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Cortolabs is a training space and audiovisual creation laboratory for short films with an environmental focus or theme, which EUNIC Peru, a local cluster of the Network of National Institutes of Culture of the European Union-EUNIC, will carry out in 2024 within the framework of its CineLabs program, in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Peru and the Lima European Film Festival.
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CortoLabs - CCELima
Stockfish industry days continue to unfold as an emerging space that creates powerful dialogues and nurtures professional, open-source platform. A platform to network, co-create, and provide better opportunities with a diverse approach to innovation. Up to forty international festival guests have attended Stockfish every year, mostly media and professionals related to the film industry who come specifically to participate in the festival’s Industry days.
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STOCKFISH - industry days
A space where writers can refine their skills, receive feedback, and connect with a community that shares their passion for storytelling. The SFIF Writers Lab also plays a crucial role in the development and success of Icelandic writers by providing a supportive environment for learning, growth, collaboration, and networking. A 3-day Writers’ Room Lab exploring the creative process of storytelling for Film & TV. The goal of the lab is to develop and encourage new languages of storytelling to emerge and build a pipeline of writers telling stories that would otherwise not come to the surface. Our major initiative is to invite writers who are experienced but who need their craft nurtured and work through their market-ready screenplays to pitch them to the industry.
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The Short Film Project Laboratory will take place in person on April 18, 19 and 24. With the main objective of promoting the production of short films, the Laboratory has the experience of professionals who work in the audiovisual area.
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Laboratorio de Proyectos de Cortometraje - CURTACINEMA
Nuestra iniciativa Short Film Fund apoya la producción de un guion de cortometraje (20 páginas como máximo) o la finalización de un cortometraje (menos de 20 minutos) con una subvención de hasta 5.000 libras esterlinas (aproximadamente 6.300 dólares), un paquete de alquiler de kits y servicios de posproducción en especie. Los cineastas pueden presentar su candidatura sin necesidad de un productor. Si su proyecto resulta seleccionado, podemos ayudarte a encontrar uno.
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Fondo de Guiones No Solicitados para Cortometrajes