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We are pleased to announce the opening of the Coproduction Market and Pitching Forum for the 2024 edition of MIA for animation projects, documentaries, dramas and feature films. Registrations for audiovisual content for theatrical distribution, television broadcast and digital broadcast are now open for our Co-production Market, which is essential to attend.
Our objective is to give due visibility and opportunities to all audiovisual works presented at the MIA, in all genres and formats, and in different stages of development and production, of great artistic value, supporting freedom of creative expression and representing diversity. cultural and cooperation, presenting a selection of projects in all categories, especially the most diverse and suitable for co-production, to represent the most independent and pluralistic visions possible.
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Industry ficmonterrey is a space dedicated to the strengthening and development of the regional and national film industry. Here, film professionals come together to explore collaborations, share knowledge and celebrate alliances.
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he ABCGuionistas Short Screenplay International Contest opens its eighth edition with the collaboration of Altamedia Studios, Instituto del Cine Madrid (Madrid Film Institute), in addition to the brands Marca de Autor and Un Verano de Guion.
The contest has the purpose of promoting the creation of short screenplays in Spanish and the visibility of their authors. It is opened for novel and professional screenwriters of any country seeking to show their storytelling talent, winning exposure and getting rewarded for writing.
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VIII International Competition Short Film Script Abcscriptwriters
The Monterrey International Film Festival (ficmonterrey) invites filmmakers to present their projects for the Work in Progress (WiP) program. This initiative aims to support Latin American and Latin American filmmakers in the US by providing crucial resources for films in post-production. The festival is dedicated to promoting diverse voices and stories within the film industry.
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CONSTRUYE is a competition category for films in the first or last cut that require post-production processes. FICVIÑA, through its industry area, invites applications for fiction genre feature films from any country in Latin America or in co-production with the continent, which have unfinished works and in the post-production stage of a maximum duration of 90 to 120 minutes.
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