PRO 18%
12 Dec 24
01 Jan 24
10 Jan 25
12 Jan 25
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
12 Jan 25
All submitted works must be original. In the event that the contestant uses a novel, a short story or a text by another author as the basis of the script, the contestant must include in his / her registration the corresponding authorization from the author of the original work.
All scripts must be written in Spanish or English.
Works must be presented in a film literary script format, in accordance with industry standards. Scripts that do not present a suitable format will be automatically disqualified.
Storyboards and technical scripts will not be accepted.
Los guiones deben tener una extensión máxima de 12 páginas, sin contar la portada y la página de sinopsis.
Solo se aceptarán archivos en formato PDF. La portada indicará el título y nombre del autor así como su dirección postal, correo electrónico y número de teléfono.
La sinopsis tendrá una extensión máxima de 15 líneas.
Los criterios para la evaluación de los guiones registrados serán:
1) Formato profesional.
2) Originalidad.
3) Visualización cinematográfica.
4) Estructura.
La decisión del jurado es inapelable.
El autor del guión siempre tendrá los derechos sobre él. Los guiones presentados, una vez finalizado el festival, serán eliminados.
De todos los guiones presentados, la organización seleccionará 12 finalistas. Estos finalistas enviarán un Pitch de no más de 5 minutos de duración.
The Ibizacinefest Jury will decide in an unappealable way the winner and may award up to 2 special mentions.
The award consists of an aid for the production of the awarded short film valued at € 1,000 (taxes included). In addition, the short film will participate in a contest in the next edition of the festival where its screenwriter and director will be invited to present it.
2 Special Mentions will be awarded, assuring the producer of the finished short film, his official selection in the corresponding edition of the Ibizacinefest.
All finalist scripts will have a fee waiver for their registration in the Ibizacinefest once the short film is finished.
In any of the above possibilities, the producer of the short film undertakes to include the corresponding Ibizacinefest logo at the beginning of the film.