
Festival start: 27 September 2024      Festival end: 06 October 2024

11th version of the International Documentary Film Festival Globale - Bogotá
The Globale International Documentary Film Festival - Bogotá invites documentary filmmakers and audiovisual producers to submit proposals that revolve around utopias under
construction, that is, human and non-human resistance to live in freedom and autonomy.

About the festival
Globale—Critical and Emancipatory Perspectives is a non-profit and non-competitive festival that exhibits documentaries with political and social themes. It was founded in
Berlin in 2003 and later replicated in Warsaw, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, and Bogota, where it has been held since 2011.
Its objective is to generate scenarios of denunciation, dialogue, awareness, and analysis of reality based on the themes established for each version. Thus, it proposes
transforming established cultural, social, and economic models. For them, we resort to the documentary without a hierarchy of formats, media, qualities, or academic or
industrial validations.

About this version
In this version of the festival, we want to focus on utopias that inspire us to continue resisting the capitalist system of exploitation and domination. Therefore, we are interested
in hopeful audiovisual proposals of living and active struggles and propose the following sub-themes:
Nature in resistance:
Proposals that leave behind the anthropocentric paradigm and focus on different ecologies, organisms, and living systems and their ways of adapting to change through
strategies such as succession, regeneration, retaking, and creating relationships with other forms of life, among others. This theme also includes documentaries that present
other ways in which people relate to their living environment and, in doing so, refuse to participate in the destruction and instrumentalization of life that capitalism promotes.
Collectivities in resistance:
Documentaries that portray the strategies of self-organization, action, cooperation, and creation of networks and communities of collectivities that oppose the various forms of
oppression from places outside the state and its institutions, thereby building paths towards a freer and more supportive world.
Technologies in resistance:
We understand technology as a set of tools, techniques, skills, abilities, knowledge, and processes. From this perspective, we invite documentary proposals that portray
experiences where technology is part of collective or community processes that create autonomy, degrees of freedom, and other/new ways of relating between ecosystems.

EXPANDED INFORMATION: / / / @globalebogota

Non-competitive Festival

1. Duration: minimum 1 minute

2. Projects carried out since 2018

3. Postulate the work within one of the thematic approaches

4. Format of creation: celluloid cinema, digital cinema, mobile cinema, video

5. Projection formats: HD, DCP, Blue Ray.

6. Trailer (max. 3 minutes) (Optional)

7. Poster or promotional image

8. Synopsis

9. Technical sheet

10. Biography / Filmography of the person applying for the material (optional)

11. Production photos (optional)

12. Subtitles in Spanish if the documentary is in another language

13. The following film genres are received:

Documentary film
documentary animation
Experimental Documentary

14. All types of cinematographic media are accepted:
Film / Video

Virtual reality
Augmented reality
expanded cinema
Cinema with emerging media

15. In case of applying for an experimental/non-conventional project for projection in a movie theater, send a document with the details and technical requirements of the projection or assembly.


The space is promoted and opened to present independent works, free of legal restrictions on exhibition, distribution and circulation. For this reason we open the space to productions
Creative Commons, CopyLeft or free distribution.

In the event that a work produced under dynamics with copyright restrictions is selected, an authorization is requested that allows the Festival Globale Bogotá to exhibit the audiovisual piece, both in the festival and in other exhibitions and retrospectives.