
10 Feb 2025
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

04 Mai 2025
Letzter Termin


02 Jun 2025

17 Jul 2025
20 Jul 2025


Ajuntament, 1,  12317, Herbers, Castelló, Spain

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival >1' 30'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren
 Nationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Januar 2023
 Produktionsländer: Erforderlich
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  >1' 30'<
 Jede Sprache
Spanish English
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken



Festival Start: 17 Juli 2025      Festival Ende: 20 Juli 2025

A unique short film festival situated in the backdrop of a beautiful village in the north of Castellón: Herbers.

Promoting film talents that highlights the importance of repopulation, rural environment, biodiversity and diversity in the rural environment giving them the platform to showcase and promote their work.

Geldpreise: 1,100€


• Best Shortfilm Prize: €500 awarded by the Oficial Jury of the Festival

• Xeic Prize: €250 awarded by a Special Jury

• Young Prize: €150 for the best short on rural theme by people under 25.

• Diversity Award: Hotel Mesón La Lonja weekend valued at €120

Festival Espigol Fest 2025

This appeal is intended for all directors, producers and distributors of short films from any country.

Each author may present the number of short films they want. All those works that are not in Spanish must be subtitled in english. The topic will be about repopulation, rural environment, biodiversity and diversity in the rural environment.

The final Production of work must be after January 1st, 2023, for national shorts and international shorts.

The duration may not exceed 30 minutes, including credits.
Advertising or industrial films are not accepted.

The owners of the film rights must guarantee that they have all intellectual property rights, image rights and, in general, all derived rights, so that the Festival cannot be affected when the films are broadcast. Any claim by a third party in relation to the films will imply the exclusion of the film from the competition.

Registration will be done exclusively online through the Festhome platform.

The registration deadline will be May 4th, 2025.

Once the work is submitted, the content is private and only accessible by the festival and its collaborators. Once selected, it is necessary to fill in the contact information correctly, as well as include the movie poster and its corresponding frames for promotional purposes.

The Festival does not apply a premiere or premiere rule, but special attention will be paid to films that have not yet been publicly screened. When registering, please list previous festivals and awards.

The participating works compete directly for all the prizes of the official competition.
The amounts of the prizes will be subject to the tax withholdings established by current legislation.

The festival reserves the right that any of the prizes may remain void.

The selected films will be communicated via email, and individually, to each one of the selected ones. The definitive program of the festival will be sent to all the participants.

The official festival program will be announced prior to its celebration at the end of June 2025.

Once the participation has been notified, a projection copy must be sent before June 24 2025. The copies sent must meet the following technical qualities: MP4 image codec H264, Full HD stereo sound, 320 kbPs audio and, where appropriate, integrated subtitles in english and Spanish.

The composition of the jury will be published on the festival's website and social media, and audiovisual and cultural figures will be recognized.

The jury's decision is final.
A selection of winning works may be projected, again, at the opening of the festival the following year.

• Registration: From February 10th, 2025 to May 4th, 2025.
• Festival Date : 17-20 July 2025.
• Awards Ceremony: Sunday, July 20 2025.

Participation in the Festival implies unreserved acceptance of the terms of these regulations. The Festival reserves the right to cancel the registration and adopt any other appropriate measure in case of non-compliance with the terms of the regulations or an attitude contrary to the proper functioning of the festival.

The producers and directors authorize, free of charge, to represent, reproduce and broadcast on Spanish terrestrial, digital, cable, satellite and ADSL channels, on the Internet, as well as electronic and/or digital, extracts and /or images of the films selected at the festival. These extracts may not exceed 10% of the total duration of the film and, in any case, will be limited to 3 minutes and will only be used in the context of information or reports dedicated to the Festival, broadcasts on television or on the web, interviews and/or promotional or advertising announcements of the current Festival for a period of one year, from the date of registration of the film, extendable by tacit agreement unless by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, with two months notice prior to the annual expiration date.

The person responsible for the registration guarantees that they own or have acquired all the rights and permissions necessary for the participation of the film in the Festival as well as for the uses granted under these rules and, in particular, without this list being exhaustive, that has the rights related to the images, the music, the filming locations, the scripts, the rights of the different authors, directors, performers, but also the right to use, cite and reproduce the photographs, the names and surnames and the pseudonyms of the different participants.
In this sense, you exonerate the festival against any complaint, claim, eviction of any kind and any action by third parties for any reason. The person responsible for the registration will be responsible for damages and interest, as well as all costs, in particular those related to any litigation (including pre-litigation), judicial, administrative or criminal (including, among others, expenses and fees of fees, disbursements, expert fees, etc.) and those related to any execution measure.

In your case, it is recalled that the lack of possession of all the rights and authorizations necessary for the participation of the film in the Festival and the uses granted as mentioned in this article, will subject you to the criminal and civil sanctions provided by the law. In addition, failure to comply with this clause may mean your exclusion from the competition.


  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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