Mostra de Cinema de Castellar del Vallès BRAM!


03 Nov 2016
Call for entries

31 Jan 2017
Festival closed

18 Feb 2017
Notification date

03 Mar 2017
12 Mar 2017


Pl. d'El Mirador, s/n,  08211, Castellar del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 10'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2015
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  10'<
Catalan Spanish
Catalan Spanish
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Festival start: 03 March 2017      Festival end: 12 March 2017

"Els Curts del BRAM!" will take place in the 9th edition of the Film Castellar del Vallès (from 3 to 12 March 2017).

Cash Prizes: 600€

Jury Awards:

Best Short: 200 euros.

With the best short filmed exteriors in Castellar del Vallès (there will appear identifying elements of the city): 200 euros.

The best short film made by children under 18 years worth $ 200 to spend on any trade Castellar.

Audience Award for Best Short Film: a bag of 1 kg of beans grown in Castellar.

Jury Prizes are not cumulative.

Club Cinema Castellar Vallès


"Els Curts del BRAM!" Will take place in the 9th edition of the Film Castellar del Vallès (from 3 to 12 March 2017).

Anyone can participate individually or collectively, without any age limit.

Those who are minors at the time of registration must have the permission of the guardian, having to indicate their data in the registration form.

The works may not exceed 10 minutes (including credits). Until 10:59 is accepted.

We accept short films (including animation) and documentaries of any subject.

Each contestant may submit only one film.

The date of completion of the short cannot be earlier than 1 January 2015.

The works can be screened and / or awarded at other festivals.


The original shooting format is free.

Participants send a file to .mp4 or .mov format.

Holder has presented the short film competition.

If the short is not filmed in Catalan and / or Spanish it must be subtitled in one of these languages.

The competition organizers reserve the right to exclude a work if it considers that it has the technical conditions suitable for its display.


The organization assumes that a work has owned all rights to contest, in which participants are solely responsible for non-compliance with this requirement.
Participants are responsible for ensuring that the contents of their short films do not infringe intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties, exempting the organization from all liability.

The authors exempting the organization from paying exhibition rights for screening as part of the competition.

The organization reserves the right to screen all the winning films at later projections for the promotion of the competition.


Registration and presentation of the film is free and will be open until 31 January 2017.

The registration form is available on the web

The short can be sent through the following ways:

In the Municipal Auditorium box office on Fridays there is cineclub session.

Through the distribution platform FestHome (the cost of registration by the platform will be borne by the author).


Among all the registered works, a selection committee appointed by the organizers will select the works that will be shown to enter the competition.

The short list of admitted contest published on the website and will be communicated to participants by email on 20 February 2017.


Will receive the following prizes:

Jury Awards:

Best Short: 200 euros.
With the best short filmed exteriors in Castellar del Vallès (there will appear identifying elements of the city): 200 euros.

The best short film made by children under 18 years worth $ 200 to spend on any trade Castellar.

Audience Award for Best Short Film: a bag of 1 kg of beans grown in Castellar.

Jury Prizes are not cumulative.

The organizers appoint a jury made up of people related to the world of cinema, audiovisual and culture.

The prizes can be declared void if the jury so decides.

The jury's decision is final.


We recommend you consult the organization ( if you have any doubts.

The competition organizers reserve the right to terminate any eventuality not specified in the rules.

Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of these Rules and Terms.



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