Submissions deadline
15 Jun 21
Movies between 3 and 12 minutes long.
15 Feb 2021
Call for entries
31 Mar 2021
Standard deadline
15 Jun 2021
Late deadline
15 Jun 2021
Festival closed
15 Aug 2021
Notification date
15 Feb 2021
15 Jun 2021
Festival start: 15 February 2021 Festival end: 15 June 2021
We aim creating a film competition for the adventure travelers with film making capabilities, ambitious in gaining visibility and hence improving their chances to finance future projects and adventures.
The main goals are to stimulate creativity and the adventure market with a credible and well-organized and advertised event.
“To offer an Overland thematic experience in a drive-in format, in a nature surrounding , creating a film competition to stimulate creativity and energize the overland market, whilst promoting to explore the countryside less known.”
Best Movie, Best Story, Official Selection
The judge is made of people with strong connections with Portuguese overland and cinema worlds. With their expertise, they will collectively choose the film festival awards:
“Best Movie”, “Best Story” and “Official Selection”.
Submissions deadline
15 Jun 21
Movies between 3 and 12 minutes long.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.