Festival Cortogijón ()


09 Oct 2023
Call for entries

29 Feb 2024
Festival closed

14 Mar 2024
Notification date

02 Apr 2024
06 Apr 2024


CMI El Llano,  33208, Gijón, Asturias, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 60'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Required
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 60'<
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Photo of Festival Cortogijón
Photo of Festival Cortogijón
Photo of Festival Cortogijón
Photo of Festival Cortogijón


Festival start: 02 April 2024      Festival end: 06 April 2024

X CortoGijón Festival

The Gijón Short Film Festival arises
in 2015 as a parallel section within the
Aula 18 National Short Film Contest
in the delivery After the disappearance of
emblematic festival three of the programmers
decide to maintain their essence by transferring
the festival to Gijón. It is in the second edition
that of 2016, where the festival moves to the
municipal centers of the city to develop a festival with an eye on short films and music. Since then
to the competitive sections (Official Section,
Asturias Section) And to the sample sections
(Panorama Asturias and Mirada FICX) have been
there have been concerts that have given luster to the
cultural spaces of the city and that have
served to put the climax to each projection.

Names like Marilia, Pablo Und
Destruktion, Marem Ladson, Tiger and Diamond,
David Feito… confirm the high level
musical that lives the festival and its local and regional look.

In 2020 Laboral City of Culture joins
with a new screen inside CortoGijón
thus amplifying collaborations between
all cultural entities in the region started in 2017 with the Mirada Ficx section in
collaboration with the Gijón Film Festival.

Three main prizes are established.

-Official Section Prize

-Documentary Section Prize

-Award for best Asturian short film

Rules X Festival CortoGijón 2023

1. The Bases developed are valid for all the participants of CORTOGIJÓN 2024.

2. There is no limit of works per author, as long as they have been made after January 1, 2023 and their duration does not exceed 60 minutes.

3. All pieces submitted to the contest must be original. The participants ratify through the signature of these legal bases that they own the authorship and therefore the intellectual property rights (or the authorized license for the use of the piece by its owners), in addition to the transfer of the right to the image of the people who appear

4. In the event of non-compliance with authorship, the person responsible will be solely and exclusively the one who has submitted said short film, assuming, therefore, the consequences derived from any type of claim or legal action. Consequently, the organization exempts itself from any conflict derived from the non-authorship of the works presented.

5. Those works that have been sent to previous editions of this Festival will not be selected.

6. Three sections are established within the festival.

6.1. Official Section: International short film competition.

6.2. Documentary Section: Sample of national documentaries.

6.3. Panorama Asturias: Short film competition made by Asturian directors.

7. Three main prizes are established.

7.1. Official Section Prize
7.2. Documentary Section Prize
7.3. Award for best Asturian short film

7.4. The prize will be paid by bank transfer to the account indicated by the winners, within a maximum period of six months from the date of the festival.

7.5. In the event that one of the winners cannot be present at the awards ceremony, they must name another person to pick them up in their place and send a thank you video to project it. In addition to previously notifying the organization of his absence, if these requirements are not met, the winner will not have the cash prize.

7.6. The winners must present the necessary documentation to make the corresponding payment within a maximum period of 10 days from the date of the awards ceremony. Failure to comply with this term implies the waiver of the economic prize (although not the condition of winner).

7.7. The organization reserves the right to
make and deliver special mentions.

8. The submission of the works and their registration can only be done through Festhome (www.festhome.com)

9. The works can be sent until January 31, 2024.

10. The Festival will notify all participants by email of the works that make up the official selection 2 weeks before the start of the contest. In turn, each person selected personally will be asked for the screening copy in digital format, also by email.

11. The theme of the work to be presented is free, but violent content that may hurt the sensitivity of the public will be excluded.

11.1 The organization of the festival reserves the right to dispense with those works that it considers do not comply with the bases, do not present a minimum of quality (we will be rigorous with those that do not respect the submission format of the works or exceed the time established for the duration of the projections).

11.2 The copies sent to compete will be kept by the festival organization indefinitely, forming part of the archive material, and may be used for non-profit purposes.

11.3 The decisions of the Selection Committee and the Jury are final.

11.4 Voting and the decision of the jury are secret, personal and irrevocable. Voting will be done by simple majority and will not be public until the awards ceremony.
Subsequently, it will be published through the different channels belonging to the festival and other media.

12. The contestants assign to the festival the total or partial reproduction rights of the works presented, both within the scope of the contest and through any of the media used by this festival to make itself known and promote itself. This does not imply the loss of copyright by their owners, but the transfer of these for non-commercial purposes and linked to the festival.

12.1. The contestants authorize the festival to use, reproduce and distribute their name, as well as the works that participate, the images and stills contained in said pieces for any event that the organization carried out throughout the calendar year as long as they maintain the essence of not own profit.

12.1 A Batch of Shorts
12.1 B Doors Film Festival
12.1 C MUSOC

12.2. Any additional information or clarification will be provided by email.

13. All participants, due to the fact that they are fully accept these rules, as well as the resolution by the Organization of any problem not included in them. In the face of possible doubts, the criteria of the Festival Organization will prevail.

14. The Organization reserves the right to modify these bases.




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