Festival Premiers Plans d“Angers ()


12 Sep 2017
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

09 Nov 2017
Festival geschlossen

23 Dez 2017

12 Jan 2018
21 Jan 2018


9 rue Claveau - BP 82214 ,  49022, ANGERS, Pays de la Loire, France

Festival Beschreibung
European First Film
Kurzfilmfestival 59'<
Spielfilmfestival >60'

BAFTA Qualifier festival logo Qualifizierendes Festival
Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Januar 2016
 Produktionsländer: Erforderlich
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  59'<
 Spielfilme  >60'
 Jede Sprache
French English
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken


Festival Start: 12 Januar 2018      Festival Ende: 21 Januar 2018

The Festival Premiers plans d'Angers has been a film festival since 1989.

Dedicated to the first European cinematographic works, it puts in competition more than one hundred first European films.

Parallel to the competition, it allows to rediscover great works of the cinematographic heritage through tributes, retrospectives, meetings, ...

Attendance 2016: 76,500 entries

Geldpreise: 150,000€

Total amount of 150 000 €
4 awards for feature films 6 awards for short films
3 awards for student films 3 award for animated films 2 awards for scripts
4 awards for actors
1 awards for original music for film
The total amount and the number of the awards are only given on an indicative basis and may be subject to changes. The award-winner will receive the amount of his price on mid-march.
The award-winner could use the benefits of his price within 18 months as from the closing ceremony.
The award-winners, their producers and their distributors of his/her film are under the obligation to include the awards
received and the logo, on all promotion materials for the film in France (credits, poster, trailer, press kit, website).

COMPETITION & OFFICIAL SELECTION REGULATION Deadline for registration: October 2nd, 2017


European First or Second Feature Films
French First or Second Feature Films
European First Short Films
French First Short Films
European Student Films
European Animated Films (Student films and first animated short films)

Free Style (First short or feature experimental films)
Next Shot (First short or feature films by directors whose previous film(s) has (have) been selected in Competition) Air Numérique (Films including internet in their creation or diffusion process and/or VR


Approximately fifteen first feature films,
twenty first short films, twenty animated films and thirty student films are selected for the Competition by a Selection Committee.

The decision of the PREMIERS PLANS Selection Committee is final. Each selected film will be screened no more than three times during the Festival.

The PREMIERS PLANS Festival Competition is open to the films which have the followings charateristics (all the films must have been completed after January, 1, 2016):


- first or second feature films (previous feature films, either on video formats or made for television, are not considered)
- produced or co-produced mainly in Europe (*)
- running time of over 59 minutes
- screening format digital: DCP (**) or HD video file (***)
- commercially unreleased in France
- first or second feature films (previous feature films, either on video formats or made for television, are not considered)
- produced or co-produced mainly in France
- running time of over 59 minutes
- screening format digital: DCP (**) or HD video file (***)
- commercially unreleased in France
(*) The Member States of the European Union or one of the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaïdjan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Norway, Uzbekistan, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine.
(**) 2k resolution only. JPEG 2000 format only. USB plug with external power supply. Proper file naming must be observed per the Digital Naming Convention
Quicktime 1080p (vidéo codec : H.264/ MPEG-4 AVC, audio codec : AAC) or Pro Res 422

- produced or co-produced in Europe (*) (not student films)
- running time less than 59 minutes for fiction
- running time less than 40 minutes for documentary
- screening format digital: DCP (**) or HD video file (***)

- produced or co-produced in France (not student films)
- running time less than 59 minutes for fiction
- running time less than 40 minutes for documentary
- screening format digital: DCP (**) or HD video file (***)

- produced or co-produced in a European (*) film school or university
- running time less than 59 minutes
- screening format digital: DCP (**) or HD video file (***)

- first short film or student film
- produced or co-produced mainly in Europe (*)
- running time less than 59 minutes
- screening format digital: DCP (**) or HD video file (***)

- Films including internet in their creation or diffusion process
- and/or VR
- directed by an European filmmaker (*)
(*) The Member States of the European Union or one of the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaïdjan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Norway, Uzbekistan, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine.
(**) 2k resolution only. JPEG 2000 format only. USB plug with external power supply. Proper file naming must be observed per the Digital Naming Convention
Quicktime 1080p (vidéo codec : H.264/ MPEG-4 AVC, audio codec : AAC) or Pro Res 422

The registration must be filled on line before October, 2nd on our website: www.premiersplans.org SELECTED FILMS AND SHIPMENTS OF THE PRINTS

The directors whose films have been selected to participate to the Competition will be informed early december 2017. Photos from the film and the director must be supplied.

The Festival requires that the digital copy, if possible with French or English subtitles, should be sent no later than December, 20th, 2017. If no French subtitles exist, electronic subtitles will be made at the expense of the Festival.

The shipment of the print to Paris or Angers will be at the expense of the sender, and should be sent with pre-paid postage. Any print sent requiring payment upon reception will be refused. No screening fees will be paid by the Festival to the production, distribution or world sales companies for the films in Competition.

The selected films will be sent back within the month following the end of the Festival, at the expense of PREMIERS PLANS. The Festival reserves the right to organize special screenings of some of the awarded films, two weeks after the end of the Festival, before returning the prints.

In case of damage or loss of material between reception and re-shipment of the prints, the liability of the PREMIERS PLANS Festival will not exceed the replacement value of the print.

Total amount of 150 000 €
4 awards for feature films 6 awards for short films
3 awards for student films 3 award for animated films 2 awards for scripts
4 awards for actors
1 awards for original music for film
The total amount and the number of the awards are only given on an indicative basis and may be subject to changes. The award-winner will receive the amount of his price on mid-march.
The award-winner could use the benefits of his price within 18 months as from the closing ceremony.
The award-winners, their producers and their distributors of his/her film are under the obligation to include the awards
received and the logo, on all promotion materials for the film in France (credits, poster, trailer, press kit, website). PLEASE NOTE
The present rules and regulations are drawn up in French and English. The French version will prevail in case of dispute concerning the interpretation of the text. The Festival reserves the right to make any decision concerning matters not covered by the present Rules and Regulations.

A request to participate in the Premiers Plans Festival (Angers) implies unconditional acceptance of the present Rules and Regulations.

Any dispute will be settled by the Angers Civil Court only.



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