Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi Cortintelvi (6)

Cortintelvi International Short Film Festival


22 Dec 2024
Call for entries

31 Mar 2025
Final deadline


12 May 2025
Notification date

06 Jun 2025
24 Aug 2025


Via G. Andreetti, 6,  22023, Centro Valle Intelvi, Como, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  20'<
 Any language
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Photo of Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi Cortintelvi
Photo of Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi Cortintelvi

Photo of Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi Cortintelvi
Photo of Festival Internazionale Cortometraggi Cortintelvi


Festival start: 06 June 2025      Festival end: 24 August 2025

The competition is addressed to filmmakers from all over the world who produce short films and documentaries.

Its purpose is to appraise short films and documentary-films whose goal is expressiveness and cultural disclosure starting a cinematographic event throughout Val d’Intelvi.

Cash Prizes: 5€

The prizewinners will be given a memorial plaque, an overnight stay for two (breakfast included) in one of the hotels that joined this project and other prizes of different kind offered also by local companies.


The competition is addressed to filmmakers from all over the world who produce short films and documentaries.

Its purpose is to appraise short films and documentary-films whose goal is expressiveness and cultural disclosure starting a cinematographic event throughout Val d’Intelvi.


1. The amount to enrol the Festival is 5 euros for each participant no matter for how many sections he/she registers. (For payment terms, see section 12)

2. There are two SECTIONS:

1) Short Films
2) Documentaries

And two themes for each of the two sections above mentioned:

1) “Art in its forms, expression of the human soul”
2) Open Theme

3. All works must compulsorily reach within and not further than Friday March 31st 2025, sent by the service www.wetransfer.com or similar services to the email address cortintelvi@gmail.com or by the service offered on the websites https://festhome.com/

All information and characteristics will be available on the internet site www.cortintelvi.it starting from the end of December 2024.

4. Each participant may present a work for each section (in Italian or with Italian subtitles – all short films or documentaries that won’t be in Italian or with Italian subtitles will be kept out of the competition) of a maximum duration of 20 minutes (for the section “SHORT FILMS” and) and a maximum duration of 60 minutes (for the DOCUMENTARY section), including headings and closing credits. For each work submitted, the participation form must be filled out, approved and signed and it will be considered an integrated and significant part of this regulation.

Together with the films, also a video trailer and a poster of the film must be sent.

5. The organizational leadership retains the right and possibility of not admitting works to the competition that are not deferential towards the competition itself and in particular, it retains the right to exclude videos that contain messages referring to pornography or racism.

6. Each author is responsible for the contents of the work presented and for the diffusion of music protected by copyright. Besides, the author, by sending his/her work, declares to be the holder of all rights of using his/her work, none excluded and that its contents don’t break the current regulations and that his/her work has no slanderous contents. In any case, the sender relieves our organization from any responsibility as the contents of the work shown to the public.

7. Our organization is not responsible for damage or loss of the works sent.

8. Our organization reserves the right to change possibly the present announcement force majeure or to improve it. The possible changes will immediately be communicated to participants.

9. Our organization will carry out a first selection of the works to be shown in evenings during which a special people’s choice or choices award will be assigned.

10. A jury appointed by our organization will appraise the short films competing and will appoint a prize to the four works, two for each section (one for the Open Theme and one for “Sounds of life: music and rurality” for each section) . The jury will be made up of experts and cinematography, photography, and other visual arts enthusiasts.

There will also be assigned the following prizes:

• People’s choice award – popular jury;
• Best Photography (short film or documentary)
• Best Performance (short film)
• Best Sound Track (short film or documentary)
• Special award: “Women in backlight, with no aspect, no voice, no name”

11. Eventually, the jury reserves to appoint the prizes in case there won’t be a minimum number of participants as to validate the competition.

12. Payment of participation fee may be deposited through Bank Transfer in the name of Ass.ne Amici del Museo di Casasco Intelvi – Banca Popolare di Sondrio Agenzia di Centro Valle Intelvi (Co) IBAN: IT73 J 05696 05680 000020825X63.

Those who intend to send their works by the services Festhome may directly pay to them who will forward the fees to the administrative office of the Festival.

13. All costs concerning the journey and stay of participants who wish to take part to the event and to the award ceremony are at the expense of the participants themselves, except for those who will turn out to be the prize winners whose overnight stay and breakfast will be paid by the Festival organization.

The prizes and mementos that will not be picked directly during the award ceremony will be sent charged to the recipient.

14. The registration form (one for each work sent) must be carefully completed in each part, signed and sent (otherwise disqualification from the competition). In case there are works by minors there must be also one of the parents’ (or guardian’s) signature. Attached to the registration form there must be also releasing, in case the law makes provisions for it. Such releasing authorizes also possible circulation for promotional purposes of the event ( TV, web, mobile phones and other devices).The registration form is available and downloadable from the site www.cortintelvi.it or through the websites https://festhome.com. For further information, please contact Andrea either on phone (+39) 347 1324653 – or on Whatsapp.

15. The prize winners will be given an overnight stay for two (breakfast included) in one of the hotels that joined this project and other prizes of different kind offered also by local companies.

16. The event full detail schedule will be published on the internet site www.cortintelvi.it The event will take place in the months of June, July and August 2025.

17. During the award ceremony evenings the short films and documentaries awarded will be shown, whereas all works selected will be shown during the whole period of the Festival.

The Festival organizers are “l’Associazione Amici del Museo di Casasco Intelvi” and the video and photographic studio “Foto Idea” in San Fedele.

Centro Valle Intelvi, 7th december 2024.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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