Mazarrón Superviencia Fílmica (7)


22 Aug 2024
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

24 Aug 2024
Festival geschlossen

27 Aug 2024

30 Aug 2024
01 Sep 2024


sc,  30860, Mazarrón, Murcia, Spain

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival 15'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Nationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  15'<
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Mazarrón Superviencia Fílmica
Photo of Mazarrón Superviencia Fílmica
Photo of Mazarrón Superviencia Fílmica
Photo of Mazarrón Superviencia Fílmica


Festival Start: 30 August 2024      Festival Ende: 01 September 2024

As part of the "Mazarrón Supervivencia Fílmica" festival, we will be screening a short documentary.

There are no monetary prizes, we will screen the documentary and send the author their official selection certificate.

The author grants us the rights to his work for screening within the programming of this festival.

The short film must be documentary and the maximum duration will be 15 minutes, including credits.

There is no registration fee.

The screening will be held with free admission until full capacity is reached.

Neither the selection nor the viewing will result in a financial award for the author, who will receive an official selection certificate.

The selection may be declared void without the need for public notification.



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