Colortape International Film Festival (9)


17 Oct 2023
Call for entries

20 Sep 2024
Festival closed

21 Sep 2024
Notification date

22 Sep 2024
23 Oct 2024


-,  4000, Brisbane, Qld, Australia

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
 Any language
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Photo of Colortape International Film Festival
Photo of Colortape International Film Festival
Photo of Colortape International Film Festival
Photo of Colortape International Film Festival


Festival start: 22 September 2024      Festival end: 23 October 2024

Colortape International Film Festival is a multicultural film festival promoting worldwide arts & culture through films, while bridging cultural differences, friendship, showcasing the creative vision of filmmakers from over the world. We are strong advocates and promoters of peace, love, friendship and mutual respect. One of very few festivals, if not the only one, to guaranteed acceptance, entry and certification for every filmmaker!

Over 2810 filmmakers were rewarded in the past 8 years!

Colortape is a film competition and film festival offering an Indoor/Outdoor screening opportunity , to showcase filmmakers work, and reward everyone towards the end of the competitive season.

Colortape is the first ever film festival in the world to award filmmakers with custom designed & newly released NFT (Non-Fungible-Tokens) valued in Ethereum cryptocurrency. Non-redeemable, BUT awarded filmmakers have re-sale & transfer rights, and can fundraise their future film projects by selling their NFT to their sponsors, family, friends, or NFT collectors, NFT investors, in the film diaspora. Note: NFTS are like diamonds/wine/paintings. The older they will get the more valuable they will become. Must have heard of some VIP NFTS sold in millions. Never know what could happen to yours. Re-assurance: Colortape will NOT retain any royalty % on transfer or re-sales of the awarded film NFTS. Guaranteed. One NFT award will be issued per winner. Best Actor/Actress/Best DOP/Cinematography/Sound etc may also receive an NFT award for working on the same project, entirely different design/minting process & value. The NFT awards value will vary from one film to another, year -to - year and will usually takes place close to the end of the competitive season (December) each year. Email notification and digital certificates will be emailed, to reduce close contacts.
The cryptocurrency and NFT market is evolving rapidly and we want to keep pace with the developments. We recommend filmmakers/producers/agents get a crypto currency "wallet". We use the most common one Metamask, it is easy and secure. NFTS are designed by "Ride2FameWithMe" and the minted token value is assigned by CIFF management according to the respective award.

Thank you for your support. PLEASE help us with your reviews and fundraising initiatives (buy our NFTS). if possible so we can reward as many possible filmmakers, animators, script writers, musicians, content creators like yourselves to get some sort of recognition for your works.

Winners & Runner Ups - Top 100 Nominees updates will be available for viewing in December each year at

Filmmaker must send us a screener ready download link of their full/complete film, preferably MP4 format with English subtitles, SRT file attached is OK, less than 1.8Gig in size (if possible), a 300 word synopsis in winword or RTF/PDf format, + 300DPI poster size A4 + either a link of your work (to be able to download mp4 format PLEASE LESS than 1Gig in size!) or 2x copies of your work USB flash card / Micro SD card (we will return it if requested) or a file on DVD or BluRay please contact us for the surface mail (postage).

Once received you will automatically proceed past our 1st phase of acceptance or pre-selection process and you will receive an extra 5-10 points. We need to share the film link or preferably on disc or raw file with judges or panel selection in other geographical areas where our festival runs simultaneously, and because we had problems during playback during public screening while running online (as frames dropped out and connections were severed), people just walking out of the screening sessions, making our presentation look very unprofessional. Hence we have decided to have both softcopies (mp4 / mov format file) and hard copies on hand available to play any time anywhere, unrestricted and flawlessly. Depending on the material and works submitted.

The USB sticks (flash card)/Micro SD, DVD's or BluRay's are non-returnable. Do NOT send via DHL please, as we can not chase so many parcels at the distribution centre, as it is required in Australia. DHL parcels are not delivered to our address we must pick them up ourselves. Just last year alone we have received over 50 entries via DHL and spent a lot of time and resources chasing them instead of using our dedicated volunteering time wisely elsewhere. Please send them normal air mail, or UPS. Thank you.

The submitted work should be filmed in either Standard Definition (SD) but most preferable in High Definition (HD) if possible, The last one will attract extra points. Some categories are exempt (for example: Mobile Phone category). Please include a 300DPI rezolution A4 poster (5 points extra will be awarded for graphics design & creativity) and line of credits + a short synopsis (5 points each added). DVD cover and art works will also receive extra pints for presentation (5points). Must submit your own work not somebody else's. Penalties will apply for plagiarism and copyright theft.

Since you have shot and made your film/documentary/commercial/musical or promo, and after spending endless hours of pre & post production work, from filming to editing, designing and rendering, once you have finalized your master then now it’s time to send us a link to your version of your film (web uploaded) or send us DVD copies. Make your film stand out by delivering the highest possible quality, and playable at a good speed (without frames being dropped). Hence, is to be rendered in a popular industry standard format. Always keep a copy of your master safe and on file for future use. It is the responsibility of the registered member or entrant to upload the correct file format or working link and must be as small as possible, and playable as fast as possible. Any submitted foreign language films made in your native language MUST have English subtitles or dubbing! Don't take the risk to loose crucial points by not providing translation, get the much needed extra points to boost your chances to win!

Remember: Please submit posters, A4 via email in digital format, pdf/psd/jpeg/gif 300DPI minimum printing resolution (extra 5 points to be awarded for a poster submission, photo and info about the film, filmmaker & your subject(s), cast and crew. Include title, director's name, full surface mail address! Yes, some filmmakers do not fill out the complete address (eg: country) to where we can send you our correspondence with certificates or awards! Every detail will be awarded or deducted anywhere between 5-15 points. Points do add up and is crucial that you accumulate as many points as possible.

Those entering the Promotions (advertisement) category please note: adherence to the theme and creativity are two of the most important criteria requirements in your submission. Tip! If the film (vidlet) made is the right theme then this will attract the highest points.

Colortape International promotes the work submitted by filmmakers which are made in their own native language – as long as there is a Multi-language selection subtitle embedded in your submitted material, most importantly in English (if you are not a native English-speaker). We will not assess or award points on the correctness or gramma of the English language used. We just need to understand your film. However, if your submitted material will be a winner or runner-up in one of the regions and will enter the world competition at international level, we would suggest to you to improve the language issue to suit most audiences world wide. Tip! You will have a better chance to progress in the competition at higher levels. Participants, directors or filmmakers submitting either: films, documentaries, montage and musicals, “0-60 Seconds” commercials/promos and/or short films into this competition then should tell us how much budget did you have, and should upload a clear pre & post production snap shot (jpeg pref.) of cast & crew, and a short biography of the director and a synopsis. Must be sent to us via email during the registration process, and must be attached to their profile and be readily available to provide us with more information about themselves, cast & crew and their subject if they are selected to progress into the finals.

Advertisements & Film Classification
Colortape International film festival will be given special customs and censorship clearances under which it is forbidden to allow persons under the age of 18 years to attend – this includes babies. However, some films included in the Commercials & Short Film Festival and post 2014 will be classified and in some cases children under the age of 18 will be allowed to attend certain screenings depending upon the classification awarded. Also if you will use children under the age of 18 in your own productions you MUST download a Parent Consent Form and have it signed with the legal guardian of the child prior to shoot your advertisement. A form must be completed for every child featured in the commercial or promo. A commercial or film's classification will be identified in the Colortape International Film Festival Guide section of the website.

For further information on Film Classification visit:

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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