13è Mostremp, Cinema Rural al Pallars (13)


11 Jan 2024
Call for entries

23 Apr 2024
Festival closed

15 Jul 2024
Notification date

23 Aug 2024
25 Aug 2024


Pl. de la Creu, 1 ,  25620, Tremp, Lleida, Spain

Festival description
Rural themed
Short film festival 20'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2021
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  20'<
 Any language
Catalan Spanish
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Photo of 13è Mostremp, Cinema Rural al Pallars
Photo of 13è Mostremp, Cinema Rural al Pallars
Photo of 13è Mostremp, Cinema Rural al Pallars
Photo of 13è Mostremp, Cinema Rural al Pallars


Festival start: 23 August 2024      Festival end: 25 August 2024

Rural themed short film contest.

Cash Prizes: 3,000€

€2,000 Jury Prize
€1,000 Audience Award


• The short films submitted must have a direct relationship with the rural world in the broad sense of the word.

• There will be a section, the OFFICIAL section, that will compete for the jury and public awards.

The festival will be held on August 23, 24 and 25, 2024 at the Espai Cultural La Lira de Tremp (Lleida).

Technical conditions

• The works may be filmed in any digital format.

• They may not last longer than 20 minutes.

• Subtitling in Catalan or Spanish will be mandatory if the film is not edited in any of these languages.

• For preselection, it is necessary to submit the works through the Festhome platform.

• Short films preselected in previous editions of Mostremp will not be admitted to the competition.

• Short films that are published for public viewing on the Internet will not be admitted to the competition.

• The organization of the contest reserves the right to group the films according to their theme in different sections for screening.

General conditions

• The contestants will be solely responsible for ensuring that the film's participation in Mostremp does not violate the rights of third parties. Therefore, the organizers are released from any responsibility regarding this issue.

• With registration, the rights to the exhibition, whether fragmented or complete, are transferred to the organization to advertise Mostremp, this includes the traveling projections of Mostremp. However, this excludes any commercial or non-promotional use.


All films selected in the official section will compete in a single competitive section and will be eligible for the following awards:

1. Jury Prize: Awarded with a prize of €2,000 for the best short film. It will be awarded by the Mostremp jury.

2. Audience Award: Endowed with a prize of €1,000 to be awarded by the festival audience in a secret vote.

The official jury may award any special prizes it deems appropriate.

***The amount of the prizes will be subject to the application of the corresponding taxes in each case. Participation in Mostremp implies full acceptance of the rules.

*** In no case can a film take home the value of both awards. If there is a match, the audience prize will be awarded to the second film most voted for by viewers.

***The financial amount of the prize will be awarded to the director of the work.


Participants must send, before April 23, 2024, the following documentation:

Click here to access the platform:

• The content is private and only accessible to the festival and its collaborators.
• Check shipping prices.
• Check the recommended files to improve streaming.
• See frequently asked questions about how online shipping works here.

The organization and the jury of the award reserve the right to resolve, at their discretion, any case not provided for in these rules.

For more information you can contact us through the emails culturaifestes@tremp.cat and comunicacio@tremp.cat

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