Bull City International Film Festival Competition ()


01 Mar 2019
Call for entries

01 Nov 2019
Standard deadline

01 Dec 2019
Late deadline

01 Dec 2019
Festival closed

15 Jan 2020
Notification date

22 Feb 2020
23 Feb 2020


732 9th St,  27705, Durham, NORTH CAROLINA, United States

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films 
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Photo of Bull City International Film Festival Competition
Photo of Bull City International Film Festival Competition
Photo of Bull City International Film Festival Competition
Photo of Bull City International Film Festival Competition


Festival start: 22 February 2020      Festival end: 23 February 2020

The Bull City International Film Festival is open internationally to all filmmakers and screenwriters who understand that film is much more than expensive equipment and sets with impractical budgets.

We are seeking films and scripts with character driven plots. Insightful stories relying on human expression more than special effects.

Films from all over the globe!
Shared in Durham, NC!
See you there!


There will be one winner in each category.


Top three winners of Best Screenplays, Best Television Scripts and Best Short Scripts: Have a staged reading of your script read live by local actors. Videotaped by festival and sent to the writers. If the writer is able to attend they are also asked to present/describe the scene and talk about the project.


Terms and Conditions:

I have read, understood and complied with all eligibility requirements of the categories for which I would like this film to be considered.
To the best of my knowledge, all of the statements in this document are true.

This film is not subject to litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.

I am duly authorized to submit this film to the Festival and its Competition and understand if accepted, that the Festival holds the right to screen my film for Festival screenings and promotional purposes.

I understand that the Bull City Film Festival is not responsible for any type of damage to or loss of the print during screenings, at any other time during the course of the Festival, while the film is in the Festival’s possession or while en route to or from the Festival, and I release Bull City Film Festival from any and all liabilities regarding damage to or loss of the print while en route to/from the Festival or while it is in their possession.

Should this film win an award at the Bull City Film Festival, I am authorized and/or empowered by all parties legally representing this film to name the individual(s) listed on the Award Designation List (to be received upon notice of selection to Festival) to receive any and all award(s). If a film is eligible for an award and no one was designated to accept the award, the award will be deemed forfeit and another award winner will be chosen.

In the event the designated party is unable to attend the awards ceremony, I understand that the director and/or producer of the film as listed in the credits of the film shall accept any and all awards in their stead.

You must clear all copyrighted material included in your film before you can publicly screen it. The Bull City Film Festival does not check to make sure that you have cleared these materials at any point during the application process, nor will we be held responsible for any inclusion of un-cleared materials in your film. It is the sole responsibility of the entity submitting the project to secure permission from the copyright holder of the material in question, whether it is music, stock footage, or any other elements that could violate an existing copyright. Quite often, rights holders offer reduced rates for festival films, so you should contact them directly to avoid any possible rights infringements.
I am aware Festival may provide critics an opportunity to review films prior to the Festival.

I understand that shipping charges of the screening copy of my film to the Festival are my responsibility and the Festival will not return my film to me.

We invite writers from all countries to submit their scripts to The Bull City Screenplay Competition. Below are the terms and conditions for the competition:

- Feature Length Screenplay Any Genre (60-120 pages)
*Screenplays that exceed 120 pages will not be accepted.

-TV Scripts Any Genre up to 60 pages
*Scripts that exceed 60 pages will not be accepted.

-Short Film Scripts up to 30 pages
*Scripts that exceed 30 pages will not be accepted

- All scripts must be submitted in English.
- All submission fees must be paid in U.S. dollars.
- All script and payment submissions will be made online only.
- All applicants will receive an email confirmation confirming screenplay was received.
- All scripts must be the original work of the author(s) with no restrictions from a third party.
- All scripts must be in a pdf format with a title page that clearly states the title, author(s) name(s), email address and/or contact phone number.
- Scripts will not be eligible if they have been sold, produced for profit or optioned.
- Only original scripts will be accepted.
- Writers/applicants can only submit scripts. We will not accept loglines, taglines, synopses, casting suggestions, resumes, cover letters, photographs or any other materials of any kind.
- Scripts adapted from your own work, including books, plays and other source materials are all eligible, but only if you retain all rights to your work.
- Adaptations from other works will be accepted, under the condition that the writer of the original work has granted you written permission to use his/her material.
- Adaptations of works in the public domain are also permitted.
- The competition is not limited to one script per writer(s). Writers may submit multiple scripts.
- All scripts must contain a title page with the following information included: title of the script, name(s) of writer(s), telephone number and email address. This information is for office use only and will not have any bearing on the judging process or decision-making.
- The winners will receive script coverage feedback within 14 days of the winners’ announcement.
- Once a script has been submitted, no revised or future drafts will be accepted.
- Writers under the age of 18 years old must provide written permission from a parent or guardian in order to submit their work.
- By submitting their work, applicants agree to accept all decisions made by the judges.
- All writers are advised to register their material with the U.S. Copyright Office and/or the Writer’s Guild of America or the equivalent copyright agency in his/her country.
- All writers/applicants retain the rights to their screenplays.
- All writers/applicants are non-exclusive to the Bull City Screenplay Competition and may submit their screenplays to any other person, competition, producer, agent, publisher and/or organization.
- In the event that an applicant wins an award in the competition, he/she agrees that the Bull City Screenplay Competition are permitted to use his/her name for advertising and/or promotional purposes.
- Competition winners will receive award laurels and the opportunity to pitch their script and present a scene at The Bull City Film Festival, either read by them or performed by actors.

- The first round of reading is done by individual readers. If your script is advanced to the next round, the script will be read and scored by multiple readers to determine whether it gets into quarterfinals and semifinals.

To protect your script, we strongly suggest you register your work with the Writers Guild of America, West (www.wga.org or call 323.782.4500) and the US Copyright Office (http://www.copyright.gov).

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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