Submissions deadline
01 Sep 25
Narrative films over 50 minutes in length.
Antioch film fest
30 Sep 2024
Call for entries
20 Jan 2025
Early deadline
28 Mar 2025
Standard deadline
27 Jun 2025
Late deadline
01 Sep 2025
Extended deadline
20 Sep 2025
Notification date
03 Oct 2025
09 Oct 2025
Festival start: 03 October 2025 Festival end: 09 October 2025
Antakya Film Festival, is an International, competitive festival. (AFF) is a major destination on the Festival circuit and recognized by the sinema Academy as a Qualifying Festival in all film categories. Antakya Film Festival, It is the first meeting point of this region for the international film and media industries.
Mission is to provide a public forum in Antakya in order to advance public interest in films and the independent production of films. To draw worldwide attention to Antakya as a center for cinema. To encourage the rights of all Antakya residents to access and experience the power of independent filmmaking, and to promote artistic excellence and the creative freedom of artists without censure.
In 2023, the Festival presented 800 films, representing work that was shot and produced in 45 countries. The event offers well rounded, and for many, career-establishing experiences. Submit your work before the final deadline!
The festival is for and by independent filmmakers. The organizers of Antakya Film Festival bring 10 years of festival experience to this annual event. Antakya Film Festival accepts submissions in six categories: Narrative Features, Documentary Features, Short Narrative, Short Documentary, Experimental, Short Student, and Animation.
Submissions are open from October to September of the year, the final selection of 150 + films is announced in September, and the film festival takes place in October. Selected films in each category are eligible for several awards. In addition to our lineup of films, the festival also hosts multiple filmmaker parties and networking events at venues around Antakya and Hatay.
Jury prizes in the following categories:
-Best Narrative Feature
-Best Documentary Feature
-Best Narrative Short
-Best Documentary Short
-Best Animation Short
-Best Experimental Short
-Best Student Short
If short-listed for a Jury Prize, additional preview copies of the film must be provided or authorized by the submitting party if requested by Antakya Film Festival.
Audience Awards:
-Narrative Feature Prize Categories:
• Best Cinema Film - Festival sculpture
• Best Cinema Film Director - Festival sculpture
• Best Cinema Film Script - Festival sculpture
• Best Director of Cinematography - Festival sculpture
• Best Cinema Films Music - Festival sculpture
• Best Cinema Filmi Actress - Festival sculpture
• Best Cinema Film Actor - Festival sculpture
• Best Cinema Film Editing - Festival sculpture
• Best Cinema Film Art Director - Festival sculpture
• Cinema Film Jury Special Award - Festival sculpture
• Best Spectator Film - Festival sculpture
• Greenpine award - Festival sculpture
Documentary Feature:
1st place prize - festival sculpture
Jury special prize - festival sculpture
Short Film: Fiction, Experimental, Documentary, Animation, Student
1st place prize - festival sculpture
Jury special prize - festival sculpture
Features of theFilms that will attend the Competition
1. Feature Movies which were finished after the date September the 1th, 2023 and didn't appeal to Antakya Film Festival before may attend the competition.
Projection of CompetitionFilms
1. Films attended to the competition are presented to the Board of the Festival to watch for making a preevaluation.
2. Films that reached the final in the compeition are shown with or without fee in theaters in Antakya for Grand Jury, Audience (Public) Jury and Cinema lovers to watch between tha dates October the 18th and 24th, 2024
3. The income collected during the projections belong to Antakya International Film Festival. Antakya International Film Festival can organize special projections with the attended films for the intoduction of the festival.
4. Only legal owner of the film can attend to the festival. If there are more than one legal owners of the film, then there should be the signature of the other legal owner or a signed letter notifying the approval of the other legal owners of the film for the film to attend the competition should be attached.
5. Applicant must be in a condition that he or she could evidence that all the authority to attend is on himself or herself and all necessary permitations from related institutions and corporations were taken.
Last Attendance Date
6. Last day of attendance for applying the competition is September the 1st, 2024. Requests that would be done after that date can't be accepted.
7. The ones who want to attend the competition shold fill the application form and deliver it with attendant's signature to the Festival Center.
Attendance Address
Screening Times of the Films
8. Films attended to the competition are held on screening in festival programmes between the dates 18th-24th October, 2024; no further permition is needed for this application. Producer applying to attend the competition count approved and committed the indicated matter with this application.
Documents and Presentation Materials that will be Given Together with the Application Form
a. Film’s tag
b. Film’s producytion operation licence
c. Film’s summary less than 1200 characters (with12 points paces) (Turkish and English)
d. Director’s biography and filmography less than 1000 characters (with 12 pointspaces) (Turkish and English)
e. Director’s photographs (in JPG format, 300 DPI)
f. 10 photographs from the film (in JPG format, 300 DPI)
g. Film’s poster in digital medium (in JPG format, 300 DPI)
h. If occures, the list of the festivals the film attended and the awards it won (Türkish and English)
i. English dialogue list with Time Code
j. If any language other than Turkish had been used, Turkish dialogue list with Time Code
k. Film’s musics
l. With the aim of presentation, Festival Organisation has the right to use an at most 3 (three) minutes part from the film, in case that no proper presentation fragment was sent.
They should deliver the materials above which are needed for festival catalogue, subtitle translationand presentation of the film and fully filled and signed application form to this address:
Special Conditions:
1. Correctness of all the informations written in the application form is in the responsibility of the person who signed the form. It is nonnecessity for Antakya International Film Festival management to investigate the trueness of the informations in theapplication form. Legal responsibility that will arise because of these informations belong to the signature owner.
2. Films attended to the competition can be shown along the Festival in the theaters and/or outdoor places, paid or free by Antakya International Film Festival management.Incomes procured from the screenings belong to Antakya Internationa l Film Festival management. Festival management can arrange special screenings of competition filmsfor the aim of presentation, in Antakya/Hatay. Any permision isn’t taken from the producer and the creator for the screenings (other than TV) that will be done during the Festival.
3. Producer and creator team of the films competing in the Festival are invited to in the Festival in numbers and dates festival management determined. In this case, the invitees of the film participate to the shows, novie premieres, conversations, award ceremonies, special media meetings and press meetings Festival management determined, and represent their films.
4. Producers and creators of the films that won prize in the Festival are obliged to imply the prize they won in Antakya International Film Festival with the logo of the Festival in press releases and newspaper inserts they issued, and in every kind of presentation materials.
Preliminary Jury:
• Preevaluation is done by Pre-selection committee of the Festival. In the Festival, films that will be presented to the final evaluation of the Grand Jury are determined by Pre-selection committee.
Submissions deadline
01 Sep 25
Narrative films over 50 minutes in length.
Submissions deadline
01 Sep 25
Documentary films over 40 minutes in length.
Submissions deadline
01 Sep 25
Submissions deadline
01 Sep 25
Submissions deadline
01 Sep 25
Any type of animated film under 30 minutes
Submissions deadline
01 Sep 25
Any type of Experimental film under 30 minutes
Submissions deadline
01 Sep 25
Student films under 30 minutes in length
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.