Inicio Festival: 21 septiembre 2018
Fin Festival: 23 septiembre 2018
The Tuscany Web Fest is an international festival for web series and short films. The goal of Tuscany Web Fest is to enhance all those filmmakers who want to show off their abilities and their narrative skills
1. Best Web Series
2. Best Italian Series
3. Best Screenplay
4. Best International Web Series
5. Best Editing
6. Best Sit-com
7. Best Special Effects
8. Best Production
9. Best Comedy
10. Best Horror or Thriller
11. Best Actor
12. Best Actress
13. Best Direction
14. Best Supporting Actor
15. Best Supporting Actress
16. Best Makeup and Hair Style
17. Best Scenography
18. Audience Mentions
19. Best Web Series Voted by the Audience
20. Best Photography
21. Best Music or Soundtrack
22. Best Fantasy or Science Fiction
1. Best Italian Short
2. Best International Short
3. Best Direction
4. Best Editing
5. Best Production
6. Best Actor
7. Best Actress
8. Best Story
9. Best Screenplay
10. Best Photography
1) The Zerocinque83 Productions is born for the production of format television and cinema’s
independent works. This is a group consisting of young professionals with certificated experience
and professional formation. The Tuscany Web Fest has, as its main purpose, the valorization of
all those filmmakers who want to show their own abilities and narratives dispositions.
2) The purpose of TWF, organized by Zerocinque83 production, is give a chance to all those
Italians and foreign web ,cinema and TV artists and to all those lovers of motion images.
3) The admission to the festival is possible from October 27, 2017 to August 20, 2018. The official
list for the selection will be available on August 31, 2017. The festival will take in Porcari Lucca
on 21/22/23 September 2018 the date and place will be communicated 6 months in advance.
4) If, for some reasons, the event won’t take place, the production will provide to postpone the
event, communicating the time and the spot by TV, social networks, email, website and all the
media in general.
5) If in the admission form some data are missed, the organization will provide communicating
this to the candidate. Once reached the news, the candidate must correct the default in 7 days,
before the deadline, penalty the exclusion from the festival.
6) Every works competitor is examinated and accurately evaluated. The competitors are taken
into the festival after the unobjectable opinion of the production’s executive staff.
7) All the web series and short films could take part to the contest, but the web series must be
composed of at least two episodes.
8) The works to be admired must be made in any language (preferably Italian or English)
Subtitled are optionals but recommended for a better comprehension.
9) There isn't maximum duration of works submitted.
10) Are admitted every kind of works, published or unpublished, but NOT all those works
published after the deadline of the announcement. All the creations have to be available for the
TWF organization on web systems, in any kind of platforms chosen by the participants to the
11) Once the web series or the short films are admitted to the competition, is strictly forbidden
remove the material from the web. The creations must be accessible on the platforms (youtube,
dailymotion etc..) for the whole duration of the competition, included the awards ceremony,
penalty the exclusion from the festival.
12) There are no limits and bonds for the participation to TWF. Every artist could take part to the
festival with one or many works on condition that, for every works participant, he fills the form
followed by the payment of 45€ for the web series and 30€ for the short films.
13) To take part at TWF, is necessary fill the online form and pay the admission fee using PayPal
or by bank transfer.
14) If, for some reasons, the author/artist decides to remove his own creation from the festival,
is possible doing this just sending an email to This won’t authorize the
refund of the inscription fees.
15) The promoters may ask to the competitors any further informations as photos, trailers etc..
in order to increase the global interest of the festival and the competitors.
16) The organization could use all the material send, included logos, graphic, photographic visual
and promotional material, for the entire duration of the festival, included the public projection
on the day of the festival.
17) If the TWF production decides to televise the videos, this could be possible only after the
permission of the author or the copyrights holder.
18) Once the admission form to the festival is filled, the author must accept all the rules
containedon the regulation.
19) The competitor is totally responsible of the informations given to the organization; moreover
the competitor guarantees, filling the form, to be of full age, to understand, to want and to have
full rights on the creation, his contents, brands, passages and the use of actor’s images.
Moreover, the author guarantees to possess the privacy form about the actors. If, in the work,
there are some contents with the copyright belonging to third person, the author guarantees, by
the subjection of the application form, to have the authorization for the use of brands, logos,
passages, texts and the permission to use the images on privacy.
20) The competitors of the festival declare to hold harmless TWF and Zerocinque83 production,
included their promoters, in case of damages for third person. The competitor moreover give up
any kind of legal and economic claim, related to the content of the creation and to any formal or
informal claim coming from itself or from any other person to represent it in the future.
21) Filling the admission form and signing the announcement, the competitors testify that they
have read and understood all the 26 points and they also declare that all the informations
contained in the form are true.
22) The author declares to hold harmless the TWF and moreover no economic application will be
made for the copyright, the projection of the creation on the festival and for any other kind of
promotion for the entire period, included the carrying out of the TWF concerning this
23) If the author or the competitor to the festival decides, for some reasons, to not respect any
point of the regulation, automatically will leave out from the competition without claiming the
repayment of membership fees.
24) All the creations in possess of the qualifications requested are taken into the final. The
management will provide to communicate at every competitor the admission into the official
25) Every author belonging to the official list will be invite taking part to the awards event. The
date of the ceremony awards will be communicated later on and in advance by social networks,
TV and on the website The winners will be rewarded during the event
and for those competitors who decide not to be present at the ceremony, they could request the
award by shipping and personal contribution.
Corto y Largometrajes >1' 60'<
Tasa Estándar45€ -8% 41.4€
Fecha límite de inscripción
20 ago 18
Corto y Largometrajes >1' 60'<
Tasa Estándar45€ -8% 41.4€
Fecha límite de inscripción
20 ago 18
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