the Rules
and Regulations by producers and their agents.

4.1. Submissions
4.1.1 For official selection consideration, the Festival accepts uploaded & Password
protected Screener and the Trailers on Vimeo. The Festival will not consider only
Trailers for selection purposes
4.1.2 HD, on 0 regions PAL DVD of the officially selected film for screening in the festival
4.1.3 A 2 Minute Trailer/ Promo in HD, on 0 region PAL DVD of the of the officially
selected film for Advertising, media support and promotional programmes of the
(Please test computer-burned DVDs on several makes and models of players
before sending.)
4.1.4 The DVDs must be properly labelled with the Film Title, Director’s name and
contacts, Year of Production, duration, format and subtitling if any

4.1.5 The material that should be submitted for officially selected films is

HD, on 0 regions PAL DVD of the officially selected film for screening in the festival
Trailer on DVD maximum 2 minutes duration
Log line
Synopsis maximum 500 words
4 Stills from the film jpeg High resolution
1 Poster of the film
Director' Picture jpeg High resolution
Director's Short Bio maximum 300 words

The above material marked as "For Film Festival and Cultural purpose only",
should be sent to the following address by Postal Mail (No Courier please):-

Suresh K Goswami
Festival Director WFFIF
T 72, Ashiana Utsav, Portofino Street
Lavasa, Distt. Pune, Maharashtra - 412112, India

4.1.6 For submissions coming from outside India, the packages must be marked, “For
Film Festival & Cultural Purpose only, No Commercial value”
4.1.7 The submission materials will not be returned to the senders. The submitted films
shall become a part of the WFFIFL library and will be available to its members for
personal references and viewing.
4.1.8 Under no circumstance will the films in the Library of WFFIF be exploited
commercially without distribution / marketing agreement with the rightful
producer/ Film maker/ His representatives or Authorized Agents
4.2. Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for consideration, all films must meet the following requirements:
4.2.1 The films will be in english or in their original language with english subtitles.
4.2.2 Have been completed after 2013
4.2.3 All Decisions made in Selections, screenings, awards and on the Festival in entirety
by the Festival Appointed “Selection Committee” and the Jury will be final.
4.2.4 In case of any disputes, the decision of the Festival Director will be final.
4.2.5 Once selected, the film shall not be withdrawn.
4.3. Selection
All submitted films will be watched and rated by an internal selection committee.
This committee will select the films that might be screened at the festival. A film
selected for the festival is not running in competition automatically. In the second
step the selection committee will determine films running in competition.
The short-listed / nominated films shall be judged by the officially appointed Jury
consisting of International Industry professionals.

5. awards
The festival gives awards in the following categories:
Festival Best International Film
Festival Best Indian Film
Best Feature Film
Best Documentary Film
Best Short Films
Best Short Documentary
Best Student Film
Best Animation Film
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Editor
Best Story writer
Best Cinematographer
Best music/ background score

6. Festival attendance
In case there is physical screening of the selected films / selected films or the award
function the selection of films does not imply that Waterfront Festival of International
Films Lavasa is covering the film-makers or the producer’s travel expenses. Travel
expenses will only be covered if the film-makers receive a separate invitation of the
Festival Director with specific offer of travel and/ or local hospitality.

8. Film Transport
Films are insured during their transport and at the festival by respective producers or
their representatives at their cost

9. Fees & Dead Lines
Feature length Film / Documentary:
Early Bird Dead Line... 15 January 2021 US$ 15
Regular Dead Line......15 February 2021 US$ 20
Final Dead Line..........08 March 2021 US$ 25
Short length Film/ Documentary :
Early Bird Dead Line... 15 January 2021 US$ 10
Regular Dead Line...... 15 February 2021 US$12
Final Dead Line...........08 March 2021 US$ 15
Discounted fees for Student Film submissions
• The festival does not pay screening fees.
• The festival does not pay any custom fees.
• The festival does not pay any Insurance fees.

10. By Submitting through Festhome.com, The Producers / Director/ Film Makers/ Distributors or their authorized representatives submitting their film herewith confirm that they have read and understood the regulations above and those they do consent to them.

They also undertake that THE FILM HAS BEEN SUBMITTED FOR THE CONSIDERATION WITH THE KNOWLEDGE AND CONSENT OF THE PRODUCER(S) with the knowledge that The Waterfront Festival of International Films Lavasa is presented, organized and hosted by the JSWM Productions a film production company devoted to celebrating excellence in film, the moving image and performing arts. WFFIFL is a registered trademark of Waterfront Festival of International Films Lavasa. By entering this competition/festival they Entrants are executing a release agreement wherein
(i) Entrants accept the responsibility for obtaining any and all clearances necessary to exhibit their film at WFFIFL
(ii) Warrant that they have the rights necessary to exhibit our film at WFFIFL; and
(iii) indemnify and hold harmless Water Front Festival of International Films Lavasa, its parent company, its affiliates, and subsidiaries and any of their respective directors, officers, employees, and representatives against any claim arising out of exhibition of our film at WFFIFL. Unless otherwise agreed by the Festival in writing, awards will be given to the winning film director on behalf of the film and will be fulfilled approximately 4-5 weeks after the closing date of the WFFIFL. Award eligibility is subject to any restrictions or conditions imposed by applicable laws and regulations (International, Federal, State or otherwise), and the award recipient is responsible for all applicable taxes, customs, tariffs, insurance and similar charges or costs (if any). By entering the contest entrants release and hold the Promoters and hosts an all other contest entities harmless from and against any and all losses, damages. rights, claims and actions of any kind arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from the contestant or participation in any contest related activity (Including, without limitation, the removal from the site of or discontinuation of access to any submission or other material, or resulting directly or indirectly from acceptance, possession, use or misuse, of any prize awarded in connection with the contest, including without limitation personal injury, death and/or property damage as well as claims based on publicity rights. THE PROMOTER, THE HOST AND CONTEST ENTITIES DO NOT NOW AND SHALL NOT HAVE IN THE FUTURE ANY DUTY OR LIABILITY, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, VICARIOUS, CONTRIBUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFRINGEMENT OR PROTECTION OF AN ENTRANT’S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, IF ANY, RESPECT TO ANY SUBMISSION OR CONCEPT, REVIEWS, MATERIAL, VIDEO AND/OR OTHER MATERIALS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTEST. BY ENTERING THE CONTEST, ENTRANTS RELEASE, WAIVE ANY CLAIMS WITH REGARD TO, AND HOLD HARMLESS THE PROMOTER, THE HOST AND THE CONTEST ENTITIES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OF ANY KIND THAT ARE OR COULD BE ASSERTED WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER RELATING TO THE CONTEST. ENTRANTS FURTHER AGREE TO INDEMNIFY. DEFEND AND HOLD THE PROMOTER, HOST AND ALL OTHER CONTEST ENTITIES HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, LIABILITIES, FEES AND COST INCURRED IN DEFENDING AGAINST ANY THIRD PARTY CLAIMS OR THREATS OF CLAIMS ASSERTED AGAINST PROMOTER, HOST AND/OR OTHER CONTEST ENTITIES ARISING FROM ANY ENTRANT’S PARTICIPATION IN OR CONDUCT ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTEST they ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY for the accuracy of the information supplied in the submission and we authorize the Festival to reproduce company contact information in its publications exactly as supplied below. WFFIFL collects personal information supplied in the application solely to facilitate management and administration of its activities and responsibilities as it relates to the film being submitted. WFFIFL safeguards this personal information against loss, theft and unauthorized access or disclosure. By supplying this personal information the Entrants consent to its use.
11. Others • The festival reserves the right to excerpt programmed works up to 3 minutes for television and other Promotional Purposes unless specified otherwise • Incomplete forms and submissions will be rejected. • The film makers and their, representatives undertake to use the official logo and the status of their Selection or Award strictly in conformation with WFFIFL designs and they further undertake to use such festival logo in all their promotions, posters and marketing publications.

12. Disputes that arise in the course of the festival and otherwise should be made amenable "ONLY SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE COURTS AT PUNE, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA"

By submission of their film herewith the Entrants confirm that they have read and understood the regulations above and they do consent to them.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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