Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata Festifreak ()

La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak

Fechas Límite

27 mar 2024

28 abr 2024
Fecha Límite Anticipada

23 jun 2024
Fecha Límite Estándar

04 ago 2024
Fecha Límite Tardía

31 ago 2024
Festival Cerrado

30 sep 2024
Fecha de notificación

16 oct 2024
27 oct 2024


50, entre 6 y 7,  1900, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Descripción del festival
Festival de cortometrajes 59'<
Festival de largometrajes >60'

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 Cualquier género
 Cualquier tema
 Con tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Online y Ubicación Física
 enero 2023
 Países de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de rodaje: Cualquiera
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Cualquiera
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Cortometrajes  59'<
 Largometrajes  >60'
 Cualquier idioma
Español Inglés
Compartir en Redes Sociales

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata Festifreak
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata Festifreak

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata Festifreak
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de La Plata Festifreak


Inicio Festival: 16 octubre 2024      Fin Festival: 27 octubre 2024

La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak is one of the most relevant and inviting cultural event in La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We settled 20 years ago with the idea of showing and giving premiere to films and authors that don't usually get in theaters and others screens well as reviewing greatest masters of cinema's filmography. Our 20º edition will take place in October 2024.

​Here, you can find the information of the last edition:


1 - International Short Film Exhibition: non-competitive section of international short films, without restriction of genre, maximum length 30 minutes.

2 - International Medium Length Film Exhibition: non-competitive section of international medium length films, without restriction of genre, minimum length 30 minutes and maximum length 60 minutes.

3 - International Feature Film Exhibition: non-competitive section of international feature films, without restriction of genre, minimun length 60 minutes.


1 - Will be accepted works finished from January 1, 2023 to date.

2 - The minimum length for feature films is 60 minutes. For medium length films the minimum length is 30 and the works must not exceeds 60 minutes including titles and credits. For short films, works must not exceeds 30 minutes including titles and credits.

3 - Will be accepted one or more work per filmmaker.

4 - Films with dialogues in another language other than spanish must have
spanish subtitles incrusted in the video (in case you have one) or english subtitles.

5 - The theme of films is free, without restriction of genre and format. The material will shows in digital format and 16mm and 35mm.

Submissions must be made via www.festhome.com.
Temporary download links won't be accepted.

Regular Deadline for submissions is on June 23th, and the final deadline is August 25th, 2024.

Selected International feature films, medium length films and short films will be notified by mail via festhome on September 22th, 2024.

The selected films will be exhibited at the 20º edition of La Plata International Independent Film Festival FestiFreak on October 2024.

The Argentinian films must be submitted via our
official website (festifreak.com/inscripciones-argentinas/) when we announce it.

Every aspect not contemplated on these terms shall be decided by the organizers.

The registration of a film in this event means acceptance of these terms and the commitment to accept the festival the final decision.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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