Vinartfest ()


15 Jan 2023
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

10 Apr 2023
Festival geschlossen

01 Mai 2023

19 Mai 2023
21 Mai 2023


Las Ventas de Alcolea,  16612, Villarrobledo, Albacete-Cuenca, Spain

Festival Beschreibung
The culture of wine
Kurzfilmfestival >3' 20'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Nationales Festival
 Online und physischer Standort
 Dezember 2021
 Produktionsländer: Jede
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Jede
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  >3' 20'<
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Vinartfest
Photo of Vinartfest
Photo of Vinartfest
Photo of Vinartfest


Festival Start: 19 Mai 2023      Festival Ende: 21 Mai 2023

VinartFest is a multidisciplinary art event around the culture of wine and its symbolism that will celebrate its fourth edition in May 2023. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the first and second editions were celebrated online, even though the festival was created as a presential event to take place in the hamlet of Las Ventas de Alcolea, between Albacete and Cuenca province.
VinartFest wants to be a meeting point for diverse artistic expressions, gathered around the same common thread: the creative and evocative power of wine and its culture.
The Festival is articulated around a dual objective: to showcase the cultural riches that the wine universe possesses, as well as to empower a rural area that has become depopulated and is a testimony to the “emptied Spain”. The festival is an initiative of the non-profit association, Asociación Cultural de Las Ventas de Alcolea.
As part of the event, la Asociación Cultural de las Ventas de Alcolea, has convened the IV Contest of Micro-Rrelato, Photography and Short Films VinartFest 2023, which will join the rest of the activities that will be scheduled within the framework of the Festival.

Geldpreise: 500€

The First Prize will consist of 500 euros and a diploma.The prize is sponsored by Don Octavio winary from Villarrobledo.

There will be only one winner and the prize can only be left vacant, the jury will be reserving, in case there is no more than one participant and these lack technical quality. Jury rulings will be final.

Participation bases in VinartFest SHORT 2023


Producers or filmmakers of any nationality who own the rights to the works they submit may participate. 3 categories of participation are established:

1. Fiction

Short films whose main theme, space of development and / or of story's content contemplate in a significant way the universe of wine in any of its manifestations: its culture, tradition, problems, challenges, contributions...

2. Documentary

Short films whose content deals with significant cultural and ethnographic aspects reflecting the material and/or intangible heritage of the wine universe.

3. Animation:
Any animation method can be used. Short films whose content deal with cultural and ethnographic aspects of wine and/or the countryside.


The short films may be in Spanish or any other language as long as they are also subtitled in Spanish if the audio is in another language.

To make this Festival an inclusive event, it is appreciated that even short films whose original language is Spanish, also contemplate the inclusion of subtitles.


The short films submitted must have been produced after December 2021.

Duration OF SHORTS

The duration of the submitted work may not exceed 20 minutes and no less than 3 minutes.

Each author or producer may submit a maximum of two works to the contest.


Registration will be made through the platform

It will be necessary to fill in the corresponding registration form and upload the short film file for pre-selection.


The registration and sending of short films begin on 15th January and ends on April 10th, 2023 at 00:00 hours, Spanish mainland time.


Of the total short films received in the competition, a committee made up of people linked to the audiovisual world, will make the first selection of the material received. Subsequently, from this selection and in a second round, the committee will select the ten finalist works, two in each category (documentary, fiction and animation).

The organization of the contest will contact the finalist directors to request, if necessary, the short film in high quality format for further screening.

The short films selected will be exhibited as part of the celebration of the activities of the IV Edition of VinartFest CORTO, which will be held during one week in may 2023.

The short finalists and their directors will be released on social networks and web.

The First Prize will consist of 500 euros and a diploma. The prize is sponsored by Don Octavio winery from Villarrobledo.

There will be only one winner and the prize can only be left vacant, the jury will be reserving, in case there is no more than one participant and these lack technical quality. Jury rulings will be final.


The transfer of the screening rights of the selected short films will be limited to the week of the duration of the festival and will only be extendable with prior agreement with the director of the winning short films.


Participation in this Festival implies acceptance of all the sections of these bases, as well as the resolution, by the organization, of any contingency not provided for in these.


The person who registers the work in the Festival declares that it is authorized by the producer to dsitribute and lend the copy of the film and accept the rules of the contest.



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