MA/IN Festival ()


05 Apr 2023
Call for entries

14 May 2023
Festival closed

30 Jun 2023
Notification date

20 Oct 2023
12 Nov 2023


s.pietro barisano,  75100, Matera - Potenza - Lecce, matera, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Any language
 Any language
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Photo of MA/IN Festival
Photo of MA/IN Festival

Photo of MA/IN Festival
Photo of MA/IN Festival


Festival start: 20 October 2023      Festival end: 12 November 2023

MA/IN is an international festival devoted to experimental film and video, aiming at investigate the relationship between image and sound.

The mission of MA/IN is to provide local and regional audiences with an opportunity to view a wide variety of contemporary experimental works, focused on artistic excellence, different styles, forms, and nationalities.

Since 2016, in collaboration with regional/national institutions and part of the cultural program of Matera 2019 European Capital of Culture, Ma/In festivalt offers a program of live cinema, performances, live sonorization of classic silent film.

The seventh edition will be held on October/November in Basilicata and Puglia, South Italy.
Potenza - Cineteatro Don Bosco
Matera - Auditorium Casa Cava
Lecce - Manifatture Knos
The festival will show premieres, retrospectives, tributes, audio-visual performances, and discussion panels.

MA/IN Festival is opened to artists who want to submit experimental works: found footage, essay film, video performance, expanded cinema, experimental animation, experimental documentary, video art, new sonorization of movies, virtual reality, 360° inmersive cinema.

Only short films with a maximum runtime of 30 minutes. No restrictions on the date of completion, premiere status or whether your work has been made available online

An international jury will selected the artworks to be screened. Only selected works will be in the festival’s program.

Official Selection: Films selected for screening will be notified via email.
Award Winner: The winner will be invited to accompany their film to the MA/IN festival and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Organization.

IMPORTANT NEWS: This year a collaboration with the CRM (Centro di Ricerche Musicali) of Rome will plan a special scheduling of AUDIOVISUAL selected works, during the "Artescienza 2023" festival: July 2023, Goethe- Institut, Rome.

The festival is organized by LOXOSconcept, a non-profit cultural centre, active in the realization of experimental movies, sound art works, artistic installations and promoting research into the aesthetic, analytical, musicological and scientific aspects of music.

- Winner Experimental short:
n. 1 Max/MSP 8 | full license (or upgrade) granted by Cycling'74

- Honorary Mentions

- Registration for the Festival competition, takes place exclusively through Festhome.

The festival registration fee is €25.00 for each work

- By submitting, the participant filmmaker/artist acknowledges and agrees that if selected for the festival - their film will be screened in a live venue in front of live audience.

- By submitting, the participant filmmaker/artist acknowledges and agrees for the MA/IN Festival to use publicity material (film, production stills, posters, clip etc.) from selected films to promote the festival in print and online.

- Selected works will remain in the archive of the festival and be used during screenings; details of screenings will be communicated to the artists prior to the event;

- All selected works will be promoted through our social media and website with a dedicated page with synopsis, film stills and trailer. For this purpose, we recommend that projects must be fully entered on Festhome, including film stills, production pictures, downloadable poster, and trailer or teaser.

- The Artist certifies that she/he is the sole author of the Artwork, that this is an original work that does not copy other preexisting works.

- The personal data supplied by the artists will be treated in accordance with Law 675/96 (“Privacy Policy”), the Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”) and the art.13 Regulation EU 2016/679 (G.D.P.R), even for inclusion in databases operated by the LOXOSconcept cultural association. Any television, radio, recordings, and broadcasts of the works participating in the award for the promotion of the artists or the festival itself through marketing and communication are authorised by the artist without any additional obligation for the organization and without prior request of consent from the artist.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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