Festival de cortos Hygeia ()


17 Oct 2023
Call for entries

15 Mar 2024
Festival closed

15 Apr 2024
Notification date

09 May 2024
09 May 2024


Calle Veneras 9, 2D, Madrid,  28013, Madrid, madrid, Spain

Festival description
Nursing and physiotherapy
Short film festival 5'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 National Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Required
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  5'<
 Any language
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Photo of Festival de cortos Hygeia
Photo of Festival de cortos Hygeia

Photo of Festival de cortos Hygeia
Photo of Festival de cortos Hygeia


Festival start: 09 May 2024      Festival end: 09 May 2024

The deadline to participate in the fourth edition of the Hygeia Awards, the nursing and physiotherapy short film festival, is now open. With this contest we seek to learn about and show nursing and physiotherapy from the perspective of citizens and health professionals themselves through their camera or smartphone. To do this, anyone who wishes can participate until March 15, 2024. Don't wait any longer... and take action!

The organization of the contest reserves the right to modify the rules at any time when circumstances so require. The modification will be announced to the participants and will come into force from the date of its announcement, without them being able to make any claim to Enfermería en Desarrollo for this fact. Any statement to the contrary by the participant will lead to his or her exclusion from the contest, and Enfermería en Desarrollo will be released from compliance with any obligation contracted with said participant.
These Rules will be available at all times on the website enfermeriaendesarrollo.es
13) Applicable law and jurisdiction
The interpretation and compliance with these Bases will be governed by the provisions of its clauses and by what is not provided for by the provisions of the applicable Spanish legislation in force. In this sense, for the resolution of any controversy that may arise from these participation rules or from the celebration or result of the IV Hygeia Awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival, the participants, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that, in their If applicable, they submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.
14) Entry into force
These rules will come into force at the time of their publication.

Rules of the IV Hygeia awards
Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival
Nursing in Development and Fuden announce the IV Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival Hygeia awards 2024, in which anyone who wishes can participate.

1. Objective
Show nursing and physical therapy from the observer's perspective.

2) Theme
The central theme of the shorts must be related to Nursing or Physiotherapy, in any of their work areas or training stages.
We want you, with a camera or your smartphone, to tell us, in a short fiction or documentary, of a maximum duration of five minutes, what you see in the profession, what or who is important to you, how we relate and how we work, teach, learn or lead.

In short, we want to know nursing and physiotherapy from your perspective because the different perspectives teach us new aspects and points of view that may surprise us. Go ahead and show us yours!

There are no limits to the way you discuss the topic you choose. We look for that different perspective, that unique perspective that you can contribute, that fun way of presenting everyday situations in which you have been able to be an observer or protagonist. Don't set limits! Add imagination and a sense of humor! Look for an original location, nurses and physiotherapists are not only hospitals and clinics. Plus, you don't have to be a professional filmmaker, we have a category for you. And if you already have experience, we are also looking forward to seeing your new piece.

3) Who can participate

• People of all ages and nationalities, as long as they are residents in Spain. Minors must indicate this in the registration form, including the information of their father/mother or legal guardian, as well as their authorization to compete. It is essential that the parents or legal guardians sign the authorization, which is attached as Annex 1 to these bases, in which they consent to the participation of the minor, accept the bases and grant their agreement to what is stated therein.

• Short films that have advertising character or content may not be submitted.

• Under no circumstances will short films that contain offensive or disrespectful content towards individuals or groups be accepted for the contest.

• Members of the jury and their immediate family members are excluded from the competition.

We have established two specific categories according to the training of the participants:
o Amateur, for participants who are starting out in the world of cinema.

or Pro, for those who have already produced film work in any format, or who have an academic qualification that accredits them as film professionals.

4) How you can record

• Short films may be recorded with the camera of your mobile phone, tablet or any other camera. Later, you can edit it with the external tools or editing programs you need.

• The shorts must be original.

• Participants are responsible for being the sole authors and that there are no rights to third parties, as well as for any claim for image rights over the works submitted to the contest.

• Each participant may present a maximum of 3 works.

• Each work must have a title.

• All short films must be presented in Spanish and subtitled.

• The maximum duration is 5 minutes, including the credits. This does not mean that the short necessarily has to reach 5 minutes; Within this limit, each participant will choose the most appropriate duration.

• The file formats can be MOV or MP4 with H264 compression for video and AAC for audio. Recommended resolution: 1920 x 1080. Minimum resolution: 1280 x 720. For any other format, contact us first by email at comercialcortos@fuden.es.

• All recordings must be done horizontally.

• The short can be fiction or documentary.

5) How can you register and send your work

• The registration period will begin on October 17, 2023 and will end on March 15, 2024.

• If the short has been made by several authors, you have to choose a single representative to send the piece. However, in the registration form, in the “Team” section you must indicate the full name, DNI/NIE and email address of the rest of the authors. The representative of the group of authors will be responsible for informing the rest of the participants about the Rules of the contest and their modification if they occur.You can send the short film through the WeTransfer service or similar platforms. You will get a download link that you must copy since we will later ask you for it in the registration newsletter.

• Next, access the registration bulletin through the page https://enfermeriaendesarrollo.es/, or the following link https://enfermeriaendesarrollo.es/festival-hygeia/. Fill in all the information and paste the download link in the corresponding section. Once submitted, you will receive an automatic email indicating that you have completed the process successfully.

6) The jury

• The jury will be made up of a representative from Enfermería en Desarrollo and Fuden, a representative from Fuden Tv, and several prominent professionals from the audiovisual sector. The composition of the jury will be published on the website of the Enfermería en Desarrollo magazine, https://enfermeriaendesarrollo.es/.

• The jury's decision is final.

7) prizes
We have established the following prizes*:

• Award and prize of €1,000 for the best work in the Amateur category.

• Award and prize of €1,500 for the best work in the Pro category.

• Award and prize of €700 for the best script of all those presented.

• Award and prize of €700 for the best short film in documentary format of all those presented.

In addition, all authors of the different categories will receive an accreditation diploma throughout the month of June 2024.

* The prizes will be subject to the corresponding withholding on Personal Income.

8) Development of the festival
All works received that conform to the rules and meet minimum quality requirements will go to the competition phase.

Once the jury is assembled, those who have been finalists will be informed by phone call or email. Subsequently, a list of finalists will be sent to all participants via email and it will be published on the Nursing in Development website.

The winners will be announced at the awards gala to be held in May 2024 in Madrid. The event will include the screening of the winning works.

All winners will be interviewed by Nursing Development andWe will publish a review in the magazine.

9) Intellectual and industrial property
For the purposes of these rules, all information or intellectual creation of any type included in their applications will be considered content contributed by participants.

The participants guarantee that they have all the intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents provided and that they have the appropriate authorizations to be able to present the work to the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival, and will be liable to any third party for the exploitation of such rights, exonerating FUDEN and Enfermería en Desarrollo from any responsibility.

The authors of the works transfer to the competition organization the rights to exploit them, consisting of the reproduction and exhibition of the short film within the general framework of this competition, in any of its editions, as well as for advertising or promotion purposes. , which will always be exercised with the recognition of their status as author, unless expressly stated otherwise.
The works presented will be part of the Nursing in Development documentary archive.
Furthermore, Fuden reserves the right to publish the submitted works on any of its corporate websites.

Likewise, the acceptance of these Rules entitles Fuden and Enfermería en Desarrollo to reproduce, distribute and make available to the public the works presented and winners of each category, due to their interest for the nursing profession and contribution to the dissemination of the values ​​of nursing, always without commercial purposes.

In any case, this transfer does not constitute a transfer of ownership of the intellectual property rights, but rather authorizes Fuden and Enfermería en Desarrollo exclusively to exercise the rights agreed upon in these Terms.

In any case, the candidate may revoke the authorization for publication, following formal written communication to Enfermería en Desarrollo. This revocation will not harm the development of the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival.

10) Data protection
The personal data of both the applications submitted, as well as those attending and invited to the awards ceremony, if held, will be processed by Fuden, in its capacity as data controller, for the proper development of the call, ruling and delivery of the IV Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival Hygeia awards.The processing activities include all those related to both the admission of applications and the awarding of the awards, as well as those related to their promotion, organization and dissemination, including the organization of the awards ceremony.

Fuden and Enfermería en Desarrollo may subsequently process the contact details of the participants, attendees and guests at the awards ceremony to send, where appropriate, information related to subsequent editions of the Contest, as well as other activities related to the dissemination of Nursing values. Likewise, Fuden and Nursing Development (ED) may process the data from the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival for statistical purposes, always prior to the application of anonymization or pseudonymization techniques.

When the data has not been obtained directly from the data owner, the duty of information and transparency will be fulfilled by informing the interested party in the terms established in article 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection.

The legal bases for legitimizing the processing activities in relation to the determined, explicit and legitimate purposes indicated are: a) compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the data controller,
b) execution of a contract (derived from the acceptance of the bases that govern the call for the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival), c) satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by the person responsible for the treatment or by a third party (promotion of nursing values), and d) consent of the interested party.Failure to provide the data requested in the terms of the call, necessary for the validation of the applications presented, or any other data necessary for the organization and development of the awards ceremony, will prevent participation in the activity.

The data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they are collected and processed, as well as to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from said purposes and from the processing of the data.

No data communications are planned except under legal obligation.

The owners of personal data may revoke their consent for the processing of their data or oppose it, as the case may be, without affecting the legality of the prior processing.

Likewise, they may exercise the rest of the rights recognized by current regulations regarding the protection of personal data by sending a letter to Enfermería en Desarrollo (ED) - Foundation for the Development of Nursing FUDEN), accompanied by a photocopy of their ID. to the postal address Veneras Street, no. 9, 5th floor, 28013 Madrid or email equipo-dpd@fuden.es. Alternatively, you can also contact the Data Protection Officer at the email privacy-dpd@fuden.es, or, if you consider that your right to data protection has been violated,file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Since the participants of the Contest may be minors, consent to the processing of data in accordance with the purpose provided here corresponds, according to Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of the digital rights, to their parents, guardians or legal representatives. For this reason, certain information is requested from the person acting on behalf of the minor. The representatives of the minor may revoke the consent granted in this document at any time, communicating it in writing under the terms set forth in the previous paragraph.

The data protection policy can be consulted on the Fuden and “Nursing in Development” website.

11) Image transfer
Each participant consents to the use of their voice and image, obtained through interviews, reports, or any other means, for promotional and dissemination use of the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival (including but not limited to their publication on the website of Fuden, Enfermería en Desarrollo and social networks) without said use conferring any right to financial compensation.

As already contemplated in section 3 - Who can participate - of these rules, Fuden foresees the participation of minors in the works presented to the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival. Therefore, as a guarantee of the right to honor, personal and family privacy, and the self-image of minors, it will be necessary for parents or guardians to sign and send, along with the registration, the authorization that is attached as an Annex to these bases. .

In any case, Fuden guarantees that the dissemination of the event and the use of the images will not involve an illegitimate interference with your privacy, honor or reputation, nor will it be contrary to your interests.12) General issues and acceptance of the bases

The organization of the contest reserves the right to exclude all works whose content is obscene, violent, sexist, racist or violates any fundamental human right.

Participants are responsible for ensuring that there are no rights to third parties for the use of musical pieces in the works presented, nor any claim for image rights of the people who appear in them, as well as that the short films presented are not subject to legal claims. any and are within the provisions of the intellectual property law, exempting the Organization from any type of responsibility.

In the event that an audio track is used with a sound recording that is the property of a record company without its permission, it is possible that,

For legal reasons, the reproduction of the short on the web is without sound.

Any unforeseen eventuality arising in relation to the development of the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival and not expressly contemplated in these rules, will be resolved in accordance with the criteria of the organization. Likewise, the organization is not responsible for the poor or no reception of the materials.

Participation in the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival implies knowledge and full acceptance of the rules by the participants and their representatives.
The entity reserves the right to modify these bases, in which case it will be communicated to the participants.The organization of the contest reserves the right to modify the rules at any time when circumstances so require. The modification will be announced to the participants and will come into force from the date of its announcement, without them being able to make any claim to Enfermería en Desarrollo for this fact. Any statement to the contrary by the participant will lead to his or her exclusion from the contest, and Enfermería en Desarrollo will be released from compliance with any obligation contracted with said participant.

These Rules will be available at all times on the website enfermeriaendesarrollo.es

13) Applicable law and jurisdiction
The interpretation and compliance with these Bases will be governed by the provisions of its clauses and by what is not provided for by the provisions of the applicable Spanish legislation in force. In this sense, for the resolution of any controversy that may arise from these participation rules or from the celebration or result of the IV Hygeia awards Nursing and Physiotherapy Short Film Festival, the participants, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that, in their If applicable, they submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.

14) Entry into force
These rules will come into force at the time of their publication.



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