Festidok - Festival internacional de cortometraje documental de Girona por los derechos humanos y la paz (0)

Festidok - Girona International Documentary Short Film Festival on Human Rights and Peace


01 Mär 2014
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

30 Jun 2014
Festival geschlossen

15 Aug 2014

27 Sep 2014
27 Sep 2014


Apdo. Correos 128,  17001, Girona, Girona, Spain

Festival Beschreibung
Kurzfilmfestival 25'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Internationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Produktionsdatum: Jede
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  25'<
 Jede Sprache
Catalan Spanish
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken


The award in both categories will be an exclusive representative work with human rights by recognized artist Vicens Huedo.

As in previous editions celebrate an International Short Documentary Competition for Human Rights and Peace. The date of this year's festival will be the 27th of September, 2014.

1.- The submission does not require an entry fee and can be done all holders of registration rights to the films, whether they are filmmakers, producers, distributors or another entity or organization. All short documentaries in any language can be submitted, provided they are subtitled in Spanish language and / or Catalonian.

2.- Submitted films must be made ​​from January 1, 2013 and their theme must be related to human rights and peace.

3.- There will be two competition categories : Best Documentary Short Film and Audience Award.

4.- The prize in both categories will be an exclusive representative work with human rights recognized artist Vicens Huedo Girona.

5.- Submitted films can not be longer than 20 minutes.

6.- The audiovisual presentation will be in DVD PAL ( 720 x 576 ) and / or HD ( 1920x1080 ) format. Any work that can not be fully displayed may not be selected

7.- After the festival ends, all copies will be kept as information and audiovisual material at the Resources Department The Guerrilla Communicational Association to heighten awareness with the respective assignment to the organizers and will not be returned.

8.- Attached or sent in advance along with the submitted works, the registration form that you can find on the festival website (www.festidok.org ) duly completed and attached to all items listed in the same record. All material should be sent to the following address: FESTIDOK - GUERRILLA COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION, PO Box # 78 of Girona (17001).

9.- The registration period and shipment of works begin on March 1, 2013 and ending on June 30, 2013, deadline for acceptance of the works.

10.- The fee FESTIDOK organization is responsible for the admission and selection of all audiovisual works presented. This selection of a jury that will determine the winning work will be delivered.

11.- The communication of selected works will be performed by 15 August via email. Also, they can be found on the festival website. The decision of the selection committee is final. If after this date have not received any communication, means that his work has not been selected.

12.- Each participant may submit one or more works in the festival with the corresponding registration form each.

13.- No institutional or advertising audiovisual works will be accepted. Nor works released in theaters or broadcast by any television station from Catalunya or the Spanish state.

14.- The organization reserves the right to include or remove any award category at the festival.

15.- The participants authorize the organization to use the material for dissemination (press release, trailer, posters and photographs) in any media national or international media (TV, newspapers, internet), in order to promote their work and FESTIDOK.

16.- All participants authorize the organizers of the exhibition documentary events to raise awareness and promotion of Human Rights and Peace.

17.- The FESTIDOK participation means full acceptance of all the sections of these rules. The interpretation and application of the basis corresponds to the organization of the festival

The Communicational Guerrilla

Girona, February 17th, 2013.



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