
Festival start: 19 August 2024      Festival end: 20 August 2024

Run by young people, for young people, the Live Link Film Festival was born in Mary's Youth Club, Islington. A non-profit organisation, Mary's provides free opportunities for young people aged between 10 and 19 that expand their skills and encourage them to pursue personal development.

We're proud to say that the festival is entirely run by our members who, over the course of the planning and delivery stages, grow their confidence in key skills such as teamwork, event planning, and community partnership. We work in collaboration with local filmmakers and colleges to deliver an educational and enjoyable three-day event.

Our panel of young people review each submitted film, categorising them and choosing the final line-up that best represents the vision they have for their festival.

Films must be up to 10 minutes in length and suitable for those aged 10 and older. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us an email.

Best in Category (x3)
Best Direction
Best Writing
Best Cinematography
Young People's Choice Award

1) Entries must be from filmmakers aged 21 and under only. You must not be turning 21 on or before the final date of the festival. All members of a filmmaking team must adhere to the rule.

2) Entries would preferably be under ten minutes in length. There is leeway for longer submissions so, if you think your film is excellent but longer than the allowed time, send us an email.

3) Films must meet the rating of 'PG', though they do not have to be officially certified. This a festival for young people, by young people, so films should be suitable for those aged 10 and up.

4) The categorisation of films will be decided by our panel, if you have a strong preference then you can state it in your submission. The final decision, however, remains with the festival.

5) Films in a foreign language must be subtitled in English.

6) By submitting to our festival, filmmakers are giving permission for their film to be screened at any live screenings, and live-streamed online, without charge to the festival.

7) Filmmakers may enter as many films as they please, within reason.

8) Those entering a film into our competition must have a legal right on behalf of that film to do so.

10) The Live Link Film Festival reserves the right to exclude any films or material that it deems offensive or defamatory. No discussion will be entered into and the festival’s decision is final.

11) Films may only be submitted using online platforms. Files of those films selected for screening must be provided as .mp4; .m4v; or .mov.

12) The Live Link Film Festival reserves the right to use any images and film clips submitted for marketing purposes, both in print and online, without prior permission from the filmmaker. Material may be adapted or edited as the festival sees fit for the purposes of promoting the festival.

13) The festival, once completed, may be uploaded and made available, in its entirety, on the Mary's Youth Club YouTube channel, including any films shown during the festival. Any objections to this should be emailed to us and we will take them into consideration.

14) The Live Link Film Festival, or Marys Youth Club, may request Hi-Res stills or film posters from the filmmaker to be used as promotional material for the event.

15) These Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice.