Submissions deadline
15 Feb 19
International Section of Fiction and Animation Shorts. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters from 10 to 15 years old, have to be send in this Section.
Festival start: 27 March 2019 Festival end: 30 March 2019
GENERAZIONE FUTURO : International Section of Fiction and Animation Shorts. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters from 10 to 15 years old, have to be send in this Section.
TEEN CLUB + 16 : International Section of feature films and animation. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters from 16 to 18 years old, have to be send in this Section.
TEENAGER PLUS 18+ : International Section of feature films of fiction and/or animation. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters with more than 18 years old, have to be send in this Section.
CINEMA & SCHOOL : International Section reserved for works produced by schools or universities.
Cash Prizes: 2,000€
All the awarded prizes are at the jury's discretion.
Prizes will be awarded by young juries.
The prize list will be published at the end of December and will be published on the festival website.
1. Winners are determined for each nomination according to the results of the each Section.
2. At least 2 winners will be determined in each Section.
3. All winners of the Sections will be awarded with Diplomas, valuable prizes from the Organizers and Partners of the film Festival.
4. The winners will be interviewed by some journalists at the festival.
5. The awarding of the Film Festival winners will be held at the Awards Ceremony in the Closing Ceremony of PIFF in Teatro Verdi on March, 30th, 2019.
The International Pordenone Film Fest is organized by the cultural Association of ‘Cinemando’, in collaboration with the city of Pordenone, Ascom, Healt sanity office, different instituctions and sponsors sustain our project.
It will take place from the 27th to the 30th of March 2019 in Ex-Convento di San Francesco in Pordenone.
This project wants to represent a point of reference for young people, and for those who want to discover the real meaning of cinematography. It will be an important place for young authors and some producers, who will take part in the festival, and also to create a communication between the cinematographic universe and the audience. Here, we want to spread the knowledge of the culture of the cinema, and the most important figure is that of the ‘teenager’.
The theme that has to be treated this year is: “NOT ONLY DRUGS, YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADDICTIONS”.
Addictions are the subject of a survey that has been archieved in middle and high schools of all Italy, on the occasion of the 4th edition of the campaigning “Discovering the human body”, initiative that has been promoted by Scientific Societies under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Education.
Answers from 13360 teenagers have shown their awareness about the new forms of dependence, technology and doping at first. Teenagers recognize in technologies the main cause of abuse behaviours, not related to substances; in fact, 88 teenagers on 100 think this way.
Here is the league table: videogames (49%), computers (44%), television and mobile phones (37%). In 54% of cases new technologies are considered the most widespread among young people.
Therefore, we can say that the new forms of dependence are those who threaten the younger generation the most, added to the most typical: drugs, alcohol, smoking and pathological gambling.
• Generazione futuro – International Section for short films of fiction and animation. This Section checks the projects, in which actors or important characters are from 10 to 15 years old.
• Teen Club +16 – International Section for feature films of fiction and animation. This Section checks the projects, in which actors or important characters are from 16 to 18 years old.
• Teenager plus 18+ – International Section of short films of fiction and animation. This Section checks the projects, in which the authors or important characters have more than 18 years
• CINEMA AND SCHOOL – International Section of short films of fiction and animation opened to all students from a high school.
Short films have to last for a maximum of 20 minutes, and feature films for a minumum of 60 minutes.
For the School and Cinema section every students can send a maximum of 1 short film and 4 from School. Necessary formats for the screening: DCP, HDCAM (non SR), Blu-ray, DigiBeta.
ONLY for short films the H264HD and Apple Pro-res formats are accepted.
All the prizes are chosen to the discrection of an appropriate jury.
This year the art direction has decided to award cash prizes as follow:
250 eur Most important film
250 eur The Best Actor/actress
250 eur The best song
250 eur The best Director of photography
Jury will be composed by cinema figures of all over the world and culture personalities chosen with the collaboration of Comune di Pordenone.
An appropriate students commission will be involved to select the films that the festival office is sent.
Prize money are planned, kindly offered by our partners and sponsors.
• Winners will be subsequently chosen for different nominations, on the basis of the results obtained in every Section.
• At least one winner will be selected in every Section.
• Winners will be rewarded with plaques, offered by festival’s organisation or partners. .
• Winners will be invited to a press conference where they can be interviewed by accredited
• Winners’ prize-giving will occur during the Closing Ceremony. Jury's decisions cannot be contested.
• Conditions of admission to the selection. The films created after January 2016 and those films who have had the premiere since June 2016, will be take into account. The unedited works will take priority.
The last day you can send your films by filename or online link, is the 1st of February 2019.
If you want to send a DVD, please send it to this address:
ASSOCIAZIONE PANORAMA Piazzetta Ottoboni 4 33170 Pordenone ITALY
The short films have to be registered in one of the platforms that you cand find in our website (FilmFreeway and Festhome). The candidate have to upload the film, or leave the link of it, and proceed with the listing of all the data. For more information,
The sending of the different works is charged to the participants.
The DVDs will be sent back, only at explicit request of the senders.
Our city will keep a copy of the DVD, and it can use it ONLY for cultural purposes (commercial purposes are excluded).
• Selection mode. The selection of the works will be made by the Artistic Direction of the filmaker Alessandro Varisco. The names of the finalists will be published no later than the 1st of March 2019 in our website.
• Materials. If you receive the official notification that you are one of the finalists, you have to send ABSOLUTELY:
• Filename of the entire film, with english subtitles (if you haven’t sent it before). Necessary procedure for the accession to the festival:
+Entry form (you have to compile it in our website)
+Biography, filmography e picture of the filmaker (by e-mail)
+Picture of the participants, who have created the film ( by e-mail )
+Note of the filmaker about his film (by e-mail)
+Complete list of the dialogues (in english), or the list of the subtitles (by e-mail). +Picture of the film (by e-mail or ftp)
+Posters, brochures
Every producer have to authorize the Piff festival to the transmission of the different works (on national and international TVs), for a maximum of 15 minutes for feature films and 3 minutes for short film
• The PIFF states a 4 steps adhesion fee, visiting the website for short and feature films as secretarial expenses. The cost of 5€ is reserved only for schools. We ask you not to include your films in the school section if you don’t attend a film school, high school or university; in this case, your work will be deleted from the selection process.
• The cost of the works’ sending is charged to the participants.
• The insurance cover for the films’ going/return transport is charged to the participants.
• Productors who will win are invited to donate an high definition copy of their works, that will be put on
the Festival Historical Archive, and intended only for its studying and conservation, except commercial purposes.
Every problem occurred during the sending of the different DVDs is NOT charged to the festival.
• Travel costs are charged to the delegation.
• Everyone must respect this regulation.
• This event shall operate in accordance with the said regulation.