Inicio Festival: 01 noviembre 2023
Fin Festival: 20 septiembre 2024
After the great success of the First Edition, the Second Edition of the Chameleon Film Festival is underway.
The Chameleon Film Festival – Visioni dalla Contemporaneità was born from the initiative of a group of cinephiles, industry experts and cinema art enthusiasts who dream of a regeneration of the audiovisual market, which is increasingly incapable, especially in Italy, of giving space to independent products and propose to the general public works that can truly describe the contemporary world. If in the post-war period Italian Neorealism had given way to a real revolution, both in the specifics of the language and in the methods of production, open for the first time to the consideration of reality as such, outside the artificial scenarios of prose theaters , the cinema of recent decades seems in some way to return to a rejection of reality, and, what is even more serious, to be able to do so without returning to the confines of the factories, but by cloaking itself in settings and photographic characteristics that are highly plausible and only apparently inspired by the truth . In other words, cinema demonstrates that it has managed to absorb the neorealistic message and then bypass it, ending up telling only small portions of the real world that were planned on paper, politically correct or measured along the lines of a common feeling. Except obviously for some rare exceptions, one has the impression of stagnating in the usual stories, in the usual dialogues, in the usual contrite emotions, without ever being able to see beyond. Can we perhaps think that only great events, be they wars or devastations of any kind, can be worthy of note for a cinema that intends to tell reality? Or is there also an ordinary, everyday reality, apparently motionless, but rich in nuances, contrasts and profound anxieties that deserves equal attention? Where do those anxieties actually arise? Are they simply an intimate effect of the economic-political order, or are there more hidden reasons that invade the psychic and spiritual sphere of the contemporary world? Which cinema, theater or literature really addresses these questions? So how can we describe this chameleon-like contemporaneity? The Chameleon Film Festival therefore aims to give space to those new authors who know how to tell glimpses of contemporary everyday life in their films, piercing the veil of appearances, of the obvious, of the obvious, of the already seen and the already said. Works produced after January 1, 2020, of any genre and theme (comedy, drama, horror, science fiction, fantasy, documentary) are accepted as long as they are relevant to the substantial requirement of the Festival: the story of contemporary reality. Works that promote forms of racism, intolerance or pornography will not be taken into consideration. Feature films over 50 minutes, documentaries of any length and short films with a duration of no more than 30 minutes are admitted, including animated works. For the works presented in the Review Category there will be the possibility of obtaining an official critical review and an interview with the Director who will be given ample space on our website. The works must necessarily be subtitled in English in the case of non-Italian productions. A jury of experts and enthusiasts will view the films with a view free from the constraints of the market, from distribution impositions, from categories of thought, to reward the most deserving works and thus begin to form the Contemporary Library, a virtual audiovisual library that collects short films capable in some way of giving us an authentic and analytical image of the contemporary world.
Best Future Film
Best Short Film
Best Director
Best Screenplay
Best Leading Actor
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Best Soundtrack
Best Editing
Best Photography
Chameleon Special Award
Special Award of the Contemporary Critics
The Second Edition of the Chameleon Film Festival – Visions from the Contemporary will take place on a monthly basis. We will announce the selected films and the winners at the end of each deadline on our official website and on FilmFreeway, sending official laurels and certificates. The Festival will conclude with an annual event with live screenings. The works invited to the screening will be asked for: a high resolution file of the film, synopsis, press material, photo and bio-filmography of the director, still photos.
Works produced after January 1, 2020, of any genre and theme (comedy, drama, horror, science fiction, fantasy, documentary) are accepted as long as they are relevant to the substantial requirement of the Festival: the story of contemporary reality.
Works that promote forms of racism, intolerance or pornography will not be taken into consideration.
Feature films over 50 minutes, documentaries of any length and short films with a duration of no more than 30 minutes are admitted, including animated works.
For the works presented in the Review Category there will be the possibility of obtaining an official critical review and an interview with the Director who will be given ample space on our website.
A jury of experts and enthusiasts will view the films with a view free from the constraints of the market, from distribution impositions, from categories of thought, to reward the most deserving works and thus begin to form the Contemporary Library, a virtual audiovisual library that collects short films capable in some way of giving us an authentic and analytical image of the contemporary world.
The works must necessarily be subtitled in English in the case of non-Italian productions.
Sending the works implies acceptance of the Regulations. The decisions of the Festival Direction and the Jury will be final. All entries must be paid through the FilmFreeway platform. The fees are non-refundable.
Short Film
Corto y Largometrajes
PRO 23%
29 feb 24
31 may 24
31 jul 24
31 ago 24
Obtén un Pase Anual y ten el máximo descuento en las tasas de festivales e inscripciones
Fecha límite de inscripción
31 ago 24
Comedy, Horror, Drama, Documentary, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Animated, Music video.
Short films under 30 minutes.
Feature Film and Documentary
Corto y Largometrajes
PRO 23%
29 feb 24
31 may 24
31 jul 24
31 ago 24
Obtén un Pase Anual y ten el máximo descuento en las tasas de festivales e inscripciones
Fecha límite de inscripción
31 ago 24
Comedy, Horror, Drama, Documentary, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Animated.
Feature films over 50 minutes
Documentaries of any length
Corto y Largometrajes
PRO 23%
29 feb 24
31 may 24
31 jul 24
31 ago 24
Obtén un Pase Anual y ten el máximo descuento en las tasas de festivales e inscripciones
Fecha límite de inscripción
31 ago 24
Critical Reviews and Interviews with the director and the cast.
You will have the opportunity to obtain the Official Film Review and to enter our Contemporary Library - a virtual audiovisual library that collects short films capable of giving us an authentic and analytical image of the contemporary world, dedicating a special focus to the most deserving works.
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.
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