Short Out (4)


01 Jan 2025
Call for entries

15 Feb 2025
Standard deadline

15 Mar 2025
Late deadline

23 Apr 2025
Extended deadline


31 May 2025
Notification date

01 Jul 2025
06 Jul 2025


Largo Vittorio Veneto, 23,  20045, Lainate, MIlano, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 45'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  45'<
 Any language
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Photo of Short Out
Photo of Short Out

Photo of Short Out
Photo of Short Out


Festival start: 01 July 2025      Festival end: 06 July 2025

Short Out is a film festival that has the ambition to represent a reflection's place on the issues crossing the suburbs. 

The enhancement of peripheral spaces is a central topic to explore expanding territories and with the purpose of understand an urban context that invests in centralization.

In the margins lives an unexpressed or not yet explored artistic lymph and the desire is to bring it to light, starting from Lainate, on the edge of the metropolitan city of Milan.

The fourth edition of Short Out Festival will take place from Tuesday 1st to Sunday 6th July, inside the natural spaces and courtyards of Villa Litta, emblem of the artistic, historical and cultural heritage of the city of Lainate.

We desire to create a widespread Festival that does not end with the screening of short films.
That's the reason we thought of a Short Off with a rich program of meetings during all three days of Short Out Festival.

Cash Prizes: 3,000€

The winners of the categories in competition will be awarded three prizes divided as follows:
Best Short: 1500 €
Best International: 750 €
Best National: 750 €

Additional prizes will be awarded by other actors among the protagonists of Short Out Festival:

media partners
audience preferences
technical awards

Short Out aims to promote the art of cinema through the presentation of quality and entertaining films.

2. DATE AND duration
The third edition of Short Out will be held from 1st to 6th July 2025.

The Festival has three cash prizes
Best International (750,00 € + trophy)
Best National (750,00 € + trophy)
Best Short Film (1500,00 € + trophy)

Registrations are open from 1st January to 23rd April 2025.

The entry of short films to the Festival can be made through: FestHome.

The deadline for short film is April, 2025.
There is a fee of € 10.00 through the entry site, PayPal (
or IBAN: IT10V0503433223000000003860
Tutti Frutti ETS
Header Bank: Banco BPM - Banca Popolare di Milano
Causale: "Titolo Corto - Short Out".

There are no age limits, nor obligations of residence or citizenship. Overnight stay and food for the night of their screening will be offered to the finalists. Each author can participate, with one or more works, even if not unpublished, to all sections. Short films with a maximum duration of 45 minutes are admitted.

At the moment of the request of the video files, they must be sent to the e-mail address that will be indicated through file transfer web services or through a download link. The directors of the short films that will be selected will be contacted for the subsequent sending of the files in the highest possible quality to ensure proper conversion and projection in theaters.

It is recommended that the videos sent meet the following requirements:
- recommended minimum resolution: Full HD (1920 x 1080)
- video codec: Apple ProRes 422HQ or Apple ProRes 444 / H264 (minimum bitrate 20Mbps);
- video container: .mov / .mp4;
audio: if possible in uncompressed .wav format, 24bit - 48khz, channels; 5.1 preferably with no LCR or Stereo audio.

All works in languages other than Italian must be subtitled in english or Italian. A dialogue list in english must be provided. If possible, it is requested that the subtitles, where necessary for the understanding of the selected work, are not already printed on the image. In any case, it is compulsory to send subtitle files in english and, if necessary, in Italian.

Please send at least three images of the work or any print material and posters that can be used for promotional purposes (in high resolution, in jpeg format, maximum size 3 mb), photo and biography of the director, dialogue list in english.

The director/institution submitting the work must hold, as owner or concessionaire, the rights of the work itself and of any complementary material attached to it sent to the Festival organizers. Whoever submits a short film to the Festival also certifies that all the images and soundtracks used in the work are his or her own or that he or she has the authorization of the rights holder for their use. By submitting his/her entry, the director/institution allows the promotion of the work on his/her behalf, the organization of multiple screenings both public and private without any copyright infringement.

The director/institution must answer civilly and criminally for the work submitted, as a result of violation of copyright, image or reproduction of content of an artistic nature protected by copyright, reproduced or mentioned, even partially, in the work entered in the Festival.

The director / institution agrees not to submit works that violate the dignity and rights of natural persons, groups, businesses, public entities or associations represented or mentioned in the short film submitted, even through products or brands.

To register for the Festival, in addition to the form on the site, you can register on Festhome (
Please note that once paid, the registration fee is not refundable under any circumstances.

The jury, chosen by the organizers among experts in the field, will proclaim the winners at its sole discretion in the final evening of the Festival.

All information indicated, eligibility and submission guidelines, terms and conditions of application may be subject to change by the organizers without notice.

In the event that your film is selected, to formalize your entry you must:

- send a copy of a valid identity document;
send the link for the high-quality download of the work you intend to enter.

The personal data communicated, also through the subscription platform, will be treated in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 on the processing of personal data and the GDPR. The data sent will not be communicated to third parties for commercial purposes. The data sent will be used exclusively for the organizational purposes of the Festival and the Association, including the sending of communications by the organizers regarding their initiatives, the publication of contacts on the site and on the printed material of the Festival, the sending of new calls for entries, the selection of short films for other festivals or cultural events and the like.

Through the registration to the Festival, the applicant authorizes the free use of the selected work and its full video projection within the Festival and other cultural initiatives promoted by the Association inherent and belonging to Short Out, as well as the publication of texts and photos accompanying the work sent in the catalog, on the website and social channels of the Festival. Registration to the festival also implies the sharing and/or transmission of the full trailer and partial of the selected short film on the site and social channels of the Festival, as well as any frame or digital clip, title, text, name of the accredited subjects or other content for promotional and organizational purposes only.

Should any point of this document become illegal in one or more jurisdictions, this will not change the validity of the same point in other jurisdictions, or the validity of the other points of this document in the same jurisdiction. For any eventual dispute on the interpretation of the single articles of the present Rules, the original text in Italian language will be valid.

The proposer undertakes to relieve the Association, its members, the organizers and their collaborators from any civil or penal controversy and to bear the consequent legal expenses in case of disputes regarding what is described in these Regulations. The registration of a work implies the full acceptance by the proposer of the conditions set out in this regulation.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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