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Festival start: 25 November 2024 Festival end: 30 November 2024
The II INTERNATIONAL QUECHUA FILM FESTIVAL “CINEAYLLU” 2024, the only one of its kind in the country and in South America, dedicated entirely to disseminating Peruvian cinema in the mother language Quechua, also opening the cinema to and from school students and the general public .
Festival organized by the CINE AYLLU Cultural Association.
. Create a cinematographic space with cultural identity.
. Increase sensitivity to culture with identity, reducing racism and discrimination.
. Conduct film workshops, Quechua Cinema conferences with experienced Directors and Producers.
. Carry out traveling screenings of community cinema in the Quechua Speaking communities of Arequipa and Velille – Chumbivilcas – Cusco, for children, adolescents and adults from the native communities.