Festival Itinerante Cine En Mi Barrio ()

Festival Itinerate Cine en mi barrio


11 Sep 2024
Call for entries

20 Oct 2024
Festival closed

01 Nov 2024
Notification date

06 Nov 2024
10 Nov 2024


Torre del Reloj,  75, Popayán, Cauca, Colombia

Festival description
Short film festival >7' 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >7' 30'<
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Photo of Festival Itinerante Cine En Mi Barrio
Photo of Festival Itinerante Cine En Mi Barrio

Photo of Festival Itinerante Cine En Mi Barrio
Photo of Festival Itinerante Cine En Mi Barrio


Festival start: 06 November 2024      Festival end: 10 November 2024

The Itinerant Cinema in Mi Barrio festival is consolidated as a vital platform for the dissemination of national short films in the department of Cauca, giving audiences from various subregions the opportunity to enjoy cinema on a giant screen. The 2024 call is open to short films that, due to their narrative proposal, stand out and have the potential to reach diverse audiences.

Cinematographic works may address free themes, with special attention to aspects such as the environment, human rights, creativity and youth, arts and cultures, thus reflecting the richness of Colombian biodiversity.

This year, the festival's itinerant route begins in the Cauca Pacific, with stops in Timbiquí and Guapi. The mobile room will then move to the south, to the lands of Patía, and later to the north in Santander de Quilichao, in the Valles del Cauca. You will also visit the east of Tierra Distancia, known for its hidden treasures.
The festival will have special programming during the central week in Popayán, Cauca, where additional activities will be developed, including workshops, talks and official exhibitions. This itinerant not only seeks to showcase short films, but also promote dialogue and cultural exchange, reaffirming the festival's commitment to promoting national cinema locally and internationally.

The best shorts in each category will be awarded.

Categories in call:

Colombian productions or co-productions directed in Colombia, or abroad, whose completion or premiere was between 2022 and 2024, can participate, with a minimum duration of 7 minutes, maximum of 30 minutes in the genres of Fiction, Documentary, Animation, Experimental and Videoclip.

The awards will be considered by the juries and with the help of the public will be awarded to Best Fiction, Best Documentary and Best Animation of the National sample.

Popayán XR (Extended Reality)
Short films produced in 360° can participate, from any country in the world (including Colombia), in the genres of Fiction, Documentary, Animation, Experimental and Video clip whose completion or premiere is after January 1, 2022, with a maximum duration of 10 minutes.

Key recommendations for participating:

The short films may have been shown publicly in Colombia or abroad as part of massive or independent events. The release status does not determine the selection process.

Colombian productions:

It is understood as a Colombian short film, where the production demonstrates the required percentages of national economic, technical and artistic participation; Colombian short films must be registered in the national category

All works that are not selected
in some of the official competitions, they may be chosen in other informative sections of the festival, such as Especiales Cinema Móvil Tevé, a slot on local television in Popayán.

Registration requirements:

Registration is free and must be done through the FESTHOME platform, email (festcineenmibarrio@gmail.com), between September 10 and October 20, 2024.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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