L.A. Neo Noir Film Fest ()


01 Sep 2021
Call for entries

31 Jul 2021
Early deadline

31 Aug 2021
Standard deadline

30 Sep 2021
Late deadline

31 Oct 2021
Festival closed

15 Nov 2021
Notification date

26 Nov 2021
28 Nov 2021


4470 W. Sunset Blvd,  90027, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Festival description
Short film festival >5' 30'<
Feature film festival >60' 120'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >5' 30'<
 Feature Films  >60' 120'<
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Photo of L.A. Neo Noir Film Fest
Photo of L.A. Neo Noir Film Fest

Photo of L.A. Neo Noir Film Fest
Photo of L.A. Neo Noir Film Fest


Festival start: 26 November 2021      Festival end: 28 November 2021


1. THIS IS THE BEST PLACE FOR YOUR SCRIPT: Carey Westbrook himself will be a part of this year's script consultation team. Carey Westbrook has served as a script consultant for Derek Cianfrance, TWO TIME 2021 Academy Award winner, and George Tillman Jr., an Academy Award nominee. His radio show is also featured in FOUR other film festivals THIS YEAR. Enter your script in The V.I.P. Neo-Noir Writing category and Carey Westbrook will personally consult with YOU!

2. THIS IS THE BEST PLACE FOR YOUR FILM: THREE prominent film distribution companies will be partnering with our festival this year to offer distribution contracts to our film winners and runner-ups. We have secured distribution deals for dozens of filmmakers through the years and we expect to secure the most we've ever secured THIS YEAR!

3. THIS IS THE BEST PLACE FOR YOU: Our 2019 audience was over 200 people in a sold-out crowd at L.A.'s Downtown Independent Theater. This year's online festival has OVER ONE THOUSAND artists, producers, and distribution entities who have expressed interest in this year's online festival: that's FIVE TIMES more eyes on your work than two years ago.

4. WE MAKE YOUR VISION GO VIRAL: Carey Westbrook and his top notch L.A. Neo Noir associates have co-produced numerous webisode series, including the highly successful RATE MY WEEKNIGHT and two radio shows that are appearing in FOUR film festivals this year. Enter the V.I.P. Neo-Noir Writing category this year and we may fully produce your writing into a webisode series too!

5. EVERY screenplay submission that is a screenplay will receive a trailer. Visit lanneff.com/entertainment to see the trailers we have produced. If your work is a screenplay, short story, or novel we can make it a trailer / comic book / or webisode series in the V.I.P. Neo Noir Writing category. No other festival IN THE ENTIRE WORLD offers these options. WE DO!!

Due to ongoing safety issues and crowd restraints, LANNEFF has decided to hold this year's festival online. We have secured the premiere technological apparatus and we're more ready than ever to produce the best film festival online. That being said...



It has been hailed by L.A. Weekly as the festival with "THE WORLD'S SEXIEST DARKEST CRIME SHORT FILMS." Thanksgiving weekend, Friday, November 26th to Sunday, November 28th, lanneff.com will be screening THE 2021 L.A. NEO NOIR, NOVEL, FILM, AND SCRIPT FESTIVAL 9 (LANNEFF)!

This festival is brought to you by Carey Westbrook and Associates, whose students include TWO TIME Academy Award winner, Derek Cianfrance, and Academy Award nominee George Tillman Jr. Westbrook has also worked with numerous Academy Award-nominated actors, including Ryan Gosling, Joaquin Phoenix, and Michelle Williams.

This year's festival once again features our favorite sponsor: SMG Films, the premiere online / airline distributor of neo-noir full-length and short films, as well as a launching pad for the world's best neo noir actors, actresses, and screenwriters. SMG is once again interested in our select group of winners from this year's festival and, based on our recommendations, they will be approaching that select few with online distribution opportunities!

We have also added TWO more distribution companies to our roster of interested purchasers. When you win a LANNEFF award, we will be sure to introduce them to you!

This year, we will also premiere TWO exciting webisode series produced by lanneff.com, and many other social media sites. These webisodes will star recent Best Femme Fatale winners, Miss Russian L.A. Katherine Pegova and Tracy Ann Chapel.

These two amazing starlets were discovered in our past festivals, and with many PAID leading roles still available in our series, it is our hope that we will bring to the neo-noir world even more great femme fatales and handsome P.I.'s, that is, actors and actresses like YOU!!

See one of many short webisode series co-produced by Westbrook on Facebook right now, like the hit webisode game show RATE MY WEEKNIGHT at lanneff.com:

L.A. Neo Noir also boasts the same old people coming back for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th time! How is that a good thing? L.A. Neo Noir has the highest number of return screenwriters, more than any other festival, because most of our festival screenwriters come back the very next year with fully produced films based on their previously recognized screenplays. Amazing screenwriters, like Diana Lee Woody and David J. Schroeder, have returned with their neo-noir masterpiece fully produced films featuring well-known stars. See Woody's "A Menacing Proposal" and Schroeder's "This Modern Man is Beat." Look at the exhaustively long list of previous winners on lanneff.com to see the point being made here: L.A. Neo Noir Festival is so good you have to do it again and again and again...and again!!

We fully produce animated trailers on all screenplay, novel, short story submissions, and present the best five as film festival selections. We also give you a copy of your trailer to use in any way you see fit. Whether you win or lose, whether you are selected or not, you get a produced trailer for your writing within three months after the festival and we promote your trailer on our website. No other film festival or screenplay/writing festival IN THE ENTIRE WORLD does that. V.I.P. Neo Noir Writing category participants receive their trailers within 30 days after. Best Screenplay category screenplay writers receive their trailers within 90 days after festival's end.

We have exciting neo-noir networking events in place that have reaped benefits for ALL of our past participants. We did the Downtown L.A. Neo Noir premiere of Robin Wright's directorial debut, THE DARK OF NIGHT at L.A.'s very own Downtown Independent Theater. We have many guests you'll recognize from film and TV this year, but the most important celebrity of this upcoming Thanksgiving weekend will be YOU.

Our objective: celebrate, showcase, AND sell the work of the greatest independent unknown neo-noir filmmakers and writers from L.A. and around the world. We have done this successfully EIGHT times. This ninth time plus YOU equals neo-noir magic!

Join us online in the comfort and safety of your own home. Selected winners enjoy a $100 cash prize, a distribution deal, a webisode series deal, and many other prizes. So get that amazing neo-noir work-ready. Get your entry fee, get your best neo-noir screenplay, film, novel, short story, monologue, and get ready to make 2021 the best year of neo-noir ever. If you love L.A. neo-noir, your work MUST be represented here, and you MUST be ready for your close-up with the Mr. DeMille of L.A. neo-noir greatness, L.A. NEO NOIR NOVEL, FILM, & SCRIPT FESTIVAL EIGHT!

Note: There are absolutely no fee waivers of any kind for any reason available for this festival. If your entire film production team cannot raise $25 to enter this festival, we recommend you participate in the plethora of free festivals already. You should enter them in addition to this festival. Why not? They're free! We're not free, nor do we have any waivers...of any kind...for any reason. Best Wishes!

Cash Prizes: 200$

$100 for Best Film, $100 for Best Script, a paid webisode series offer for the best femme fatale and neo noir actor and many other prizes. Each winner will have their film in it's entirety or excerpts, if so desired, live streamed on a private link where our entire neo noir roster of neo noir producers, in the hundreds, can see their masterpiece. Carey Selected winners will receive a distribution offer from one of our three distribution partnerships, including SMG Films. In the event of a tie, tie winners agree to split prizes and awards. EVERY writing submission entered also receives a trailer based on their story, and the top five winning writing submission, that is an official selection, will be featured on the L.A. Neo Noir website as well, live streamed from Hollywood California.

1. 1 to 59 minutes for short films. 60 to 120 minutes for feature films. 1 to 30 pages for a short story. 60 to 100 for a novel excerpt. Two minutes maximum for all monologues and scenes by actors and actresses. Do not send any items that do not fit in these page or minute requirements. Entries fees are the same for all entries, regardless of them being films, novels, screenplays or short stories. FOR ALL WRITING SUBMISSIONS. SUBMIT PDF FILES ONLY. NO OTHER FORMAT WILL BE ACCEPTED.

1. $25.00 for all entries submitted by July 31, 2021.

2. $35.00 for all entries submitted by August 31, 2021.

3. $25.00 for all entries submitted by September 30, 2021.

4. $35.00 for all entries submitted by October 31, 2021.

6. Enter as many films and / or scripts as you like.
via youtube unlisted or vimeo private with a password.

7. Each submission must be marked with:
creator's name, phone number, title of work, email address, and mailing address.

8. DEADLINE : All entries are due by October 31, 2021

9. Screenwriters and filmmakers will be notified of selection by email on or before Monday, November 15, 2021.

10. Prizes will be awarded for the winning script as well as winning filmmakers.

11. Winners' films and finalists' films or film excerpts will be shown online.

Excerpts from winning screenplays, novels, and other writings will be presented as an animated short trailer at the discretion of festival producers as time permits based on the award.

12. By submitting, entrant agrees to all terms of exhibition, including screening / reading
films / scripts in their entirety as well as film screenshots and screenplay excerpts selected by festival director to be published in all festival promotional materials and publications.

13. Prizes will be announced online on our website lanneff.com Sunday, November 28, 2021.

14. By submitting to L.A. NEO NOIR FILM AND SCRIPT FEST (LANNEFF) the submitter agrees not to hold LANNEFF or anyone associated with this festival liable for any reason.

Fest submitter owns all rights, copyright, and all ownership of submitted material and has written talent release forms and permission for all talent, music, and every item shown or heard in film and or written material.

The submitted item is completely the property of he or she who submits written material and or film and the item includes no trademarked or copyrighted items not owned by fest submitter, and if the submitted film or script is found not to be the property of the submitter of such property in any way, that submitter of submitted film and or script is completely liable for any repercussions financial fines, or lawsuits that may occur from the exhibition acquisition or use in any way of such submitted items.

The submitter agrees to allow LANNEFF exclusive permission to screen, showcase, republish written material segments and film in their entirety at the festival as well as in festival promotional items and publications.

The submitter of films and or scripts for this festival agrees no actual pornography and no actual unlawful acts of any kind are exhibited in submitted films or implemented in the making of submitted material script and or film in any way. LANNEFF director retains the right to disqualify any film or script upon director's sole discretion.

All festival submitters understand and agree that no refunds of any kind will be given in regards to this fest, even in the case of disqualification.

If the fest director finds no submissions worthy of a prize, LANNEFF director reserves the right to not award any prize of any kind. If an unavoidable accident (force majeure) occurs, or there are not enough submissions received, LANNEFF director reserves the right not to present the LANNEFF.

15. There are no refunds.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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