Carmarthen Bay Film Festival ()


10 Jun 2019
Call for entries

31 Aug 2019
Early deadline

31 Oct 2019
Standard deadline

30 Nov 2019
Late deadline

31 Dec 2019
Festival closed

29 Feb 2020
Notification date

25 May 2020
28 May 2020


Park,  sa16 0bw, Burry Port, Carmarthenshire, United Kingdom

Festival description
Short film festival >2' 40'<
Feature film festival >41' 90'<

BAFTA Qualifier festival logo qualifying festival
Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >2' 40'<
 Feature Films  >41' 90'<
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Photo of Carmarthen Bay Film Festival
Photo of Carmarthen Bay Film Festival
Photo of Carmarthen Bay Film Festival
Photo of Carmarthen Bay Film Festival


Festival start: 25 May 2020      Festival end: 28 May 2020

Highly Respected BAFTA CYMRU QUALIFYING Film Festival Judged by Industry Professionals. UK & International Submissions.

Please note that we are also an IMDB Qualifying festival which means that, if your film is selected and screened you can add it to IMDB.
IMDB Events/Film Festival


Carmarthen Bay Film Festival has gone from strength to strength over the years. From our first festival in 2012, we have gone from 35 submissions to well over 750 from 60 different countries for our 2019 festival. Not only have the submissions increased over the years but the number of filmmakers and festival patrons attending has as well.

We have had filmmakers flying in from the US, Australia, Holland, Italy, France and many parts of the UK. The number of festival partners has also grown with Stradey Park Hotel, BAFTA Cymru, RTS Wales, University of Wales Trinity St. David, Felin Foel Brewery, Carmarthen Cameras and many more. The festival is now a BAFTA Cymru/Wales qualifying which means that any film screened during the festival and made here in Wales is eligible to apply to be considered for a BAFTA Cymru award.

Our 8th festival has seen some significant changes, for the last seven years, the festival has been held at the Stradey Park Hotel here in Llanelli. The hotel has been very supportive, and without their help, the festival would have been unable to get off the ground. So with the full backing of the Stradey Park, we felt it was time to move on and try something new. So for 2019 CBFF was held at one of Wales’ premier theatres in the centre of Llanelli, which brought a new and exciting dynamic and feel to the festival.

It's all about fairness, our motto.
‘This festival is honest’ and will always be, a champion of independent film.

Films Judge by Industry Jury,
Widely promoted Festival,
Committed to Transparency,
BAFTA Cymru Qualifying Festival

We are also very proud to have the name of John Hefin associated with the festival.
With the John Hefin Award for lifetime achievement in film, television or theatre. And we are delighted that John Morgan of JM Creative accepted this award during our 2019 awards gala.

Please read the brief bio about John below.

John Hefin first became involved in television work in 1960, when he responded to a newspaper advertisement for apprentice production assistants. During the 1960s, he worked as a producer and director for BBC Wales. In 1974, he helped create the Welsh language soap opera Pobol y Cwm, the longest-running television soap opera produced by the BBC. He also co-wrote and directed the 1978 TV rugby comedy film Grand Slam, and directed the 1981 drama series The Life and Times of David Lloyd George. This nine-part series, a biopic based on the Welsh PM, drew on conversations with Lady Olwen, his eldest daughter, and AJ Sylvester, his secretary. In 1984, John was the director for the narration for an animated version of Prince Charles's children's story The Old Man of Lochnagar.

Following his post as Head of Drama with BBC Wales, he worked in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies at Aberystwyth University. In 1988, he became the artistic director of Film Cymru (which was later renamed the Wales Film Council), entrusted with the responsibility of commissioning films from independent Welsh producers using S4C funds. He was also Chairman of the Film Commission Wales, and Chair of Cyfrwng, a Welsh media journal, and network. He retired from the BBC in 1993. In 2004, he directed and filmed part of a documentary featuring the artist Sir Kyffin Williams, Reflections in a Gondola
John was awarded the MBE in 2009, for "services to Welsh film and drama". In 2012, he was awarded the BAFTA Cymru Special Award for Outstanding Contribution to Television Drama.

Carmarthen Bay Film Festival is now a BAFTA Cymru/Wales qualifying festival

1. Films made anywhere in the world are eligible to be submitted for consideration

2. If the Film’s final running time is more than 2 minutes and less than 40 minutes including credits if any, the Film may only be submitted as a Short film. Even if the Film has been submitted as a Feature film, it will be included for consideration only in the Short category..

3. The Festival does not require première status for submissions.

4. The Film may have been previously screened in its entirety at a theatrical exhibition anywhere in the world, in which tickets were available to the public.

5. The Film may have been previously released on DVD or broadcast on television or the internet anywhere in the world.

6. It is the sole responsibility of the Applicant to secure clearance from the copyright holders of any copyrighted materials included within the submitted Film. The Organisers will not be held responsible for the unauthorised inclusion of any copyrighted materials within or relating to the submitted Film. The Organisers reserve the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from the Applicant, any Film with any unauthorised inclusion of any copyrighted materials.

7. Applicants submitting Films that contain significant non-English spoken dialogue must provide on-screen English subtitles. The Organisers reserve the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from the Applicant, any Film that contains significant non-English spoken dialogue that does not include accompanying on-screen English subtitles.

8. If your submission is accepted we may require a hard copy for screening purposes. All Films must be on a single DVD Disc (single or dual layer) or Blu-ray if required. We also accept file transfer via Wetransfer or similar service. DVD'S and Blu-rays WILL NOT BE RETURNED

9. The Organisers reserve the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from Applicant, any Film that is not submitted on one of the recommended standard formats.

10. It’s the submitters responsibility to make sure they provide the correct screening file for consideration. CBFF will not be held responsible if the incorrect file is provided.

11. If your submission is excepted it is your responsibility to make sure the correct version of your entry is made available for screening purposes. CBFF will not be held responsible if the incorrect version is provided.

12 If your submission is nominated for an award you agree that the judge’s decision final

13. Please note that any discount codes relating to Students may only be used by the qualifying submitters. Student discount may only be used by either undergraduates or postgraduates 1 year after leaving full or part-time study. You must follow these guidelines or your submission will automatically disqualified without refund of your submission fee.

14. Your submission must have been completed after January 2018.

15. By submitting you agree to all CBFF rules and guidelines


A live action narrative fiction told through the medium of video.

Requirements: Your Submission must be an original live action narrative video that exemplifies the art of fictional storytelling. Submissions may come from but are not limited to, the following genres: comedy, action, drama, musical, horror, etc. Your submission should be a complete story that is presented in a clear, creative, and original way.

Judging considerations: We are looking for creative excellence in videos that push the boundaries of narrative filmmaking and storytelling


A video that presents a factual report on a chosen subject or idea.

Requirements: Your submission must be an original documentary that exemplifies the art of non-fiction storytelling. Submissions may include a variety of storytelling methods: presenter led or narrated, fly on the wall, point of view, ambient, or personal stories, etc. Your submission should be a complete idea that is presented in a clear, innovative and original way.

Judging considerations: We are looking for an engaging, creative video that provides insight into a real person, lifestyle, cause, belief, or situation through nonfiction filmmaking methods.


A story told by giving life to inanimate objects or character designs using computer technology or frame by frame animation.

Requirements: Your submission must be an original animated short video that illustrates the art of animated storytelling. Submissions may include the following styles of animation: 3D, 2D, mixed media, or any form of stop motion.

Judging considerations: We are looking for animation that deploys a high level of technical, conceptual, and aesthetic innovation in order to enchant the viewer with a strong, engaging story.


A video that experiments with new ideas and/or techniques, often characterized by the absence of a linear narrative.

Requirements: Submissions may include video art, abstract works, or any other non-narrative-based work that breaks new ground in moving image.

Judging considerations: We are looking for videos that explore new ideas or techniques to further filmmaking as an art form, free from the constraints of the traditional narrative form.


Poetry film is a subgenre of film that fuses the use of spoken word poetry, visual images, and sound to create a stronger presentation and interpretation of the meaning being conveyed. This fusion of image and spoken word (both independent and interdependent) creates what William Wees called the "Poetry-film" genre.

We are looking for Submissions that:
• Are based upon an interesting concept;
• Are innovative;
• Are well crafted; and
• Create an emotional resonance

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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