Cabíria Prêmio de Roteiro - Mulheres & Audiovisual ()


15 Jun 2020
Call for entries

11 Jul 2020
Early deadline

31 Jul 2020
Standard deadline

31 Jul 2020
Festival closed

02 Nov 2020
Notification date

22 Nov 2020
26 Nov 2020


, , , Brazil

Festival description
Short film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of Cabíria Prêmio de Roteiro - Mulheres & Audiovisual
Photo of Cabíria Prêmio de Roteiro - Mulheres & Audiovisual
Photo of Cabíria Prêmio de Roteiro - Mulheres & Audiovisual
Photo of Cabíria Prêmio de Roteiro - Mulheres & Audiovisual


Festival start: 22 November 2020      Festival end: 26 November 2020

Festival & prêmio de roteiro por mais mulheres e diversidade nas telas e atrás das câmeras! A film festival + contest for stories w/ strong female lead roles and more diversity on screen and behind the cameras.

Different awards for each category:

Five (5) finalist scripts will be included for the participation, free of charge, of the ROUTING AUTHOR and, if any, of COAUTORA (O), DIRECTORA (O) and PRODUCORA (O), within the limit of 4 (four) participants, at CABÍRIA LAB, a project development laboratory that will be held entirely online, on a date to be defined between November and December 2020. The laboratory includes individual tutorials from reference professionals in the audiovisual field, in the areas of script and production.
The first place will also become part of the PROJECT PARADISO talent network.

The first place will be awarded a script consultancy with a script consultancy, entirely online, offered in partnership with the LAB SERIES and a double credential for the event to be held on a date to be defined in December 2020. In the case of projects with more than one screenwriter, the consultancy will be directed to both.

Four (4) finalist scripts will be contemplated with a PROJECT CONSULTING, on a date to be defined between November and December 2020. The consultancy will be carried out, entirely online, by a reference professional in the audiovisual field and experience in documentary works.
The first place will also be awarded a credential for the next edition of the Porto Alegre Audiovisual Script Festival - FRAPA. In the case of projects with more than one screenwriter, the credential will be directed exclusively to one of the professionals.

04 (four) finalist arguments will be considered for participation, free of charge, by the AUTHOR ROTEIRISTA and, if any, by COAUTORA (O), within the limit of 3 (three) participants, at CABÍRIA ARGUMENTA LAB, a script development laboratory that it will be held entirely online, on a date to be defined between November and December 2020. The laboratory includes individual tutorials from reference professionals in the audiovisual field and experience in the children's and youth genre.
The first place will also be awarded a credential for the 2021 edition of the Festival do Roteiro Audiovisual - ROTA. In the case of projects with more than one screenwriter, the credential will be directed exclusively to one of the professionals.


1. The Prize
1.1. The Cabíria Award is an initiative with the following objectives: to encourage screenwriters to create stories with relevant, diverse and inspiring women protagonists; convert the award into a quality seal for the awarded projects, aiming at expanding their chances of finding financing and reaching the screens; and contribute to increasing opportunity and visibility for female screenwriters.
1.2. The award will take place within the scope of the Cabíria Festival - Women & Audiovisual, an event in digital format to be held in November 2020, with a specific date and time to be informed later by the event organizers.
1.3. The Cabíria Award is intended for new or non-new authors in the audiovisual universe.
1.4. The categories competing for this award are: fiction feature film script; children's fiction feature argument; fictional series pilot script; documentary series pilot script.
1.5. Screenwriters who occupied first place, in any category, in the last two editions of the Cabíria Award, do not compete for the main prize in the categories in which they were previously awarded.

2.1. Entries for all categories of the Cabíria Award must be made through the Filmfreeway platform at a link available on the website, for the period from June 15 to July 31, 2020.
2.2. The amount of the REGISTRATION FEE is R $ 80.00 (eighty reais) per work registered, to be paid at the time of registration. Registrations made until the 10th of July will have the PROMOTIONAL VALUE of R $ 50.00 (fifty reais).
2.3. Black, indigenous and trans women are entitled to GRATUITY through an application made until July 15, 2020. The application consists of filling out and sending a specific form available on the website
2.4. Each competitor may enter up to 2 (two) scripts / arguments per category, but only 1 (one) will go to the jury, in case of selection as a finalist. A new entry will be counted for each work.
2.5. Applications, applications, or documentation sent after the deadline established in this regulation will not be accepted.
2.6. In the case of registration of more than 2 (two) scripts / arguments per competitor per category, the last 2 (two) registrations will be validated and there will be no refund of the excess registration fee.
2.7. Only screenplay and / or script submissions will be accepted, which have at least 1 (one) female protagonist, written in PORTUGUESE, by female screenwriters, or men co-authored with female screenwriters.
2.8. Only registrations by authors and / or authors over 18 (eighteen) years of age, who can express themselves fluently in Portuguese, will be accepted.
2.9. The file with the script and / or argument must not contain name (s) or any data about authorship. The script and / or argument must be sent with a COVER containing ORIGINAL TITLE, in addition to information on VERSION NUMBER OR TREATMENT (for scripts only). Except for the cover, all pages of the script must be NUMBERED.
2.10. No authorship identification is allowed in the submitted script or script file.
2.11. Only script entries and / or arguments with page limits and formatting will be accepted according to the provisions:

Maximum limit of 120 (one hundred and twenty) pages
Standard Formatting (Master Scenes), divided by sequences or scenes and dialogs developed.

Maximum limit of 60 (sixty) pages.
Standard Formatting (Master Scenes), divided by sequences or scenes and dialogs developed.

Maximum limit of 45 (forty-five) pages.
Episode structure in standard format (Master Scenes), divided by sequences and indication of characters, narration (if any) and other pertinent elements.

Maximum limit of 10 (ten) pages obeying the following format: A4 format with 3 cm left and top margins and 2 cm right and bottom margins; Arial font size 12, 1.5 cm line spacing and justified alignment.

2.12. All registered screenwriters and / or ARGUMENTS must have a registration or registration protocol with the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional or the website Such document may be requested at any time during the selection process and its absence will result in disqualification from the corresponding registration.
2.13. The competitor represents and guarantees to the Cabíria Award that: (i) she is the author or co-author of the script / argument, being the legitimate holder of the right and having the authority to submit it to the Cabíria Award for evaluation under the terms and conditions stated herein; (ii) the script / script does not violate or infringe any third party rights; and (iii) no third party not declared at the time of registration is entitled to the script / argument submitted for evaluation.
2.14. In the case of a script and / or argument adapted from a pre-existing original work, the existence of a document proving the release for adaptation by the holders of the rights to the original work is assumed. Such document may be requested at any time during the selection process and its absence will result in disqualification from the corresponding registration. It is now incumbent upon the person responsible for the registration, in an integral and irrefutable manner, any action of request for authorship, misuse of copyright, or similar.
2.15. Entries that have one of the following irregularities will be UNDEFERRED: that are outside the format provided in the regulation and annexes; works in languages ​​other than Portuguese; of projects that do not fit the profile provided for in regulation.
2.16. By participating in the Cabíria Award, the author and / or the proposing author (s) declare (s) that they are fully aware that the present project is a competition notice and that, as provided in this regulation, their script will be read by different selectors and, if selected, handled by consultants; exempting the Cabíria Award and the Cabíria Festival - Women & Audiovisual, as well as all entities and companies involved for both projects, from any responsibility in the face of possible questions regarding the appearance of similar projects.

3.1.The DEFERRED scripts and / or arguments will be evaluated by a CURATOR, responsible for defining the scripts and / or semi-finalist and finalist arguments, which will be forwarded to the JURY for the election of the winners.
3.2.The Jury: will be composed of professional women working in the audiovisual market, chosen by the organization of the Cabíria Award.
3.3. A maximum of 10 (ten) semi-finalist arguments or scripts will be selected by the CURATOR, and up to 5 (five) FINALISTS, which will be scored in order of classification.
3.4. The results of the SEMIFINALISTS and FINALISTS scripts / arguments will be published on the website, on the page and networks of the Cabíria and Cabíria Festival - Women and Audiovisual Award. The selected people will be contacted directly by the organization.

4.1. Adequacy to gender;
4.2. Originality
4.3. Quality of the narrative structure;
4.4. Quality of character construction;
4.5. Quality of the construction of the dialogues (only for the scripts);
4.6. Quality, density and relevance of the female (co) protagonist (s);
4.7. Quality, density and relevance of the other female characters (when
4.8. Contribution of the story / characters to a better female representation;
4.9. Diversity of female roles (race, sexuality, social position, age, etc.).

5.1. Different prizes will be awarded for each category, namely:

5 (five) finalist scripts will be contemplated for the participation, free of charge, of the ROUTING AUTHOR and, if any, of COAUTORA (O), DIRECTORA (O) and PRODUCORA (O), within the limit of 4 (four) participants, at CABÍRIA LAB, a project development laboratory that will be carried out entirely online, on a date to be defined between November and December 2020. The laboratory includes individual tutorials from reference professionals in the audiovisual field, in the areas of script and production.
The first place will also become part of the PROJECT PARADISO talent network.

The first place will be awarded with a script consultancy, entirely online, offered in partnership with the LAB SERIES and a double credential for the event to be held on a date to be defined in December 2020. In the case of projects with more than one screenwriter, the consultancy will be directed to both.

Four (4) finalist scripts will be contemplated with a PROJECT CONSULTING, on a date to be defined between November and December 2020. The consultancy will be carried out, entirely online, by a reference professional in the audiovisual field and experience in documentary works.
The first place will also be awarded a credential for the next edition of the Porto Alegre Audiovisual Script Festival - FRAPA. In the case of projects with more than one screenwriter, the credential will be directed exclusively to one of the professionals.

04 (four) finalist arguments will be contemplated for participation, on a free basis, by the ROUTING AUTHOR and, if any,COAUTORA (O), with a limit of 3 (three) participants, at CABÍRIA ARGUMENTA LAB, a script development laboratory that will be carried out entirely online, on a date to be defined between November and December 2020. The laboratory includes individual tutorials by reference in the audiovisual field and experience in the children's genre.
The first place will also be awarded a credential for the 2021 edition of the Festival do Roteiro Audiovisual - ROTA. In the case of projects with more than one screenwriter, the credential will be directed exclusively to one of the professionals.

5.2. Winners must sign a Term of Commitment to the Prize and / or Partner offering the prizes.
5.3. Each category will reserve at least 2 (two) places among the finalists for black and indigenous screenwriters,
5.4. Other parallel awards may be created, in this case, they will be disclosed in the communication channels of the Cabíria and Cabíria Festival - Women & Audiovisual Award, however, their creations are not mandatory.
5.5. The winners will be invited to participate in the award ceremony within the scope of the Cabíria Festival - Women & Audiovisual, to be held in digital format, with a date to be confirmed in November 2020.
5.6. The winners will have access to all activities of the Cabíria Festival - Women & Audiovisual on a free basis, in the case of paid activities.
5.7. For those contemplated in laboratories and consultancies, availability for the full range of proposed activities is mandatory, which will be informed in due course. In the event of unavailability of the winner, the script or argument of the placement sequence (semifinalist) will be automatically invited to participate in the activity, without changing the placement of the script / argument.
5.8. In the event of non-realization or cancellation of the aforementioned partner events, for reasons of force majeure, the organization of the Cabíria Award and the Events themselves, will not be held responsible for the deliveries defined herein.
5.9. Transportation, air / land and accommodation expenses, or any other expenses, are not included in the credentials for partner events that take place in person.

6.1. The author (s) finalists undertake to guarantee the insertion in the opening and final credits of the film / series made from their arguments and / or scripts in all their copies, containing the following sayings, accompanied by the logo of the Cabíria Award , as well as the insertion of the same logo in the printed and / or digital editions of award-winning scripts that may have public circulation, published commercially or not: The (script / script) of this audiovisual work was selected by CABÍRIA PRÊMIO DE ROTEIRO - 2020
6.2. The author (s) finalists, in a MULTIPLICATOR action of knowledge and / or benefits acquired by the award, make themselves available to participate, voluntarily, in the curatorship team of the next edition of the Award, or commit themselves to some other experience sharing activity to be defined by mutual agreement.

7.1. The scripts and / or arguments will be read and evaluated by a CURATOR and JURY, whose participants will be chosen by the organization of the Cabíria Award. BOTH DECISIONS WILL BE SOVEREIGN AND IRREVOCABLE.
7.2. The Cabíria Award is not responsible for the consequences of any untrue information that may be presented by participants in this award, reserving the prerogative to disqualify, at any time, those responsible for any infractions of this REGULATION.
7.3. When submitting her script (s) and / or script (s), the screenwriter affirms her agreement and agreement with the terms contained in this REGULATION, affirming that all the information provided to the organization of the Cabíria Award at the time of this registration is true.
7.4. Omitted cases will be sovereignly decided by the organization.
7.5. Additional information and clarifications can be obtained by e-mail

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