Festival Start: 27 September 2016
Festival Ende: 13 Juni 2017
SURKO is a micro documentary and short film festival about rural permaculture, which this year adds the animation category to its 2016-2017 call for participants; SURKO has an itinerant nature and thus it will be presented in different countries, comprised by Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil in its 2016-2017 tour.
The festival lasts between 2 or 3 days in each location, according to schedule or as invitations come. Each presentation will count with the showcase of the participating works, considering duration and topics adapt to the features of each festival.
Parallel to each SUR-KO program, different activities will be carried on, such as: Open Space on innovation, local development, creative industries and/or economic development of the Iberoamerica, symposia, workshops and more; if you are desirous to join the team, just ask us how.
Diploma 1th, 2nd and 3th place
•All people over 18 years old, without restriction of race, nation, creed, ethnicity or profession can participate.
• All the presented projects must deal, from different views with issues related to the rural environments, permaculture, transition movements, original towns and social problematics, among others manifestations related to the festival. THIS YEAR WE WANT TO PROPOSE AND GIVE EMPHASIS TO THE “SOLUTIONS” CONCEPT seeking to promote and disseminate agents of positive change in their broad spectrum, fit here solutions in urban, rural, among others; the theme of this call is NOT discriminatory to others proposals in the same lines.
•Participation can be individual or collective.
• Audio-visual pieces must have a minimal duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes (approximately).
• Participants must send:
- Email address to email surko.fe@gmail.com with subject SURKO/WORK TITLE/CATEGORY (Micro documental, short film or animation)
- PDF document with: work tittle, full name of the participant, country, email contact, description of the work with a maximum of 150 words, YOUTUBE OR VIMEO LINK with the work (This information will be use for your work presentation).
- Where did you heard about this call? Please tell us the site or web page.
- All works must come with their respective caratulas with information, mounted in the edition.
- A Download link via https://www.wetransfer.com/ in any of the following formats: .mov, .mpeg2, mpge4, stereo sound, with a 1920 X 1080 pixels o 1080 x 720 pixels resolution.
•All works submitted must be in Spanish or have Spanish subtitles (Obligatory)
• If invitations to a country with other language than Spanish occur, this call will be re-opened for works with subtitles in the required language.
• Videos with automatic subtitles generated by YouTube will not be accepted; subtitles must be written by authors or direct contributors to the work.
• The festival reserves the right of publication of the papers presented according to criteria of fidelity to the proposed theme, ensuring that the project will not have content that threatens people, races, nations, faiths and ethnic groups.
• All projects should be ascribed to free licensing Creative Commons of specification Attribution Share Alike / Atribución-CompartirIgual (CC BY-SA). More information about licensing free at http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons
•Authorship rights must be committed under the corresponding free license (CC-BY-SA) to reproduce as it is, during a three year period, for the purposes the festival production and the authors find convenient.
• Scripts must be original and of own authorship.
• Music and images must be original or have free licensing Creative Commons or with an accredited license of copyright.
• The participant is the only responsible for the resources used in his/her work (images and audio). The festival waives all liability claims of copyright of the works presented.
• Each Monday, works will be uploaded to the official Facebook account https://www.facebook.com/surkofestival authorized for the festival. The festival organization will connect the playlist from the official festival web site http://surkofe.wix.com/surko and http://www.festivaldecinerural.com
• All participants will receive a diploma, and a letter of participation; letters of recommendation will be granted in case authors require them.
• Sur-ko organization commits to establish all possible connections to promote diffusion of the received Works and their authors, promoting talent interchange and expansion, strengthening networks for the distribution and exhibition of all participant works.
• The participation in the contest implies complete acceptance of its rules.
Animation Short Films
Kurzfilme >5' 20'<
Keine Gebühr
05 Sep 16
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Short Films
Kurzfilme >5' 20'<
Keine Gebühr
05 Sep 16
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micro documentary
Kurzfilme >5' 20'<
Keine Gebühr
05 Sep 16
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