Keine Gebühr
15 Okt 15
National or foreign productions with a minimal length of 60 minutes. They should be made by using the digital format or the 35 mm format.
CineEsCena International Gastronomic Film Festival – La Laguna City
01 Jun 2015
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen
15 Okt 2015
Festival geschlossen
04 Nov 2015
20 Nov 2015
28 Nov 2015
Geldpreise: 2,650€
• Aguere prize for the best film, doted with 1000 € and statuette which will be delivered to the distributors.
• Aguere Award for Best short film, minimal 350 € and statuette.
• Aguere Award for Best film, statuette.
• Aguere Award for Best documentary, 500 € and statuette.
• Aguere Award for Best spot, 150 euros and statuette.
• Tribute Award it could be give to someone like a honorific tribute for the dedication to his work, it could be a Filmmaker or a Gastronomer.
• Aguere Award to the best Video Recipe, with a 150 Euros prize and a diploma (Aguere Award).
• Second and third awards from the Video Recipes contest, gastronomy thematics, awarded with a diploma.
• Aguere award to the best Cinema schools short film, gastronomy thematics, with a 500 Euros prize and statuette (Aguere Award)
• Second and third awards within the Cinema schools short film contest, awarded with a diploma
• Tribute Award it could be give to someone like a honorific tribute for the dedication to his work, it could be a Filmmaker or a Gastronomer.
• Aguere Award to the best secondary school students short film. Awarded with statuette.
• Second and third award within the Awakenings short film contest, awarded with diploma -‐ The organization of the Festival will pay by bank fto the person named in the registration form and agreeing with his DNI, NIE, NIF or passport number. Prizes are subject to withholding tax rules that determine the force. -‐ This call is subject to obtaining the necessary funds for its realization. In case of failure respect to the budgetary objectives, the call will may be suspended being released by the Organization for any liability on this call.
1. The Third International Gastronomic film festival La Laguna city has as objective to issue and promote films, documentaries, shorts, TV programs, and publicity advertisements related with gastronomy. The contest expects to aware people about alimentation’s culture developed on the media. Other objectives are to discover gastronomic memory of different places, to impulse people to get interested in these countries’ gastronomy by watching thematic documentaries, make people to know some characters of the gastronomy or audiovisual ilustration’s world.
The second edition of the International Gastronomic Film Festival – La Laguna city will take place from Novemeber the 21st to the 29th, 2014. The films will be screened at different headquarters: ‘’Espacio Aguere’’, ‘’Paraninfo de la Universidad de La Laguna’’ and ‘’Multicines Tenerife’’. The gastronomic activity will be developed in different places of the city such as ‘’el Casino de La Laguna’’, ‘’ Ateneo’’, ‘’Espacio Aguere’, ‘’Paraninfo de la Universidad de La laguna’’, ‘’Multicines Tenerife’’, ‘’IES Cabrera Pinto’’, y ‘’Casa Albar’’ .
-Short films, feature films, documentaries and national or foreign publicity advertisements will be able to participate in the Oficial section of the contest taking into account that they have to be related with gastronomy and they must have been produced after the 1rst January 2011. The screening format will be digital.
-The participation categories will be the following ones:
• Fiction films
National or foreign productions with a minimal length of 60 minutes. They should be made by using the digital format or the 35 mm format
• Short films
National or foreign productions with a maximal length of 40 minutes. They should be made by using digital format or 35 mm format.
• Documentaries
National or foreign productions with a minimal length of 20 minutes and a maximal of 90. They should be made by using digital format or 35 mm format.
• Spots
National or foreign productions with a minimal length of 15 seconds and a maximal length of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, using digital format or 35 mm format.
• Short films "Cinema schools". Cinema under Construction
National or International Productions with a 1 minute minimum duration up to 5 minutes maximum (with credits), digital format.
• Short films "Awakenings". Educating the senses
Secondary School from Tenerife Productions with a 1 minute minimum duration up to 4 minutes maximum (with credits), digital format.
• Video Recipes. single-course meal
National or International Productions with a 1 minute minimum duration up to 3 minutes maximum (with credits), digital format.
-The selected Works will be screened by using only the digital format (dvd pal) , that’s why it is precise to have the final copy and the subtitles wich were required on these bases
-The works will be related to a gastronomic thematic, but in the case of the Awakenings Short Film Contest, that will be about Human Rights, and will be presented in the original version. In case the work language is not spanish, the copy will be subtitled into spanish. English subtitles will be also submitted, even being a spanish original version, or failing this and in all the cases, the dialog list or
English subtitles files with the goal of inserting the spanish subtitles to the contest selected films or showing with a double subtitle if needed. Spanish subtitled original version movies will be positive assessed.
-The Participation in this competition is compatible with other awards or grants from public or private entities.
- The registration fee is free.
- The registration of works would have to be done by the own authors, through a registration form wich could be downloaded on the website of CineEsCena
- The registration receipt will be printed and attached to two copies on DVD (Zone 2/Europa) that must be protected and labeled by specifying the category to which they are presented, and will serve for the screening of films, short films and documentaries, and commercials, candidates. The copy shall be sent in before October, 15th, at 14:00 hours. We’ll take into account the postage stamp as maximum term of shipment. All entries submitted after this date will automatically be out of competition.
Copies of films for screening (DVD PAL FORMAT) must necessarily be accompanied by the following DOCUMENTS:
* Registration form, properly completed and signed CineEsCena downloadable on the web
* Brief synopsis of the work.
*Filmography and two photos of the director ( both photos in digital format) .
* Two images of the work, in high resolution JPG format, for the edition of the catalog and its incorporation into the web of the film if it was selected.
* Press kit, poster and publicity material of the work.
Sending promotional materials, compulsory or voluntary, means the automatic approval to the Festival for been used in the catalog of the event, on the official website ( and / or materials referring back to the media.
- The address for the sending of the DVD is the following one:
Centrífuga Producciones
III Festival Internacional de Cine Gastronómico Ciudad de La Laguna (CineEsCena)
Post office box 426
38200 - San Cristóbal de La Laguna
Tenerife. España
- All expenses incurred for sending works to the contest shall be paid by the participant. Copies of works for the screening (DVD PAL) will not be returned and will become part of the International Film Festival Gourmet City of Laguna CineEsCena. The organization undertakes not to transfer them to third parties, although copies could be used for public screenings related to the promotion of the III International Film Festival Gourmet City of Laguna in successive editions.
- The organisation send a confirmation of the reception of the work.
- Directly at the office from Centrifuga Productions, S.L. in the Doctor Antonio Street nº4 in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
- Through a private server online for the Festival (CineEscena) through the next platforms:
The choice of works which will belong to the official competition section of the fourth edition of International Film Festival Gourmet City of La Laguna (CineEsCena) will be performed by the Festival Selection Committee, which consists of a team of professionals of both media (film and gastronomy) and representatives of the organization, acting as secretary one voice and vote.
The Selection Committee will be responsible for forming the Official Selection and will select works according to the guidelines of quality and creativity which caracterize the Festival.
-The Selection Committee may propose that the presented works but not selected for the Official Selection may be part of other sections of the Festival. In this case, participants will commit to license their works for free.
- The Committee's decision will be unalterable and communicated to participants by e-mail for organizing CineEsCena before November 5th, 2014. Only for information, the list of selected works will also be posted on the website of the Festival. Once selected, the works in competition will not be deleted of the program for any reason.
- If your film is selected, the contestant must:
* Send a copy of projection in one of the following officers display formats: Betacam SP PAL, Digital Betacam PAL, DVCAM PAL, PAL DVD and BLU RAY DISC. The selected works in the form of spot advertising should not be sent back, except that the organization considers screening the DVD does not have sufficient quality to be screened( if that happens we’ll communicate to the contestant producer).
The copies which are sent in bad conditions or deteriorated will not be accepted.
* Send a DVD with three minutes of the film selected and / or trailer for promotion and dissemination in the media and on the Festival website.
The works will be presented in original version. If the original language of the work is not spanish, the copy must be attached to the spanish subtitles and the dialogue list in spanish.
-The copies of the exhibition of selected works in dvd or dvd pal of promotion should be sent to the Festival before November 10th, 2014 at the following address:
Centrífuga Producciones
III Festival Internacional de Cine Gastronómico Ciudad de La Laguna (CineEsCena)
Post office box 426
38200 - San Cristóbal de La Laguna
Tenerife. España
The shipping and insurance of the copies and promotional materials shall be paid by the participants. CineEsCena is not responsible of any damage caused to the projection during it transport.
The jury at the forms of Movie and short movie will be formed by four recognized professionals linked to the gastronomic, movie, cultural and/or press world, of which one of them will act as president. To ensure the international character of the event, at least one component may have a nationality different to the Spanish one.
- The judge will consist of all these people who decide to attend screenings voluntarily and award the Public Aguere prize for the Best Film. One of its members will act as president.
- Advertisement and Video Recipes will be formed by three recognized professionals linked to the gastronomic, movie, cultural and/or press world, of which one of them will act as president.. To ensure the international character of the event, at least one component may have a nationality different to the Spanish one.
- The award to the best Awakenings will be formed by four recognized professionals linked to the cultural, educational, press and social thematics world, one of wich will act as president.
- The decision of the judge will be announced during the celebration of the International Film Festival Gourmet City of La Laguna (CineEsCena)
- The decisions of the judge are unquestionable.
Jury members, integrated by professionals and also the audience vote awarded the following prizes:
• Aguere prize for the best film, doted with 1000 € and statuette which will be delivered to the distributors.
• Aguere Award for Best short film, minimal 350 € and statuette.
• Aguere Award for Best film, statuette.
• Aguere Award for Best documentary, 500 € and statuette.
• Aguere Award for Best spot, 150 euros and statuette.
• Tribute Award it could be give to someone like a honorific tribute for the dedication to his work, it could be a Filmmaker or a Gastronomer.
• Aguere Award to the best Video Recipe, with a 150 Euros prize and a diploma (Aguere Award).
• Second and third awards from the Video Recipes contest, gastronomy thematics, awarded with a diploma.
• Aguere award to the best Cinema schools short film, gastronomy thematics, with a 500 Euros prize and statuette (Aguere Award)
• Second and third awards within the Cinema schools short film contest, awarded with a diploma
• Tribute Award it could be give to someone like a honorific tribute for the dedication to his work, it could be a Filmmaker or a Gastronomer.
• Aguere Award to the best secondary school students short film. Awarded with statuette.
• Second and third award within the Awakenings short film contest, awarded with diploma
- The organization of the Festival will pay by bank fto the person named in the registration form and agreeing with his DNI, NIE, NIF or passport number. Prizes are subject to withholding tax rules that determine the force.
- This call is subject to obtaining the necessary funds for its realization. In case of failure respect to the budgetary objectives, the call will may be suspended being released by the Organization for any liability on this call.
-The Film Festival organization assumes that the production or directors who join the event hold the rights to screen the film submitted. In any case, the organization of Film Festival disclaims any liability arising from the infringement of this rule.
- The three minutes of the selected works requested will be used exclusively for purposes of broadcast media.
- CineEsCena provide the winners of the festival's logo with the indication of the prize, for inclusion in future exhibitions of the film.
-In order to participate in possible extensions, traveling exhibitions, participation or presence of CineEsCena at other festivals with the establishment of a cooperation agreement, the authors will transfer a copy of DVD selection and the rights of exhibition of the winning entries for its foray into improvements without cost to the organization CineEsCena.
-Copies of the exhibition of selected works will be returned to entrants by mail before December 30, 2014, provided that their request. The expenses generated by this shipment will be paid by the participants.
- Sending the participation form and the author's work involves the total acceptance of the contest, and the recognition of the Festival of Films for resolving any situation not covered by them.
"Cinema Under Construction" (cinema schools) Short Films Competition Guidelines
IV International Festival of Gastronomic Cinema Ciudad de La Laguna (CineEsCena)
1.- Short Films made by scholars from schools and private and public institutions as well as intermediate and high level coming from overseas and selected by those as representers can be submitteed
2.- Short films may belong to any of the next categories: Fiction, Documentary and/or animation. They can be produced originally in any format, but they shall be submitted in digital one. Each school or institution will be able to submit up to four short films.
3.- Topic will be Gastronomy, in the broadest sense of the word. That means is not only about cooking, but food in general. This contest intends to raise awareness about the food culture developed in the media. Among its objectives stands the discovery of the food memory from many places, trying to approach the public to the reality and culture of those countries through thematic documentaries, discovering illustrious from the grastronmy world, or the audiovisual ilustration of different stories related somehow to gastronomy. Likewise, the jury will account on creativity, originality and short films structure as well as the technical resources used.
4.- Inscription can be made through an online private server set up by the International Festival of Gastronomic Cinema Ciudad de La Laguna (CineEsCena), through the next platforms:
Furthermore, the inscription can be made by sending two DVD copies with the registration form by postal service, identifying the author, name of the film and contest thematic to the following address:
IV Festival Internacional de Cine Gastronómico Ciudad de La Laguna (CINEESCENA)
I Concurso de Cortometrajes Cine En Construcción (Escuelas de Cine)
Apartado de Correos 426
38200 – La Laguna - Tenerife – España
In case the original language of the piece is not spanish, the copy must be subtitled into spanish.
Registration to this contest is compatible with any other prizes or funds from public or private institutions.
Registration is free.
5.- It is mandatory to fill the "Cinema Under Construction" (cinema schools) registration form, that will be attaached altogether with the short film. In case a single author presents more than one short film, this will attach as many forms as short films presented.
-Next Documents must be attached:
*Registration form correctly filled and signed. Download it at the CineEsCena website
*Biophilmography and directors´two digital pictures
*Two screenshots of the work, in high resolution JPG format, intended for the catalogue edition and its upload to the website if the movie is selected
*Press clipping, poster and commercial merchandising
Sending merchandising material, compulsory or voluntarily, automatically means express authorization to the organization to use it on the catalogue edition, in te website and/or press releases.
6.- Short movies will be originals, recorded in the highest available resolution and quality , with a minimum duration of 1 minute and maximum of 5 minutes per movie, including the opening and end credits and titles
7.- Contestare responsible of third parties rigths by the use of musical pieces in the works, as well as for complaints by image copyrighta of persons and brands appearing on it.
8.- The works authors cede the exploitation rights from the works, consisting in playing, communicating and public distribution, that will be executed with the permanent recognition of the author condition except if stated against.
9.- Deadline for submitting begins from the peublication of these rules until november 14th, 2014
10.- The organization can selexct, among the received works, those that will pass through to the contest round, that will be held on november 26th, 2014, attending quality, technical conditions and base rules compliance criteria. Also, the festival keeps its right to reject those works with abusive, obscene, vulgar, violent, racist, sexist, threatening or undermining any personal fundamental right.
11.- The jury of the contest will be formed by four recognized professionals linked to the gastronomic, movie, cultural and/or press world, one of wich will act as a president. Selected short movies will be displayed within the Festival de Cine Gastronómico Ciudad de La Laguna (CineEsCena) and will be uploaded to the contest website,
12.- Prizes are as follows:
-Aguere award to the best Cinema Under Construction (Cinema Schools) short film, with a 500 Euros prize and diploma (Aguere Award)
-2nd position award to the best Cinema Under Construction (Cinema Schools) short film, gastronomy thematics, with a diploma.
-3rd position award to the best Cinema Under Construction (Cinema Schools) short film, gastronomy thematics, with a diploma.
13.- The winner will be announced at the IV Festival internacional de Cine Gastronómico Ciudad de La Laguna (CineEsCena) ( website and social networks.
14.- The Festival management reserves the right of modifying, with prior announcement, partially or totally, the present rules, as well as to resolve, at its own criteria, any unforeseen situation not stated in these rules. In addition, we do not account on bad or no reception of materials.
15.- Participation implies the full agreement with the rules.
Note: Those cinema academies with internet connection or payment gateway issues, please contact the festival organization at this email:
Contact Person:
José Miguel Viña (Programador)
Keine Gebühr
15 Okt 15
National or foreign productions with a minimal length of 60 minutes. They should be made by using the digital format or the 35 mm format.
Keine Gebühr
15 Okt 15
National or foreign productions with a minimal length of 20 minutes. They should be made by using digital format or 35 mm format.
Keine Gebühr
15 Okt 15
Keine Gebühr
15 Okt 15
National or International Productions with a 1 minute minimum duration up to 3 minutes maximum (with credits), digital format.
Keine Gebühr
15 Okt 15
National or foreign productions with a maximal length of 30 minutes. They should be made by using digital format or 35 mm format.
Keine Gebühr
15 Okt 15
National or foreign productions with a minimal length of 15 seconds and a maximal length of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, using digital format or 35 mm format.
Keine Gebühr
15 Okt 15