No Fee
Submissions deadline
09 Feb 25
16 Dec 2024
Call for entries
23 Feb 2025
Festival closed
28 Mar 2025
Notification date
28 Mar 2025
05 Apr 2025
Festival start: 28 March 2025 Festival end: 05 April 2025
Eszena is a young film festival that was born in Zaragoza, in 2023, with the intention of creating a space for the exhibition of audiovisual projects of young people.
Eszena arose from the need to bring cinema closer to young people and put them (ourselves) as a priority, because Generation Z needs spaces to show their creations, resources to advance them and meeting points to continue nurturing the young artistic fabric.
Cash Prizes: 300€
The prizes that will be awarded at the Final Gala of the official section are the following:
- Premio Eszena (Eszena Award)
- Premio Mejor Cortometraje Aragonés (Best Aragonese Short Film Award)
- Premio Jurado Joven: Premio otorgado por el jurado joven del festival. (Young Jury Prize: Prize awarded by the young jury of the festival).
- Mejor Dirección (Best Direction)
- Mejor Guion (Best Script)
- Mejor Dirección de Fotografía (Best Picture)
- Mejor Interpretación Joven Femenina (Best Young Actress)
- Mejor Interpretación Joven Masculina (Best Young Actor)
The contents of the awards will be announced soon by the organization.
The main condition to be nominated for each category is that the nominated person is between 18 and 30 years old (on the production date of the short film). In the case of Best Young Female and Male Performance, people between 16 and 30 years old may be nominated.
A short film in which the DOP was not a person between 18 and 30 years old cannot be nominated in this category, but it can be nominated in the others.
A short film that does not have actresses and/or actors between 16 and 30 years old cannot be nominated in the Best Young Performance categories.
The Eszena, Best Aragonese Short Film, Young Jury, Direction and Screenplay categories are open to all short films accepted at the festival since both Director and writer must be between 18 and 30 years old.
Individuals or legal entities of any nationality can participate in the festival as long as they have reached the age of 18 and are less than 30 years old. Only short films whose director and writer were between 18 and 30 years old when the short film was produced can be submitted to the contest.
The short films must have been produced after January 1, 2022, and have not been able to be entered in previous editions of this contest.
The number of short films that each participant can submit to the competition is unlimited. Short films are not allowed in the music video category.
Short films in which any member of the Screening Committee, the Selection Committee or the Eszena Jury has participated are expressly excluded from the competition.
The festival has two ways to send short films: through the Festhome website or through the email provided by the festival.
Short films must last a maximum of 30 minutes, that is, 30'.
Short films in any language are allowed, but they must contain subtitles in Spanish. Short films in Spanish must also include subtitles in Spanish.
The online call for short films begins on Monday, December 16, 2024 and will end on Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time).
Available from Monday, December 16, 2024 until Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time).
Once the period for receiving short films has ended, a Selection Committee convened by the Eszena Festival organization will be in charge of viewing the short films admitted to the competition to choose the selected short films. These selected short films will be screened during the duration of the festival, from March 29 to April 5, 2025.
The festival organization will contact the selected short films no later than March 3, 2025.
This selection of short films will be sent to the Eszena Jury, which will choose the nominees and winners of the 2025 edition of the Eszena Festival.
No Fee
Submissions deadline
09 Feb 25
No Fee
Submissions deadline
23 Feb 25
Podrán participar en el festival personas físicas o jurídicas con vecindad aragonesa, es decir, nacidas en Aragón o que residan actualmente en Aragón, siempre y cuando hayan cumplido los 18 años y su edad sea inferior a los 30 años.
Se podrán presentar al certamen guiones cuyo guionista tenga entre 18 y 30 años en el momento de la inscripción.
El guion será original e inédito, es decir, no deberá haber sido llevado a la pantalla en el momento de ser presentado al concurso. No se podrán presentar trabajos que ya hayan concursado en ediciones anteriores. Se admitirán hasta 3 trabajos por autor.
Quedan expresamente excluidos del concurso los guiones en los que haya participado cualquier miembro del Comité de Cribado, del Comité Seleccionador o del Jurado Eszena.
El festival dispone de dos vías para el envío de los guiones: a través de la página web de Festhome o a través del correo electrónico que proporciona el festival.
La extensión no sobrepasará las 20 páginas escritas por una sola cara y con la tipografía Courier New de 12 puntos. Las 20 páginas no incluyen la portada.
En un documento aparte deberá incluirse una sinopsis del guion y, opcionalmente, la caracterización de los personajes.
Solo se aceptarán archivos en formato PDF. La portada indicará el título y el nombre del autor, así como su dirección postal, correo electrónico y teléfono.
El tema elegido será libre y deberá estar escrito en lengua castellana.