Buffalo Niagara International Film Festival (0)


26 Aug 2014
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

15 Sep 2014
Frühe Frist

15 Okt 2014

01 Jan 2015
Späte Frist

01 Jan 2015
Festival geschlossen

15 Feb 2015

10 Apr 2015
18 Apr 2015


3840 E. Robinson Rd., Ste 166,  14228, Amherst, NY, United States

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival 45'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  45'<
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken


Rules & Regulations

1. You must complete an entry form for each film submitted. Entry fees are per film entered, and must accompany the entry form or online confirmation. Make checks/money orders payable to the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival.

2. Film Entries are accepted in the following formats: DVD (NTSC only – no PAL)

3. Film Entries are accepted in one of two categories: short and feature length. Short films are under 45 minutes in running time.
Feature films are 45 minutes or longer in running time.

4. Screenplay Submissions are accepted electronically in Final Draft/.Doc/or RTF. Although screenplays are accepted electronically we do prefer you send (2) additional hard copies by along with electronic submission. This will greatly
increase the speed of our acceptance process.

5. DVD(s) and cases must be labeled (preferably using permanent marker/ink) with film title, filmmaker name, phone and email. Please place DVD(s) in a DVD sleeve or hard plastic cases.

6. Films may have been previously screened at other festivals, although BNFF “premier” status is preferred but not mandatory.

7. Any film that has had a theatrical release, other than a limited premiere or special showing, or is currently in distribution (e.g., has been licensed for distribution in some territory) may be eligible for the competition. If there is a question regarding eligibility, please contact info@bniff.com or you may call (716) 693-0912.

8. The Festival Organizers reserve the right to hold “Special Screenings” of previously released/distributed films, however they will not be considered for juried competition or festival prizes.

9. The BNFF Directors reserve the right to include selected films/screenplays in any category deemed appropriate.

10. Not all films/screenplays will be selected for screenings during the BNFF, but all submitted films/screenplays will be considered. All submitters will be notified on or about January 15, 2015 of the status of their submission(s).

11. The BNFF Directors reserve the right to program selected films/screenplays as many times during the Festival as they see fit, at whatever venue they see fit.

12. If a film/screenplay is selected for screening, the Film Director (Submitter) will state that he/she/they is/are the sole and rightful owner(a) of the submission and does not violate or infringe on any trademark, trade name, copyright, literary, dramatic, musical, artistic or other intellectual property or personal

13. If a film/screenplay is selected, the filmmaker agrees that he/she will be solely responsible for the delivery of his/her final screening copies of their film/screenplay to the BNFF Festival Office no later than March 1, 2015. All films/screenplays and canisters/sleeves will be marked with the name of the film/screenplay/filmmaker/phone and email. If the filmmaker/screenwriter is not in attendance, he/she will provide return shipping of their screening copies, otherwise they remain the property of the BNFF. Original screening copies and press kits remain the property of the BNFF. Screening copies will only be returned if the submitter has included a self-addressed envelope (with the correct postage).

14. No filmmaker or writer will be either discriminated or favored by their country of origin, language, age, race, education, ideology, or by their economic resources.

15. All participants acknowledge that the BNFF is a public event that is open to the media. As such, all participants are subject to media coverage and scrutiny and may have their likenesses published in print, electronically, or via digital broadcast. BNFF is not, now nor will not be in the future, responsible nor liable for such media coverage or actions of the press or other publicity agents during any events or functions associated with BNFF.

16. Once a submission has been made, and the submission fee has been paid, there are no refunds.

Terms & Conditions

By signing below, you agree to the following Buffalo Niagara Film Festival (BNFF) Terms & Conditions, and indicate that you have read and understood the BNFF entry guidelines, Rules & Regulations.

The following will apply if my film/screenplay is selected:

1. My film/screenplay will be screened during the BNFF and will be eligible to win a filmmaker award.

2. My film/screenplay will be shipped (at filmmakers expense) in one of the exhibition formats specified above by March 1, 2015.

3. My film/screenplay may be utilized for promotional purposes and not limited to any additional screenings, private or otherwise, within the festival events or activities.

4. I will permit the BNFF to use my name, likeness and stills from my film/screenplay for promotional purposes in any way the festival deems fit.

The following will apply for all films/screenplay submissions:

1. The BNFF attains the right to archive the submitted film/screenplay in physical and/or digital format solely for historical and research purposes.

2. The BNFF will conduct private screening sessions to review submissions, which may include my film/screenplay.

3. The BNFF will not return any DVD screening copies.

4. The BNFF does not provide refunds on submission fees.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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