

17 Jun 2021
Call for entries

30 Jun 2023
Festival closed

30 Aug 2023
Notification date

04 Aug 2023
06 Aug 2023


Manuel Plaza 3056-A,  1100000, iquique, Tarapaca, Chile

Festival description
Feature film festival >60'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Feature Films  >60'
 Any language
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Festival start: 04 August 2023      Festival end: 06 August 2023

An international festival that seeks to build networks of work, cooperation and business in Latin America, fostering relationships between television stations, filmmakers and producers, and TV.We will be the meeting place for television stations and filmmakers from Latin America. Year after year, we will receive an increasing number of independent producers, students, television representatives, decision makers, speakers and professionals from the audiovisual sector.
TarapacaFic develops activities in the areas of Training, Market, Networking and Exhibitions. The activities in the different areas range from masterly presentations, practical workshops and business rounds to exhibitions, award ceremonies, toasts and meeting spaces. These activities cover all the profiles of the sector, seeking to be a meeting place for the whole culture, and the tours can be differentiated and be found depending on whether they are Professionals, Televisions, Students, Decision Makers and general public. In addition to the regional company, which will showcase its services and products worldwide.
In TarapacaFic there is space for those who have a project in development, for those who have finished contents, for those who seek to acquire contents, for those who seek inspiration or knowledge of the market or for those who simply seek to see good movies.

The awards will be announced in the near future by the organization.

The Tarapaca International Film Festival showcases Chilean and international films in four competitive categories: International Feature Film, Chilean Feature Film, Documentary Feature Film, Musical Feature Film, Short Fiction and Documentary. Its non-competitive programme includes historical retrospectives, spotlights on contemporary filmmakers, political, avant-garde and genre cinema.


The TarapacaFic seeks to offer Chilean and foreign audiovisual producers a space for diffusion and competition, along with promoting national and international audiovisual production of artistic quality.

2. DATE:

The event will take place in the region of Tarapaca, city of Iquique and its interiors between 4 and 6 August 2023.



I.- Feature Film Competition: Official selection aimed at the exhibition of feature-length films, in the fiction, documentary or experimental genres, Chilean or foreign, of a minimum of 60 minutes, finished in the formats established below (see projection formats in point 7, letter e). medium.For competition Short film duration less than 60 minutes.

This category will be subdivided for registration, programming and award purposes into:

- International Feature Film Competition
- National Feature Film Competition
- Documentary Feature Film Competition
- Documentary Musical Competition
- Documentary Short Film Competition
- Short film competition Fiction

For these categories there will be a unique application form. The films that make their world or Latin American premiere in our festival will be privileged. In the case of Chilean films, the festival’s programming team will determine which national productions will be selected in each competition.

a) The works received for the competition, in the different categories, will be submitted to a pre-selection process carried out by the festival's programming team.

b) In order to participate, filmmakers must register on the FESTHOME web platform.

c) The registration of a work in this call for entries implies full acceptance of these rules. In particular, by the mere fact of sending the application form, the signatory declares to have power and effectively authorize the public communication of the work during the period of the festival in the Tarapaca region, according to Chilean Law No 17.336 on Intellectual Property. The signatory of the application also declares that in the event that his/her project compromises, affects or includes the total or partial use of works protected by national or international legislation on Intellectual Property, and whose copyright holders are persons other than the applicant of the project, he/she has the express authorization of

1. e) The organization of the contest reserves the right to make the decisions it deems pertinent in those cases not foreseen in these rules.

2. f) The producers and distributors of the films included in the Official Selection, as well as those that win awards in the different categories, undertake to include in their publicity and press material the phrase "Official Selection - 1 Tarapaca International Film Festival", using the Festival's logo. This commitment applies both to commercial premieres in theaters and to the distribution of the work with or without physical media.

The producers and distributors of the films in the Official Selection expressly authorize TarapacaFic to exhibit their works up to six (6) times in non-profit functions in Chile as part of the cultural extension of TarapacaFic to the rest of the national and international territory. The applicant agrees to be aware of this clause at the time of submitting his/her application.


a) It will be formed by national and foreign personalities from the audiovisual, arts and culture fields.

b) Persons directly related to the works in competition will be disqualified from being part of the jury.

c) The jury's decision is final.


The Jury of the different official categories of the 2nd Tarapaca International Film Festival will award the following prizes
Awards symbolized with our statuette "Giant of Tarapaca".
I.- Feature Film: - Best International Feature Film Award - International Jury's Special Award
Best National Feature Film Award -Special Award of the National Jury
Best Documentary - Special Prize of the International Jury Documentary
Best Musical Documentary Award
Best Documentary Short Film Award
Best Fiction Short Film Award

The awards will be announced at the closing of the event.


8. a) Registration via the FESTHOME platform will be open until June 31, 2023 at 18:00 hrs. continental Chile (UTC-4) at the latest.

1. b) The Official Selection will be announced during the month of April 2023 on the website www.tarapacafic.cl and its Fan Page. By the mere fact of applying to these rules, the selected works automatically agree to authorize image excerpts for the promotion of the Official Selection of the Festival through the media.

2. c) Non-selection will be communicated in due time via Festhome to the participants and in no case will the festival or the programmers provide explanations for this decision.

3. d) The original copies must arrive in Iquique no later than July 15, 2023. e) The screening formats are:
MP4 file

1. e) Only copies in NTSC standard will be accepted.

2. f) Non-English speaking feature films participating in the International Feature Film Official Selection and the Chilean Feature Film Official Selection must send a screening copy with English subtitles.

g) All selected films must send a file of the film in .mov H264, in ProRes 422 or a Blu-Ray apart from the exhibition copy.


4. a) Exhibition prints should be sent only to: Manuel Plaza 3056-a, Iquique, Tarapaca Region, Chile.

5. b) The cost of sending the works, both for the pre-selection and for the Official Selection, will be the responsibility of the applicant. The organization of the contest will only be responsible for their return.

6. c) The cinematographic materials selected for the Official Selection must be sent with the necessary measures to protect their content.

8. a) The competition is not responsible for any damage or loss occurring during the transportation of the copies.

9. The organizers reserve the right to modify the event in case of force majeure. The selected films will not be returned and the organizers reserve the right to use them for purely commercial purposes and without any charge for the exhibition or for the public.


Any doubts or questions regarding the 2023 call for entries may be sent to the following e-mail address: contacto@tarapacafic.cl.Se. Questions will be received in Spanish and English. This e-mail address will not be used to answer other types of queries.

We invite you to be informed of all the activities of the Tarapaca International Film Festival 2023 at www.tarapacafic.cl and on our social networks Facebook, Instagram and youtube.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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