International New York Film Festival INYFF ()


21 Oct 2021
Call for entries

30 Nov 2021
Early deadline

31 Mar 2022
Standard deadline

30 Apr 2022
Late deadline

30 May 2022
Festival closed

03 Jun 2022
Notification date

24 Jun 2022
25 Jun 2022


358 W. 44th Street,  10036, New York City, Time Square, United States

Festival description
Short film festival 70'<
Feature film festival >72' 120'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  70'<
 Feature Films  >72' 120'<
 Any language
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Photo of International New York Film Festival INYFF
Photo of International New York Film Festival INYFF
Photo of International New York Film Festival INYFF
Photo of International New York Film Festival INYFF


Festival start: 24 June 2022      Festival end: 25 June 2022

The International New York Film Festival, (INYFF) is A SCREENING, AWARD and DISTRIBUTION Festival. First place GOLD AWARD will receive the INYFF trophy, certificate, screening and distribution deal! Opening reception at the Producers Club in NYC and award ceremony and photo op at the end of the INYFF. Distributors will be present at the INYFF! Most official selections will be screened and 2nd and 3rd place award certificates will be presented with laurels.

The INYFF is divided into two seasons per year with winners chosen in each and the festival and screenings taking place at THE PRODUCERS CLUB in NYC, Times Square area in June of.

In the INYFF first time filmmakers with no-budgets to seasoned pros with name talent and multi-million dollar budgets screen together in the most eclectic film festival anywhere in NY and the world. Submit today and become part of the INYFF family.

This year video interviews of our winners will be posted with reviews of their films.

Gold Award distribution winners have the option to accept or refuse the distribution deal. All deliverables must be met including a trailer and the film in a Prores HQ file.

The International New York Film Festival is seeking outstanding filmmakers of all ages. Innovative, creative, unique in their vision. All genre are accepted.

Unfortunately due to the importance of the film submission revenue in operating the Festival we are unable to offer fee waivers. Recognizing the funding challenges that filmmakers face we encourage you to take advantage of the EarlyEarly Bird Deadline and Earlybird deadline.

INYFF Trophy and certificates. Screenings of BEST of each category. First Place GOLD AWARD winners receive a worldwide distribution deal.

BEST of each category receives the INYFF Trophy. Each film selected will also receive screening. Awards will be made in numerous categories and genre.

Second Place, Silver Award and screening.

Certificates of Merit will be awarded to films that show exceptional potential in their film work. Not all Merit winners will be screened.

Only completed films may be submitted. (No rough cuts).

Films must have been made between 2010 and 2022.

Filmmaker must own all rights to their film and music and/or have secured rights.

Competition is open to U.S. and International entries. International films must be in English or with English subtitle.

There are no refund of fees.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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