No Fee
Submissions deadline
15 Sep 18
Short films produced anywhere in the world
Festival start: 17 October 2018 Festival end: 20 October 2018
Animalada, Seville Animation Festival announces its fith Animation Short Film Competition.
Animalada Sevilla’s main objective is to bring the world of animation from all areas to the public in general.Also intends to create a meeting point and discussion for fans and industry professionals, promoting the exchange of ideas, coworking between companies and producing and showing the potential of our community to the world.
Finally, the project was created with the intent to arouse the interest of young creatives in the animation as a valid professional commitment to their future by providing training and bringing them closer to the higher schools worldwide.
Animalada Sevilla is born to become a reference in our community as a meeting place between professional and novice artists who aspire to enter the sector, thereby promoting industry growth and the addition of new talent.
Best Short Animated Film 2018, Jury Award.
Best Short Animated Film 2018, Audience Award.
Best Spanish Short Animated Film 2018, Jury Award.
Prizes will consist of a trophy.
a) Submissions: The competition is announced by the 15th of July 2018, the application submission ends on 15th of September 2018.
b) The data can be only submitted via web platform published in or sending an email to including:
Year of production
Animation technique (3D animation, 2D animation, stop-motion or VFx)
Section (Official, National o Andalusian)
Contact name
Downloading Link or visualitation
c) There is no entry fee required.
d) Each participant may submit as many short films as they like. The duration of each work cannot exceed 15 minutes, meeting the conditions set out in these rules.
e) Genre and subject: 2D and 3D Animation, stop-motion y visual effects.
f) Production Year: Only shortfilms produced from January 2017
Entry to the competition is open to free subject short films.
However, the Festival organization reserves the right not to admit work to the competition that directly or indirectly promote or support terrorist activities or movements; racism; xenophobia; gender violence; violates human rights or who, for whatever reason, can be disrespectful.
f) Languages: Works are accepted in original version. However, if a short film contains non-Spanish or English spoken dialogue, it must include English or Spanish subtitles.
g) Screening Formats: Format for the finalist short films to be screened : 1080p, Codec H264.
The short film competición includes two sections.
Official Section . Short films produced anywhere in the world
Spanish Section . Shorts produced in Spain
The preselection committee will estimate in what section will participate each work selected , depending on the quality of it por
and if it complies with the requirements of each section.
To do this, if a work is selectable to two sections, the committee will estimate first if act to compete in the official section and if not, it is for the national.
Thus, a work can be projected and thus compete only in a single section.
The juries and the audience will award the following prizes:
Best Short Animated Film 2018, Jury Award.
Best Short Animated Film 2018, Audience Award.
Best Spanish Short Animated Film 2018, Jury Award.
Prizes will consist of a trophy.
Works selected as finalists by the Committee of preselection will be screened within the festival activities from 17th to 20th October 2018 .
The list of finalists in each section will be released on October 1, 2018, and the place, order and days of projection which in any case will be divided by section.
The winners of the awards will be announced on 20th of October 2018. It will also be communicated through the Festival website ( and in their social networks.
The total number of works to project depends on the quality of them and the preselection committee decision, establishing a limit of 30 works. Failure to reach a total of 10 works selected as finalists in the national section or andalusian section, the projection will be complemented by works semifinalists in the official section
A Pre-selection Committee, made up of professionals related to the animation industry and/or Animalada’s members, will be make a preselection.
The Jury reserves the right to declare the prize void. The decisions of the Jury will be unappealable, it will be published on the Animalada, Seville Animation Festival web ( and on the Festival social networks.
In the case of the Audience Award, the audience attending will select the winner. The audience reserves the right to declare the prize void. The decision of the audience will be unappealable, it will be published on the Animalada, Seville Animation Festival web ( and on the Festival social networks.
Applicants assume legal responsibilities for the content of materials submitted, and any violation of the current legislation that could incur their entries.
Applicants grant the Festival the right of their works for screening, reproduction, communication and dissemination for promotional purposes and for non-commercial purposes.
By submitting the entry form for Animalada, Seville Animation Festival, the participant accepts, without reservation, the terms of the present regulations as stated in this document. The organizer reserves the right to change these rules in exceptionally serious cases. To solve any question about these rules, you can write to
July 15th, 2018